All About of Ilot Salade Island- Which Will Help You To Travel



Ilot Salade


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Island life has its perks. After all, you can disconnect from the Noise of City Life, spend lazy days on the beach, and gorge yourself on delicious food that’s simply out of this world! And who could forget the stunning sunsets that always seem to make your day?

Ilot Salade Island is one of those paradises that’s perfect for anyone looking for a getaway. So, if you’re looking to escape the grind of city living and live a life filled with peace and tranquillity, Ilot Salade Island is the right destination for you!

All Discussion of Ilot Salade Island

Ilot Salade



Ilot Salade Island has a long and colorful history. Legend has it that the island was once home to a beautiful princess who found nothing more peaceful than living on the island surrounded by nature. The princess fell in love with a handsome prince, but they were never able to find each other due to their different lives.

One day, while walking along the beach, the prince saw her from afar and followed her back to Ilot Salade Island. Through Fate, they fell in love and got married on the very beach where it all began. Sadly, before their wedding could be realized there was a terrible rebellion that devastated Ilot Salade Island.



Ilot Salade Island is known for having a very tropical climate. The island has a humid and warm climate all year round, with average highs of 27°C and lows of 18°C. However, the best time to visit Ilot Salade Island would be during the dry season from November to April when temperatures are cooler at around 24-25 degrees Celsius and less humidity.

The island also experiences two seasons: rainy season (November to January) when it rains a lot and the island is packed with tourists, and dry season (April to June ) that often occurs before the land produces rain again.

Weather forecast for Ilot Salade Island  The wind on the island tends to be very low which doesn’t pose any problems when you’re sunbathing by its white sand beaches but can cause some discomfort during thunderstorms since winds blow from all directions throughout winter time.



The people of Ilot Salade are known for their friendly and warm nature. They enjoy making friends with visitors and love to share their culture with outsiders. They also use stones as if it were gold and like to greet each passer-by with a friendly wave.  Their houses are called ” lulu ” ,and in one end there are toilets and some homes have an indoor toilet, shower room, bed (sometimes two beds), sit down table. There is even a bar where the locals come together to chat over the most popular beverages they can offer you : Minti Muwa, Coc coli ala Mango and Cure-all.



Ilot Salade Island is a part of the Sogono Department in the Republic of Congo. The people living on Ilot Salade are mainly subsistence farmers who grow cassava, sweet potatoes, groundnuts, maize and other vegetables. A few families also engage in fishing. The island hosts activities such as a football pitch and soccer court.

They are also related to the Digoomba people who live in mainland Congo, but how they relate is undefined according to some oral history narrations that I recorded.

Government services

Government Services

There are no hospitals or clinics on the island, but a medical team that travels to Ilot Salade Island twice a year. The nearest hospital is in Boma. However, there is also an airstrip on the island which can be used by medical helicopters if necessary. In 2011, the village chief requested digging a concrete well in the mainland.

Apart from that there is also an airstrip on Ilot Salade Island for local use since some of them go to Cameroon Republic every year where they buy fish and other marine products with their wages locally.



Ilot Salade Island is not a current tourist destination due to the lack of infrastructure such as hotels, restaurants and recreational areas. However, in the future it might be developed as an eco-tourism destination because of its rare environment and the friendly people who live there. Entrepreneurs

The island is not yet identified as a potential business opportunity to the villagers either because of their community development needs or because they are uncertain about its economic benefits. However, if someone was willing to engage in creating commercial fields on Ilot Salade Island for example trading fish with neighboring villages and also build restaurants and hotels there.



There is no regular transport to reach the island, but in case of emergency a small boat can be used. Communication

No communication is done in the area, only by radio and mobile phone.

This village was visited from December 2013 to January 2014 with Chris Ruppenthal (USA) as my guide who learned the language of Bahasa Congo .


St Francis Island Cuisine

The cuisine is based on fish and vegetables, with a preference for palm oil over other oils.

Most villagers are farmers who grow cassava, maize, sweet potatoes and bananas. In addition they rear livestock such as chickens and pigs.



Ilot Salade Island has a variety of wildlife, including forest elephants, gorillas and chimpanzees. Personal needs Marine pollution is an environmental problem affecting the island and there are few sites for setting up waste disposal places.

There is also a need for more medical centers as most of villagers have diseases that require medication, but with no health center or even doctor in the area it might be difficult to provide this. Also, hygiene and sanitation fail at times on the island due to lack of basic equipment such a water pump between households.


Looking for a scrumptious and healthy salad recipe that won’t take up too much of your time and energy? Look no further than this ilot salade island! This dish is perfect for summertime, as it is bursting with flavour and is low in calories. The main ingredients are shredded greens, roasted tomatoes, and hard-boiled eggs.

This salad is also dairy free and gluten free, making it a great option for people with dietary restrictions. If you’re looking for a dish that will keep you full for hours, then this ilot salade island is the perfect option for you!


1.What Are The Transportation Options Available To Get To Ilot Salade Island?

Ans: There is not currently a direct transport link between Ilot Salade Island and the mainland, but there are numerous bus services that will take you there. Alternatively, you can use island ferries that depart from different ports around the island. Simply look up ferries to Ilot Salade Island and find the one that will best suit your travel needs.

2.What Should I Buy While In Reception At Emergency Room Hospital?

Ans: There is a pharmacy located at the hospital that sells food, drinks and other necessities. There are also supermarkets in different parts of the island if you wish to purchase more basic grocery items.

3.Where Can I Find Lighter Fuel?

Ans: There are petrol stations situated around various locations on all three main islands, Leyte and Samar. Although there may be one in Ilot Salade Island itself as well however this will likely not be marked with “Lighter ” due to the ongoing clean-up effort in San Fernando.

4.How Much Is A Traditional Wedding Normally?

Ans: A traditional wedding in Ilot Salade Island is likely to cost you a minimum of $5000. However, this does not include the island’s mangrove conservation program. This can nowadays garner up to an additional $1000 and at times takes more than one day.

5.How Much Are Cab Fares From Leyte?

Ans: You will be charged an initial fare of 50 Pesos for the car that you travel in.

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