Immortals Movie Faqs – Should Be Know



Immortals Faqs


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“Immortals” is a fantasy adventure film directed by Tarsem Singh and starring Henry Cavill, Freida Pinto, Stephen Dorff, Mickey Rourke, Kris Wu, and Luke Evans. The film was released on 20 August 2015 in the United States by Warner Bros. Pictures.

A sequel to the 2013 film “300”, it is based on Frank Miller’s graphic novel of the same name. This is a complete list of the questions that have been asked about “Immortals” in the media, on IMDB, and through our social media accounts. We will update this FAQ periodically as more questions come in.

Immortals Faqs

FAQs What Happens At The End Of The Movie Immortals?

FAQs What Happens At The End Of The Movie Immortals

At the end of the movie, we see Zeus and Hades fighting for control over Olympus. Zeus seems to be winning at first, but then Hades turns the tables on him and defeats him.

Zeus then disappears and it is unknown what happens to him. It is possible that he has been imprisoned or killed, or maybe he has found a new home among the mortals.

Who Is Theseus Fighting At the End of Immortals?

At the end of the movie, Theseus is fighting against the Minotaur. The Minotaur is a creature that was half man and half bull. Theseus is able to kill the Minotaur by cutting off its head with his sword.

Who Are the Gods At the End of Immortals?

Who Are the Gods at the End of Immortals

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on your beliefs. However, some people believe that the gods are those who have helped us throughout our lives and have been there for us when we needed them. Others believe that the gods are those who created the universe and everything in it.

Which God Was Killed by Zeus in Immortals?

Which God Was Killed by Zeus in Immortals

During the battle between Zeus and Hades, Theseus is fighting against the Minotaur. Theseus attacks it with his spear, he stabs it into its skull. It appears to die instantly (like a bull’s). The heart of Asklepius appeared in that area which implies him alive.

Is the Epirus Bow Real?

Is the Epirus Bow Real

The Epirus Bow is said to be a powerful weapon that was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is said to be able to shoot arrows up to 300 meters (984 feet) with great accuracy.

Some people believe that the Epirus Bow is real, while others believe it is just a myth. The truth may never be known, but if you are interested in purchasing one, it would be best to do your research first.

Is Ares Hera’s Son?

In Greek mythology, Ares is the personification of war. In The Chronicles of Narnia, he served as one of the Four Big People who threatened to take away Edmund’s power when they returned to their world in Terror and Triumph.

Ares was not Hera’s son (his mother was Amazon), but she did have a daughter named Eriphyle, which is possible Ares was the son of Poseidon.

Is Immortals a Sequel to 300?

Is Immortals a Sequel to 300

No. The man-versus-beast battles at the end of 300 are only in flashbacks, and there is no relationship between that battle and Theseus’ life against Ammon for the throne.

What Does Not Immortal Mean?

  1. Immortal does not mean that a person will never die. It simply means that they will not experience the natural process of death.
  2. Immortal does not mean that a person cannot be harmed or hurt in any way.
  3. Immortal does not mean that a person cannot feel pain or suffering.

Can Someone Who Is Immortal Be Killed?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual’s immortality. If an immortal is killed, then their soul would be destroyed and they would cease to exist in the physical world.

However, if an immortal is not killed but instead chooses to leave the physical world, then they may be able to reincarnate or exist in some other form outside of the physical world.

What Is the Root of the Immortal?

What Is the Root of the Immortal

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the interpretation of the root.

Some people believe that the root of the immortal is wisdom, while others believe that it is courage. Others believe that it is love. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal belief and what the root means to you.

Where Were the Immortals Filmed?

The filmmakers did not want to use any real locations and instead constructed much of the scene in fictional areas. For example, when.

Theseus is shown training his men, he goes through simulated combat on an armored horse while fighting with two opponents simultaneously.

Except for a single shot where they are standing outside of a city, they were all completely fictional as they could not be shot in a public area.

Does Netflix Have Immortals 2011?

Does Netflix Have Immortals 2011

Unfortunately, they do not as it was only released to theaters. However, you can watch the television series on DVD and other streaming services right now.

Is the Movie Immortals Based on Greek Mythology?

No, the movie Immortals is not based on Greek mythology. The story is set in a modern-day world and revolves around a group of immortal warriors who are recruited to fight against an evil god.

How Did Hyperion Get the Bow?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the particular story. However, some possible explanations include:

  1. Hyperion got the bow from his father who had obtained it from a legendary archer.
  2. Hyperion found the bow while exploring the forest and was able to master its use quickly.
  3. Hyperion found the bow while traveling and was able to use it to defeat his enemies.

Who Did Zeus Really Love?

Zeus loved many women, but the most famous one was Hera. Zeus and Hera had a very complicated relationship because she was always trying to get Zeus to divorce his other wives and marry her. One day, Zeus got so fed up with her that he threw her down from Olympus, which is where he lived. Hera landed on Earth in the form of a cow and became known as the goddess of cows.

Does Hera Ever Cheat on Zeus?

Does Hera Ever Cheat on Zeus

All over Greek art, you will see strong evidence of Hera’s intense unrequited love for Zeus. She pines away for him long after he has thrown her down from Olympus in a fit of rage.

What Was Hera’s Weapon?

There is no one answer to this question as different sources give different accounts of what Hera’s weapon was. However, some of the more popular myths about Hera’s weapon include:

  1. That she used a bow and arrow.
  2. That she had a shield with the head of a lion on it.
  3. That she had a spear that could pierce through mountains.

How Did Rhea Protect One of Her Babies?

There are many different ways that a mother can protect her baby. Some examples include:

  1. Putting the baby in a safe place: This could be inside the house, in a car, or somewhere else where the baby cannot get hurt.
  2. Making sure there is no danger around the baby: This means making sure there are no dangerous animals nearby, no windows that could be opened by accident, and no appliances that could fall on the baby.

How Did Poseidon Survive Cronus?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some say that Poseidon survived by transforming into a sea serpent, while others believe that he simply hid underwater until Cronus was distracted.

Who Overthrew Ouranos?

As it turns out, there are several spirits that say they overthrew Ouranos.

  1. The Titan Menoetius was succeeded by his son Tros and Titans Arges, Kronos (Zeus), Iapetus (Hades/Pluto).  Area mentions she was the successor of Menoetius, but they encountered each other after the overthrow.
  2. The Titans named Aegaeon defeated Cronus and seized power in some versions (Zeus), others say he built a wall around Cronos that trapped him on one side.


All of the questions were simple to locate on Google’s answer page. Good results got from using the term “Aladdin story” and looking up many of the minor details.

There are a few sites that claim to provide Aladdin-style lookup methods, but we noticed some details in both stories that are wrong.

The questions discussed above are the most basic of all of the concepts we studied, so I would suggest explaining them to children using quality resources.

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