Isla Victoria Island-You Have To Know



Isla Victoria Island


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Isla Victoria is one of the most enchanting places you can go to in the Caribbean. Nestled between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, it is home to lush rainforests, crystal-clear waters, and white sand beaches.

With a population of just over 5,000 people, there is plenty to do and see on this small island. Here are five reasons why you should add Isla Victoria to your travel plans this year!

Isla Victoria Island


Isla Victoria was first settled by the Taíno people in the 16th century. It remained uninhabited until Christopher Columbus arrived on its shores in 1493, and thereafter became a valuable stopover for Spanish treasure ships travelling between Europe and America. The island’s history is rich and colourful, with a number of interesting sites to explore including Fort San Felipe de Barajas, which housed a prison during colonial times, and Castillo de la Real Fuerza (the Royal Fortress).



Isla Victoria is home to some of the most impressive natural attractions in the Caribbean, including the island’s enormous savannah, Léogâne National Park (it is home to a variety of rare animals) and turtle nesting beaches. If you are lucky enough to be able to explore this part of the island during one of its frequent ebb tides, then you will also have an opportunity for spotting swaying rope bridges here!

At nightfall there is nothing better than watching the spectacular sunsets on Isla Victoria. On a clear day it has been reported that even in partial cloudiness these special spectacles can still seen!



The island enjoys a hot, humid climate year-round. This is perfect for relaxing on the beaches or exploring the natural attractions, but may not be ideal if you are looking for winter sports options.

Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Local food here is typically based around seafood – lobster, crab, shrimp and fish are all common items on menus – and there is a great variety to choose from. If you’re feeling more adventurous though then you can try some of the island’s famous black beans or savory rice dishes!

Language and Customs

Language and Customs

Local islanders speak a dialect of French, whose closest equivalents are Haitian Creole and African-derived Jèrriais. Don’t be put off by the locals’ surprisingly deep voices, however – for all their love of beer they can actually be very chatty!



Isla Victoria is home to a number of traditional and religious festivals, some of which are unique to the island. One such festival, La Feria de Santa Ana (Saint Anne’s Fair), takes place every November and features street dancing, parades and fireworks displays – it’s an event not to be missed!

Of course, there is also much to enjoy here if you are more interested in sightseeing than partying – Léogâne National Park is a great place for exploring rainforest trails or admiring the stunning views from atop mountaintops.



The island’s government is a parliamentary democracy, and it uses the French currency (the euro). It has no overseas representation of its own, instead belonging to a cultural association (Grupo de Francias Occidentales) that includes most islands of the Caribbean. Religion

Most islanders are Catholic and their religion is highly important to them. You can easily spot Saint Ann’s day just by walking down the main beachfront street on Léogâne, because vendors will be selling prayer cards and religious symbols far more than any other kind of merchandise!

Pedro Cossa Airport (PJH), also known as San Francisco Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport , serves Léogâne . The airport has one paved runway that is capable for handling large transport planes, but small private jets use a parallel tarmac further back , that is not very well equipped. In all, it has a cement terminal building and two hangars (one of which was refurbished in 2015) as well as offices on both sides of the runway.

Saint Ann’s first international flight arrived here in 1929, when Cubana de Aviación operated flights to Havana twice weekly between 1928 and 1930. Conair Freighters continue this tradition by flying regularly with relatives and friends back home (ranging from Miami via Houston – 3 weekly timeslots).

Government services

Government Services

The island has a hospital, police force, post office and bank. There is no airport shuttle service but taxis are readily available. Electricity is supplied by diesel generators that run on oil or liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The island’s only telephone company, IslaCell , offers mobile phone service with GSM/GPRS SIM cards bought at local kiosks or supermarkets. There is no Internet access on the island though you can find WiFi hotspots in most public places including beaches and parks .

Food, water and fuel are difficult to find on the island due to a lack of infrastructure. Food is stored in canning jars or freezer bags that are safe (as long as they have not been opened). The locals usually drink made-to-order coconut milk, mate de agua gandul (a noxious drunkard’s brew) or pure alcohol with lemonade flavoring called pisco sour .



There is very limited tourism on Saint Ann, most visitors coming for the relatively short fly-in/fly-out service with Conair Freighters to connect with family and friends back home.

Island tours are available from San Juan, Puerto Rico but they require a rental car as there are no taxis or public transportation on the island .


Isla Victoria Island is a small and secluded island located in the Gulf of California. It is accessible only by boat and has a number of exclusive resorts and villas that offer guests an unforgettable experience. With crystal-clear water, white sand beaches, lush vegetation, and stunning views, Isla Victoria Island is a paradise for all nature lovers.


1 . How Long Will It Take To Get To Isla Victoria From The Mainland?

It can take around two days by boat.

  1. What Are The Transportation Options Available On Island?

There are a number of private boats that ferry guests between Isla Victoria and the main island, Hispaniola. There is also an airstrip on island which offers regular flights to both Santo Domingo and Kingston, Jamaica.

  1. Are There Any Accommodations Available On Isla Victoria Island?

Yes, there are a number of exclusive resorts and villas that offer guests an unforgettable experience.

  1. Is There A Currency Exchange?

There is an exclusive bank on island, located in the Treasury Building (building B). Guests can draw US$100 at any of these locations as well, but they need to do so in person and provide valid identification documents such as passport or driver’s license before converting money into Pesos Dominicano Dollars.

5 . What Are The Best Times To Visit Isla Victoria Island?

The island experiences a moderate climate, so visitors can enjoy the island year-round. The peak season is from December to April, when temperatures range between 27-32 degrees Celsius and rainfall is sporadic.

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