Irma La Douce (1963) Movie FAQs




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Irritating, frustrating and intense, Irma is a story about four couples with issues – greed, lust, vengeance, obsession and passion – who try to escape to the Mediterranean coast for a carefree holiday.

But a series of unfortunate events and unforeseen incidents keep them unbalanced and in the end Irma sets in motion a chain of events that ruins their peace. A screwball comedy that captures the essence of a word living on the edge between love and hate.

All About Of Irma La Douce 1963 Movie

Irma La Douce (1963) Movie FAQs

Why Was This Movie Made and Who Was Involved in Its Making?

Irma La Douce was made by French film director Roger Vadim and it starred Leslie Caron, Maurice Ronet, Alain Delon and Jane Fonda. It is a comedy about four couples who go on a holiday to the Mediterranean coast but their plans fall apart because of their egos.

Who are some of the cast members?

Leslie Caron, Maurice Ronet, Alain Delon and Jane Fonda are the main cast members.

What Is the Storyline of Irma La Douce?

Irma la Douce’s story turns around four couples who come on a holiday to the Mediterranean coast, but their plans are doomed by their egos.

What Is the Mood of Irma La Douce?

The mood of Irma la Douce is intense and frustrating.

What Are the Short Reviews of Irma La Douce?

Some people love it and others find it irritating.

How Was the Response of Irma La Douce by Critics?

Critics had mixed opinions about this film. Some praised it as one of Vadim’s best film, but others suggested that all love stories have their flaws and if you like a particular kind of comedy then expect something different to be taken care off in another way.

It seems that a group opinion is required before we can reach an expectation or conclusion on anything concerning any given film, so in the case of Irma la Douce it is hard to say definitively what people think about it.

What Are Your Favorite Jack Lemmon Movies?

Some of my favorite Jack Lemmon movies include Some Like It Hot, The Apartment and Irma la Douce.

What Is Irma La Douce About?

Irma La Douce is a French film about four couples who go on a holiday to the Mediterranean coast but their plans fall apart because of their egos.

Where Was the Movie Irma La Douce Filmed?

Irma La Douce was filmed on the French Riviera.

What Is Shirley Maclaine’s Birthday?

Shirley MacLaine’s birthday is on December 26th.

What Does Irma La Douce Meaning?

Irma La Douce means “Irma the Beautiful.”

Where Was the Movie Irma La Douce Filmed?

Irma La Douce was filmed on the French Riviera.

Did Irma La Douce Win Any Awards?

Irma La Douce did not win any awards but it was well received by critics.

What Year Was Irma La Douce Made?

Irma La Douce was made in 1963.

Is it a comedy or a drama film?

This is a difficult question to answer as it depends on personal taste. However, generally speaking, comedy films are usually considered to be lighter in tone while drama films are typically darker in tone.

Why Do People Still Make Movies Like This Nowadays, and What’s Wrong With Them if They Do So?

There are many reasons why people still make movies like this nowadays, and what’s wrong with them if they do so.

Some of the reasons include:

  • People are nostalgic for older times and want to relive those memories through movies.
  • Movies can be a form of escapism, which can help people forget about their problems or stressors in their lives.
  • Movies can also be used as a way to promote political views or ideologies.
  • Movies can be used to explore different aspects of human life, such as love, relationships, and emotions.

Who Are the Main Characters in Irma La Douce?

Irma La Douce is a romantic comedy that follows the story of two people who have never met in real life but are sent to each other’s countries as part of a marriage scheme.

The main characters are:

  • Gaston, the arrogant and self-absorbed prince who is determined to win over the beautiful and independent Irma.
  • Irma, a vivacious and free-spirited woman who has never been forced into anything and is not interested in marrying someone she doesn’t love.
  • Rodolphe, Gaston’s handsome but lazy assistant who is tasked with finding Irma a husband.
  • Monsieur Thénardier, the scheming owner of a nightclub where the arranged marriage between Irma and Gaston will take place.

There are also minor characters such as:

  • The concierge at the hotel where Irma and Gaston are staying, Madame Doulcet;
  • The barman at Monsieur Thénardier’s nightclub, Jacques;
  • A wealthy man who wants to marry Irma for her money, M. de Charlus;
  • A journalist named Mme Verdurin who writes about high society events for her readers;

and many more.

How Did They Get Away With Making This Movie Without Censorship Back Then?

The answer to this question is quite complicated. There are a few factors that need to be considered when answering this question. First, the film was made in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which was a time when there was much more freedom of speech and expression.

Second, the movie was not released in theaters but instead it was distributed through video rental stores. This allowed people to watch it without censorship and without anyone knowing what they were watching.

Finally, the movie was not advertised heavily and therefore no one knew about it until years later when it started becoming popular on streaming services like Netflix.


Irma La Douce movie has now become a cult Japanese film. The film has been controversial for lots of reasons. One of the reasons is that the story and the setting are very similar to a famous French novel ‘Irma la Douce’ by Marcel Aymé.

Despite such controversies, the size and success of Irma La Douce movie can be attributed to its strong intertwined friendship, love, and trust among the main characters. The director Makoto Shinkai has been appreciated for his visual and emotional skill in expressing that emotional connection between the characters.

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