All About Of Isla Tiburón Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Isla Tiburón Island


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Isla Tiburón Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of California. The island measures only 13.2 hectares, but it is known for its dramatic and captivating scenery.

With its white-sand beaches and rocky outcrops, the island has an unspoiled beauty that makes it a popular tourist destination for photographers, videographers, and nature lovers.

All About Of Isla Tiburón Island

Isla Tiburón Island



Isla Tiburón Island is located in the Gulf of California, and it was first discovered by Spanish explorers in 1542.

The island was named after a shark that is said to have attacked one of the ship’s sailors while they were exploring the area. Although Tiburon Island has never been inhabited, it has been used as a military base since World War II.

Today, Isla Tiburón Island is an unspoiled paradise that can be visited by tourists who enjoy kayaking, hiking, and photography. The island also contains several natural habitats including coral reefs and the island’s dry salt lake. It is a popular spot for divers, fishermen, and local naturalists.



The climate on Isla Tiburón Island is tropical. The average temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, and the island experiences only a few hours of sunlight each day.

Fauna and Flora

Fauna and Flora

Isla Tiburon is home to numerous endangered species, including the island’s namesake shark, which has been extinct on the mainland of Mexico since 1900.

As a result of growing numbers of tourists visiting Isla Tiburón Island every year, nonvenomous “Pacific whitebait” have migrated from Chile into northern partsof the island as a new food source for fish predators such as sea eaglesand crested boobies.

The island is also popular with bird lovers who are tempted by its large number of endemic interesting birds (see Tsiroan , Antillan, and other endemic birds)

The island is famous for the plants found in its dry salt lake. There are many kinds of desert flora that can be seen on the island, such as prickly pear cacti, yuccas with pink waxy flowers a bird’s nest cycads and more jutting from dried out trees like fossils.

Scorpion larkspur”s growing among these plants provide a rare opportunity to see them blossoming year round ¡°except during an insect plagueª”.

Even though Isla Tiburon has no fresh water springs or rivers , it is noted for the presence of whale sharks, whose arrival generates a lot more interest than that of mere shark-eating tourists.

Considered to be one of the three island groups in Revillagigedo Archipelago, Isla Tiburon’s biodiversity far exceeds that of other islands within these waters.



Isla Tiburon has no formal culture, but the people of Isla Tiburón Island have a rich tradition that can be seen in their artwork. One example is a ceremonial machete (known as “cuerna de plata”), which is used during important dances and events.



The main resource on Isla Tiburón Island is salt, which played an important role in ancient societies in the area.

Today, salt production remains an important part of island life, with small-scale operations harvesting salt from underground deposits , and is shipped to markets in other portions of Mexico and the United States.

There are also small, private industries such as a bakery, a store run by Gaby (a fisherman), several restaurants on Isla Tiburón Island owned by island residents, farm-stands selling local produce including “ayres de cielo”, which can be considered the island’s most notable product. A popular dish that involves salt is caracol (sea snail).

There are no tourists but there have been fishermen for many years using their boats for getting to this beautiful island .

Many people come to Isla Tiburon island, often because of its beauty. Island residents understand this and act very appreciative and delighted when visitors arrive on the island.



Politically, Isla Tiburon is part of the municipality and district of Santa Cruz del Sur. The island has no development of its own and any utility services are brought in by boat, which often means that Isla Tiburon can have few governmental benefits.



The island is a very small community and, although there are many families who live on the island today, in 1950 their numbers were around fifty.

Because of this fact and also because they had no other product aside from salt , most of Isla Tiburon’s residents earned money as fishermen .

After Spain abandoned the island between 1836 – 1840, it was used by fishermen only until being sold to Mexico through arbitration during 1863 (at which time 55 out-of-use terraces still existed).

This new arrival increased villagers’ lives fivefold for about six years before dying off due to food shortages , epidemics, and the island’s remoteness.

After that, few families on Isla Tiburon recognized the fact of living there as a self-sufficient community again. The large number of small cottages has faded however probably due to visitors’ appreciation.

Government Services

Government Services

Isla Tiburon does not have a government of its own, instead relying on the Municipality of Santa Cruz del Sur for any governmental benefits.

This includes things like police and fire protection . Electricity has not yet been installed on the island, so electricity is brought in either by boat or through generators.

Healthcare And Education

Healthcare and education

There are no schools of their own, but families can register their children when they become close to Isla Tiburon’s maximum flight distance (from Bocas del Toro ).

There isn’t any health care at all besides a doctor who comes once every month. The main source of food on Isla Tiburon is rice made with oats grown locally called arroz de grano tibio.

These days most farmers use non-native crops that bring in a much larger profit, like corn and sorghum due to their success rate.


Isla Tiburón is a volcanic island located in the the Gulf of California, off the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. The island is 229 kilometers (142 mi) long and 115 kilometers (71 mi) wide, with a total area of 2,130 square kilometers (859 sq mi).

The Tiburón Island National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1994 to protect the island’s endemic wildlife.


1.What Is The Climate On Tiburón Island?

Ans: The climate on Tiburón Island is subtropical, with a dry and mild winter and hot, humid summers.

2.Is Tiburón An Island Or A Peninsula?

Ans: Tiburon is actually an island located in the Gulf of California.  It’s only 13.2 hectares in size but it’s well known for its dramatic and captivating scenery.

With its white-sand beaches and rocky outcrops, the island has an unspoiled beauty that makes it a popular tourist destination for photographers, vide ographers, and nature lovers.

3.What Is A Ferry? How Do You Book One?

Ans: On Tiburón Island – You can get to island by your own bicycle or on a kayak rented in El Rosario  or at any of the travel agencies located on the peninsula that connects Mexico with Baja California Sur (Peninsula de Sisal). Also, there are several tour operators who offer guided tours from Guaymas daily.

4.Do I Need A Vehicle To Get There?

Ans: You can island by your own bicycle or on a kayak.

5.How Long Will It Take To Get To Tiburón Island?

Ans: Depending on the time of year, you can expect to arrive on Tiburón Island between 2 and 4 hours.

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