Category: Island

  • Fitzroy Island

    Fitzroy Island

    Fitzroy Island is a small uninhabited island in the Tasman Sea, about 160 kilometres northeast of Hobart, the capital of Tasmania. The island is part of the Australian National Park, and is designated as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International because it supports breeding seabirds. It is also home to the only mainland population…

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  • King Island

    King Island

    If you’re looking for an escape, King Island is the perfect destination. With its tranquil beauty, sparkling seas, and lush landscape, it’s no wonder this island has drawn tourists from all over the world. But what most people don’t know is that King Island is also home to some of the most advanced and cutting-edge…

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  • Velifinolhu Island

    Velifinolhu Island Everything You Need to Know!

    Velifinolhu Island is an uninhabited island located in the Fiji archipelago. It is about 2.5 km long and 0.5 km wide and has an area of about 11 hectares. The island is a nesting ground for the brown booby bird, as well as a site for seabird breeding and research. History   Velifinolhu Island is…

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  • Hat Island

    Hat Island

    Hats have been around since ancient times, but the modern hat industry didn’t take off until the late 1800s. Hats were originally worn to keep heads and ears warm, but they soon became symbols of fashion and style. Women began wearing hats to show off their hair, and men started wearing them to show off…

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  • Alcock Island

    Alcock Island-You Have To Know

    After a long and arduous journey, that lasted almost seven months, one of the two ships carrying the First Fleet of British colonists set foot on Australian soil in December 1788. The other one, the Alcock, was sent ahead to wait for the winds that would take the fleet to Port Jackson. After a total…

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  • Balsha Island

    Balsha Island-You Have To Know

    Balsha Island is a small and isolated Indian island located in the middle of the Bay of Bengal. It is known for its rich biodiversity and its diverse culture. The people of Balsha Island are known for their traditional clothing, their customs, their music, and their dance. Balsha Island History Balshas (as per their name…

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  • Similan Islands

    All About Of Similan Islands – Everything You Need to Know

    The Similan Islands are a series of limestone islands in the Andaman Sea off the coast of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The islands are located about 160 km (99 mi) north-northwest of Port Blair. Administratively, they form a Union Territory of India administered by the Government of India. The territory is home to…

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  • Thakandhoo Island

    All About Of Thakandhoo Island – Everything You Need to Know!

    Thakandhoo Island is a small and picturesque island located in the Andaman Sea. The island is home to a few of the world’s rarest animal species, such as the Andaman bear and the Asian elephant. The island is also known for its beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters. All About Of Thakandhoo Island History Thakandhoo…

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  • Conanicut Island

    Conanicut Island -Everything you have to know

    Conanicut Island is the largest of the Long Island Islands and is located in the middle of New England, about 25 miles (40 km) off the coast of Connecticut. The island is 64 miles (103 km) long and 14 miles (22 km) wide, making it larger than Manhattan. The island was first settled by the…

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  • Faon Island

    Faon Island-Everything You Need to Know!

    Faon Island is a small private island located in the Gulf of Mexico. It was purchased in the early 2000s by Ronnie and Marsha Green, who renamed the island Faon Island after their daughter. The Greens aimed to create a sanctuary for animals, and they have since expanded their mission to include environmental education. The…

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