Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island -Full Details



Ilha de Santa Bárbara Island


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If you’re looking for a place to relax and rejuvenate, Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island is perfect for you. This beautiful island offers stunning scenery, plenty of activities to keep you entertained, and congenial people who make you feel at home from the moment you arrive.

Whether you’re spending days on the beach, exploring the lush rainforest, or taking a lazy stroll along the curving white-sand beaches, there’s something for everyone on Ilha Be Santa Bárbara.

Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island History

Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island History

Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island is a beautiful and untouched island that has been a destination for people all over the world for centuries. The first recorded inhabitants of the island were the Chumash, who inhabited it from about 1000 AD until around 1770 AD.

In 1811, Peter Sepulveda claimed Ilha Be Santa Bárbara as part of Mexico’s Claim to California and started farming it. In 1840, an American military expedition led by Robert Smillie landed on the island and became its first known permanent residents.

During World War II, Japanese troops occupied the island, built a POW camp and planted sugar cane plantations.

Ilha Be Santa Bárbara is owned by Mexico City’s Federal District (UDEMED) since 1833; it was in 1990 that Spain gifted the island to UDEMED as a goodwill gesture after signing an agreement with Mexico guaranteeing oil drilling rights on half of its territory. In 2009, ownership of Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island was transferred from UDEMED to Chumash Kavalakuna e’ Kaixca e’ Mu “Legal” Corporation which serves as the island’s governing body.

As a small island, its population is approximately 1000 people and 50% of this community are indigenous Chumash descendants on their original home island Santa Barbara Island in California (United States).

The indigenous group has managed to keep a number of its native plants, animals and languages alive since it was first inhabited by Native Americans around 1,000 years ago until the early 1900s when foreigners started re-populating the island with Mexican settlers.



The island has a dry, semi-arid climate with long and hot summers, mild winters and little rainfall. The temperature ranges from 26°C to 33°C (79°F to 91°F) in the summer months and between 2°C and 10 ° C (36.4 to 50.0 ° F) during wintertime.

Winters are cool, with daily maximums ranging between 20°C and 23 ° C (68.0 and 73.4 ° F) and minimum temperatures around 6 to 8 °-10 “C” (-7 to 50 Fahrenheit), while summers seldom rise above 28 – 33º Celsius (82 – 89˚F). The island gets most of its annual rainfall during the wet season in October at a rate about per month on many areas approximately .


Culture and Religion

The islanders have preserved their cultural traditions, language and arts through the centuries. Their lifestyle is based on fishing, hunting and gathering resources. The island’s economy revolves around tourism which has increased in recent years as a result of its natural beauty, peaceful atmosphere and friendly people.

The island has 3 traditional fishing villages, Santiago de Paula and Pescadero in the South Island village of Conception (San Benedicto), located in North Peninsula. Also there are 2 large hotels on top e’ Santa Barbara that overlook e’ island called Hotel El Rosario and Hotel del Coronado.



The island is a self-governing entity within the Mexican federal system. The island has a unicameral legislature, consisting of 11 elected deputies. Executive power is exercised by the president, who is directly elected by citizens in two nationwide elections: one for a four year term and another for a two year term. There also exists an appointed governor who serves at the pleasure of the President of Mexico.

Government services

Government Services

Government services are provided by the state, municipal and island governments. The island has its own judicial system, police force and armed forces. Healthcare is also provided by private sector hospitals.



There are a number of fish processing plants as well, which became largely concentrated in the 1940s. Tourism also plays an important economic role in e’ island resulting e’maginations and then development plans to assure tourist access coming from many countries like United States, Canada, China and Japan for more than 10 – 15 years now.

The new port is constructed since 2004 leading to significant inflows of foreign tourism into Santa Cruz island; this plan was funded by the Mexican federal government (Partido Democrático) with 70% ($50 million pesos paid after July 2005 ). In e’ island are a lot of tourism activities like: diving, sport fishing, local crafts and great scenery.


Ilha de Santa Bárbara Transportation

Santa Cruz island received a lot of attention from tourists due to its natural wonders, friendly people, and beautiful coastline. The island has a variety of tourist attractions that attract visitors from all over the world. Some popular tourist destinations on the island include:

El Rosario Beach, Peñas Blancas Cove, Las Agujas Volcanes National Park, Isla Ballena Wildlife Refuge, and La Laja de los Perros beach.


Ilha de Santa Bárbara Transportation

There are several airports located within the island including: Santa Cruz airport (SCZ), San Miguel de Allende airport (SMA ) and Apartado Postal 2301 airport (PSZ). Santa Cruz island is connected to Mexico City with a bus route, San Miguel de Allende 559 currently.


If you are looking for a tranquil getaway, Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island is definitely the place for you. This uninhabited island located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean is known for its clear waters, white sand beaches, and lush vegetation. With its unspoiled natural beauty and lack of development, Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island is the perfect place to relax and recharge your batteries.


1.What Are The Basic Services Available On Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island?

Ans: There are a number of basic services available on Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island, including medical care, health clinics, restaurants, hotel accommodation and more. You will also be able to find banks, schools and other essential amenities.

2.Is There Any Infrastructure On The Island?

Ans: Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island doesn’t have much infrastructure – just a few small villages that serve as places to buy supplies or get connected to the outside world. However, there is a small airstrip, a port and a marina on the island.

3.Is There Drinking Water Available?  What About Showering Facilities, Washing Machines Etc.?

Ans: Since Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island is uninhabited, you will not find good quality drinking or bathing water supplies like you would get in cities and towns with supply pipes for these utilities (at least during your stay). You can buy bottled mineral waters from local shops that have limited stock with no associated brand labels written on them to prove its authenticity – usually sold by weight rather than volume as this reduces waste effects on the island environment.

4.What Is The Climate On Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island?

Ans: Ilha Be Santa Bárbara Island experiences a tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging from 21°C to 31°C throughout the year. The weather can vary a lot depending on the time of year and location – so be prepared for all sorts of conditions!

5. Are There Any Currency Exchanges Available On The Island?

Ans: Yes, there are a number of currency exchange booths in various villages throughout the island.

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