All About Of Isla De la Luna Island – Everything You Have to Know



Isla de la Luna Island


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Yes, Isla de la Luna Island is definitely a place to check out if you’re looking for an exotic destination! The island has a variety of activities and attractions that are sure to entertain visitors. Some of the most popular attractions on the island include the Bioluminescent Bay, the Safari Park, and the Dolphin Lagoon.

Visitors can also enjoy some delicious local food and drinks, or take a trip to one of the many beautiful beaches on the island.

Isla De la Luna Island History

Isla de la Luna Island

Isla de la Luna is a small island located in the Bay of Bengal off the coast of India. Originally inhabited by tribal people, it was colonized by the Portuguese in 1507 and became part of East India Company’s holdings.

In 1755, Isla de la Luna and several other nearby islands were annexed to French territory as a result of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, but reverted to British rule following Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo.

The island remained part of British India until 1947 when it was handed over to independent Bangladesh as part of its independence process. Isla de la Luna today is a tourist haven, with large numbers of islanders migrated to the mainland looking for work. Bangladesh has been a popular jumping point for many immigrants, particularly from Sri Lanka and Nepal, attracted by its booming economy.



Isla de la Luna has a Tropical monsoon climate, with average temperatures ranging from 29°C in January to 34°C in May. There is considerable rainfall throughout the year, averaging around 525 mm per year.

People and Culture


The island is home to a wide variety of people, with over 1.6 million living in the mainland area as well as another 100,000 islanders living near the coast on small islands nearby.  Canbera Island, also part of India’s Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, has nearly a quarter more inhabitants than the entire Puerto Rico population!

The people are mostly Muslim (70%” Iban headhunters) mixed with smaller Hindu temples including Thangkhanha Temple founded by Maharaja Kishore many years ago; this temple was recently closed down, most islanders were not happy with the closure and even began a new campaign to reopen it.

Other than this island has only a small Hindu temple in Nuiyuan Village, which also belonged to great Maharaja Kishore of Canbera Island (mainland). Isla de la Luna is known for its bamboo farming along the coast; these people are called Sakaiu or Suruhanis – their main export comes from the land itself when growing eucalyptus plants for export around India.



The island has a rich culture, with art and music playing an important part in everyday life. There are festivals every week, and many islanders enjoy going to the theater or cinema.

The island is also home to a number of carefully preserved traditional agricultural villages, where people continue to live exactly as they have for centuries. Education: island has a total of five schools, one is an International Baccalaureate school inside a Christian School co-educational system.

There are three primary schools and two secondary schools on the island administered by Church Island Education Council (CIE). The first private high school was started in 1997, while there is also one private nursing college which opened in 2007; it caters to only 1-2 students per course.



The island is a self-governing Commonwealth realm with its own parliament, the legislature of which is made up of 12 members elected from single-member constituencies. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, acts as her representative on the island. A Committee of Council, one-quarter the size of a full Chamber, represents islanders at national and international levels.

The island is known for its unique customs that has no resemblance with other cultures around the world. Due to this reason most of the population lives here without being able to go or visit any country outside; they rely on their home island by living off fishing as well as recruitment from relatives who live in mainland England,

India and across Asia Islands. The land area would be divided into bao chad ma muea taung village which means “four seas’ ‘ while eucalyptus, the island’s main crop, is a cash crop.

Government Services

Government services

The island is served by a single police station and no hospital, but there are Auxiliary Health Services (AHS) available in the four main villages. There is also a small commercial centre, but limited retail provision elsewhere on the island.

Church Island has its own postal service operated by Royal Mail which delivers mail to residents once a week. Internet access is provided via satellite link and there are two telephone boxes for public use.



Church island is a popular tourist destination, with visitors from around the world. The island’s attractions include its natural beauty, the ancient monasteries and churches that are scattered throughout it, and its relaxed atmosphere.

The official tourism website for Church Island provides information about visitor services and accommodation on the island.


Isla de la Luna Island is a 4.5-hectare private estate located in the Santa Catalina Channel, off the coast of the city of Avalon, in the province of Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands. The island, formed by a volcanic eruption over 5,000 years ago, is currently used as a private residence and for leisure activities such as horse riding and golf.


1.What Are The Transportation Options To Get To Isla De La Luna Island?

Ans: There is a private ferry that can take visitors from Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, or Tenerife. Alternatively, you can take a taxi or bus.

2.What Are The Costs Associated With Visiting Isla De La Luna Island?

Ans: Visitors should expect to pay around €30 per person for admission and island-wide activities such as horse riding or golfing. There is also a range of restaurant options available on the island which will cost an additional amount.

3.What Are The Conservation Efforts Underway On Isla De La Luna Island?

Ans: The island is home to a variety of flora and fauna, which are currently under protection. The island has also been designated as a Special Area for Conservation, which means that it is dedicated to the preservation of its natural environment.

4.What Is The History Of Isla De La Luna Island?

Ans: The island has a long and varied history, which can be traced back to the 5,000-year-old volcanic eruption that created it. Over time, it has been used as a private residence, a horse ranch, and a fishing port. Today, it is home to a range of leisure activities such as golfing and swimming in the Bioluminescent Bay.

5.What Are Some Popular Attractions On Isla De La Luna Island?

Ans: Some popular attractions on Isla de la Luna Island include the Safari Park , Bioluminescent Bay, and a lagoon.

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