Isla de Coiba Island-You Have To Know



Isla de Coiba Island


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Isla de Coiba Island is an enchanting place that is often overlooked. Blessed with natural beauty and a rich cultural heritage, this island offers a unique experience that is hard to find elsewhere. With its unspoilt environment and abundance of wildlife, Isla de Coiba is a paradise for nature lovers.

Attractions on the island include whale-watching, diving, hiking, and cycling. You can also visit the historical sites like Fort San Felipe and San Nicolás de Barí.

Isla de Coiba Island History

Isla de Coiba Island

Isla de Coiba Island has a long and fascinating history. Originally inhabited by the Guaraní people, this island was first claimed by the Portuguese in 1534. It remained under Portuguese rule until 1815, when it was ceded to Spain as part of the Treaty of Fontainebleau.

In 1898, after Spain’s defeat in the Spanish-American War, Isla de Coiba became part of Cuba following its acquisition by Emperor William II of Germany as a imperial gift. It was not until 1976 that Fidel Castro announced Cuban independence from Spain and thus Isla de Coiba finally became a part of Cuba.

For details regarding the history, culture and monuments of Isla de Coiba Island, go to The History Page Coming of the Portuguese

Portuguese explorers visited Coiba Island in 1534, although they did not start settling in the island until 1630. In that same year, Pedro de Vera Galán and Garcia de Mercado founded San Germán village on Isla del Coco (then named Isla Seguidad). The settlement was built to act as a mining outpost for gold brought back from Brazil by Bacasio Saldias y Gautieres, who wrote about his journey there a few years later.

Guanabacoa Area is one of those places that has proved many times to a rich source of wealth, and it has been the main beneficiary of Cuban mining activities. This area was occupied by three groups: Juan de Pineda, Govo y Medina, who were attacked in 1630 , Cayax xvi Chuchuy’s commander on Coiba island .



The climate of Isla de Coiba is tropical, with rainfall throughout the year. The coolest month is January, with a temperature range of 16°C to 26°C, and the hottest month is July, with a temperature range of 29°C to 38°C. The island is blessed with a rich variety, providing for a great diversity of ecosystems.

The coast, part plains, marshes and forests ecoregion holds an extensive stretch of coastal mangroves along the coast line, which are known as “Green island“.



In terms of culture, Isla de Coiba is known for its tropical rainforest that preserves a great deal of animal and plant life. There are also many archaeological sites on the island, as well as interesting monuments and museums that showcase the rich history of this place. Ecology

Coiba island is located 16 km from the Cayo Santa Maria, a protective and considered biologically fragile island with an area of 132.41 hectares. It encompasses a wide variety of ecosystems that are classified as ecoregions: mangroves, palm groves, beaches – fussed by activities such as turtle banks (Turtinops).

The main endangered species include white-winged quail (“Odontophorus lucidus”), Cuban hawkmoth (“Biston discoideum”) and Chamaesyce Gulfensis; there may also be nesting sites of Green sea turtle (“Chelonia mydas”) and Loggerhead sea turtle.

Coiba island is also known as a place to go scuba diving in Mona e Libö, which are great coral Cays with very colorful reefs, full of small fishes and large amount of corals like cardinal Anemone fish or the Caribbean Coral reef egprotidon or green treesnail Aphanozis dragonioides (spotted from Texas).



Under the Cuban government, Isla de Coiba is part of the Parque Nacional Marino del Este. Administratively it belongs to the municipality of Santa Clara.

Government services

Government Services

There are no banks, post office or telephones on the island. The only government service is a health center that provides basic medical care.

There is potable water and electricity but little else. Wi-Fi, mobile phone signals and internet access, are best found in the capital city. Other island peaks can be reached by “Mission Motortransportes a Cubamóvil” or by ferry run from Cayo Santa Maria port of La Oliva (12 km from Coiba proper).



There are no tourism industries on the island, which is a great draw for eco-tourists. Visitors can find glimpses of wildlife in the mangroves and forests as well as clear cays like Mona e Libò with brightly colored coral reefs. There are also opportunities for cycling, kayaking, fishing and snorkeling.


Isla de Coiba is an enchanting place, unrivaled in the Caribbean. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular spot for tourists. With crystal-clear waters and a wealth of natural resources, Isla de Coiba is an ideal location for eco-tourism.

The island is also home to a large number of endangered species, making it an important conservation area. If you’re interested in visiting Isla de Coiba, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to get there, what to expect on the island, and what to do while you’re there.


1.How Can I Get To Isla De Coiba?

Ans: The easiest way to get to Isla de Coiba is by air. The island’s airport is located in Aguada, which is about an hour’s drive from the capital city of Havana. You can also sail there via the ferry service operated by MSC Cruises. Alternatively, you can take a bus or taxi from Havana City.

2.What Are Some Basic Things I Should Know Before Visiting Isla De Coiba?

Ans: Make sure your passport and travel insurance are valid for Cuba and include coverage for emergencies on the island. If you plan to bring a boat, make sure that your vessel is equipped with an engine and the necessary equipment.

3.What Does Isla De Coiba Have In Common With Yemaya?

Ans: Both islands are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, meaning they’re internationally recognized as unique places of cultural significance; They share similar ecosystems, including large numbers of endemic flora and fauna species found nowhere else on Earth; And both offer some excellent diving opportunities .

4.Which Island Should I Choose Based On Availability?

Ans: Isla de Cooba has a greater number of hotels, so you’ll be more likely to find vacancies during peak season (May through October). It’s still possible get accommodation in Aguada for the other three months but it will take longer and you won’t have as many options.

5.Where Are The Lodging Options On Isla De Coiba?

Ans: There are a variety of places to stay in Panama, ranging from the smallest island resorts and old hotels to new developments with modern facilities. Most travelers tend to book accommodations that aren’t beach front because they usually don’t have as many things such as restaurants, bars & stores nearby – but it depends what island you’re planning on visiting.

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