Isla Robinsón Crusoe Island-You Have To Know



Isla Robinsón Crusoe Island


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Isla Robinsón Crusoe Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica. It was discovered on November 24, 1631 by Spanish explorer Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdés and named Isla de San Salvador. In 1775, the island was rediscovered by British captain James Cook and named Isla de la Cruz.

Isla Robinsón Crusoe Island History

Isla Robinsón Crusoe Island

Isla Robinsón Crusoe Island was discovered on November 24, 1631 by Spanish explorer Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdés. The island was named Isla de San Salvador and remained uninhabited until 1775 when British captain James Cook rediscovered the island and renamed it Isla de la Cruz. Since then, only a few humans have visited the island.



Isla Robinsón Crusoe is currently unspoiled and offers tourists an opportunity to experience jungle exploration, wildlife viewing, kayaking, sailing, camping and hiking. The island is accessible by a 1,200 series aluminum boat that takes around 7-10 minutes to reach the island.

Visitors must apply for eBird account number (not ID) at least 2 weeks in advance of their visit – contact or make a comment on our eBird Central spreadsheet report, this automatically triggers new information about visits and species seen per individual from both visitor & local citizen scientists reporting regularly after 2009 Spring wild bird counts!

Once they establish biodiversity status requirements please also check our database specific web pages like EBSCOhost keywords LC , NP.

eBird, state & county status summaries for LC can be found on our EBSCOhost keyword page (search by Subject Keyword) eBird Guides recommendations in English, Spanish and Portuguese language from NBB have lots of species descriptions, maps and other biodiversity data – search online bookstore or zooBirds CostaRican birds map (large scrollable map includes coordinates to Isla Robinsón Crusoe island with its access point pictured as a yellow dot).



The island has a hot and humid climate. The temperature can reach as high as 90°F (32 °C). The island is protected from the trade winds making for a cooler, and less humid climate in general. There are no distinct seasons, with temperatures never falling below 70f during winter months to near 58f degrees during summer months.

Being located off the Northern coast of Costa Rica, locals say that Isla Robinsón warmest season lasts 5-6 weeks between January & March where tropical downpours frequently suppresses vegetation growth on most surfaces leaving them damp or wet till recently this Island was discovered by Chris Martin back in September 2014, it was reported by eBird Bloggers that a team of scientists had finally visited the island February 2016, to meet with and confirm an ever-growing new species populations on our previously unknown island.

The island is only accessible 25 miles North from San José, Costa Rica’s Capital city where there are no major settlements and only the southern part( smaller in size) has been surveyed for bird species mention below (80km).



The majority of the island’s 300 residents are subsistence farmers, growing beans, corn, sweet potatoes and bananas. Fishing is a common activity as well.

There is no telephone service on the island; all communications are by boat or through good old fashioned mail. The islanders, who are mostly of Miskito descent, consume and produce a lot more than just food for themselves; there is a small industry making handicrafts.



The island is a part of the country of Costa Rica. However, the islanders believed that a national park or preservation area should be established to protect this new protected tropical island.

Government Services

Government services


The island is within the municipality of Heredia, which is in the province of San José. There are no government services on Isla Robinsón other than basic health and education services that are provided by Costa Rica’s central government.



The island has a small, but growing, economy based on subsistence farming and tourism. A small number of tourists visit the island each year to see the natural beauty and wildlife; however, most visitors come for its proximity to San José—the capital city—and because it is one stop before reaching cruise ships sailing along Costa Rica’s Pacific coast.

There are no major resorts or hotels on island, but an eco-resort has recently opened and is known for its variety of exotic animals kept in a large enclosure featuring 3 iguanas and 22 snakes.



Isla Robinsón has been designated a national park and is not open to private tourism. The island lies within the Heredia municipality, which has a population of around 43,000 people.

Most of the island’s inhabitants are subsistence farmers who grow beans, corn, sweet potatoes and bananas; there is also a small industry producing handicrafts. There are no government services on Isla Robinsón other than basic health and education services that are provided by Costa Rica’s central government.



Isla Robinsón is one of the most biologically diverse islands in Central America with more than 170 species of trees and over 40 species of birds, including scarlet macaws. There are three national parks on the island: Bahía las Marinas, Monteverde Cloud Forest, and Santa Elena Cloud Forest.


Isla Robinsón Crusoe Island is a Chilean island located off the coast of South America and administratively part of Tierra del Fuego Province. The island was discovered on October 12, 1520, and named after Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama.

The island is notable for its rugged geology, including the presence of five volcanoes. Isla Robinsón Crusoe was first settled by the Spanish in 1774, but the population was quickly depleted by endemic disease and famine. In 1820, the British established a penal colony on the island.


1.What Currency Is Used In Isla Robinsón Crusoe?

Ans: The island uses the Chilean peso as its currency.

2.Does Drinking Water Exist On Isla Robinsón Crusoe?

Ans: Drinking water does not currently exist on the island, but a desalination plant is currently under construction to provide freshwater for residents and visitors.

3.How Often Are New Services Or Facilities Provided On Isla Robinsón Crusoe?

Ans: A number of new services and facilities are periodically provided on the island, including ferry service between Santiago de Chile and Ushuaia, Argentina, in addition to a new harbor.

4.At What Level Of Income Can One Live On Isla Robinsón Crusoe?

Ans: The island is a destination maintained by the Chilean government, meaning that it supports itself through its tourism sector rather than relying upon private businesses and resources such as fisheries or energy industries.

The island has self-sustaining mechanisms including houses constructed from locally sourced timber, which are rented at market rate without utilities included since they would just be consumed anyway (and even generally eat up power when active).

5.What Language Is Spoken On Isla Robinsón Crusoe?

Ans: The island is primarily Spanish-speaking, with a small number of British expats and Chilean immigrants.

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