Islas Picton Lennox y Nueva Island



Islas Picton Lennox y Nueva Island


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Lennox y Nueva Island is a group of small islands located in the Gulf of California, about 268 kilometres east of the Salton Sea, and about 185 kilometres south of Baja California. The islands are part of the Gulf Islands National Wildlife Refuge, and are part of the Lower Colorado River System.

Administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the Channel Islands National Park, Lennox y Nueva Island is a popular tourist destination for bird-watchers and kayakers.

Islas Picton Lennox y Nueva Island History

Islas Picton Lennox y Nueva Island

Lennox y Nueva Island, named for Alexander Lennox, 3rd Duke of Richmond, and the island’s other discoverer George Neeve, was first explored in 1822 by a military expedition led by José Antonio Maria de Echeandia.

The island group was acquired as part of Gulf Islands National Wildlife Refuge in 1966. Kayaking on these islands is popular with tourists due to their isolation from other human development and because many species of birds can be seen there such as American white pelicans, Frigatebirds and the endangered Channel Island pierrot.

There are no one way trails. Instead, a series of small connecting ports can be found throughout the island chain, allowing visitors to explore different areas at their own pace with minimal pressure or expectations.

The etymology is complicated and comes in two forms; Lennox Island (“Isla de Lenno”)and Neeve Islands (“Islas de Mila”); it’s thought to mean “enclosure” (lenno) and that each island gets its name from an individual who traveled there first (the Duke of Richmond in 1792 coming over several days across 49 miles before he even saw a island, and George Neeve, who worked for G. A.

Beale on the Charles Viese of 1851/2 crossing 125 miles in from just off Point San Vicente before he even knew there were islands). The two etymologies are both equally valid and equally unlikely despite being kept as is by nearly all modern work about it (and one variant is always noted).



The Gulf Islands have a humid subtropical climate, with most days having some degree of sun. Summers are long and hot, winters short but cold. The island chain remains below mean high water temperature (or, approximately at the head of British Columbia) which means that Gulf Islander both have a longer growing season and warmer winters than farther north in Canada.



The culture of the Gulf Islands is very diverse, with a rich history and heritage. The islanders have a tradition of oral storytelling, as well as a significant contribution to Canadian musical theatre. There are also traditional arts such as painting, pottery and sculpture – most famously in the form of unique carvings on Lennox Island’s eagle statues known collectively as “eagle sculptures”.



Tourism is the primary economic driver on the Gulf Islands, accounting for more than 50% of all employment. Major employers include tourism services (particularly accommodation), food and beverage establishments, retail , fishing and transportation.

Whitefish Lodge & Spa, located in the town of Ucluelet is a 5-Star resort with 143 rooms, 25 immaculate suites, an exceptional spa and dining that helps to create a special holiday experience. This island chain has many such assets; however they are sometimes overpriced for tourism (especially because there are so few places available).

Most people who stay on the Gulf island can get very reasonable accommodation and food deals if they do some research into their visit (and this number decreases as you move further north by ferry or plane releases)

While tourism dominates, there are a number of fairly well paying businesses that operate in Gulf Islands such as the commercial port at Ucluelet, various island businesses and fishing operations. There is also an active farming community on Salt Spring Island with a large clover-broccoli operation (Sugar Mountain) which illustrates the region’s diverse economic drivers.



The Gulf Islands are a stronghold for the New Democratic Party, having been represented in provincial and federal politics by members of the NDP since its formation in 1961. The only exception is Salt Spring Island, which until 2009 was a member of the Canadian Alliance.

Municipal elections on these islands occur every four years; however island council representation can vary greatly due to population density and size (e.g., Ucluelet has nine representatives while Salt Spring has only one).

Government Services

Government services


The Gulf Islands have a single-tier, municipal government. Municipal services are provided by the respective island councils, which are responsible for zoning and land use, public works (maintenance of roads and bridges), community development, police and fire protection, water supply and sanitation.



The Gulf Islands are a popular tourist destination for Canadians, with significant numbers of visitors arriving via ferry or plane. The islands are well known for their natural beauty, rugged terrain and crystal-clear waters; they also offer a variety of recreational activities, such as hiking, boating and fishing.

Islands popular with tourists include Galiano, Salt Spring Island and the San Juan Islands. Other islands are utilized by native islanders for fishing, farming or other seasonal activities. The large number of whales (particularly humpbacks) that frequent the area make whale-watching a year-round attraction in addition to seeing eagles and porpoises as they visit their nests around shorelines every day.[2]


Lennox y Nueva Island, also known as Islas Picton, is a group of three small islands in the Pacific Ocean belonging to the country of New Zealand. The islands are situated northeast of Auckland and are part of the Kermadec Islands sub-region. The total land area of Islas Picton is just 0.19 square kilometres and the highest point, Mt Gibraltar, is just 73 metres above sea level.

The climate is subtropical with mild winters and hot summers. The population of Lennox y Nueva Island is just under 100 people and there is no public access to the islands.


1 .What Is The Population Of Lennox Y Nueva Island?

Ans: The population of Lennox y Nueva Island is just under 100 people.

2.Who Administers Lennox Y Nueva Island?

Ans: Lennox y Nueva island belongs to New Zealand and is administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the Channel Islands National Park.

3.How Much Land Area Does Islas Picton Have?

Ans: Islas Picton has a total land area of just 0.19 square kilometres, which makes it one of the smallest islands in the world.

4.What Is The Climate Like On Lennox Y Nueva Island?

Ans: The climate on Lennox y Nueva island is subtropical with mild winters and hot summers.

5.Is There Public Access To Lennox Y Nueva Island?

Ans: There is no public access to Lennox y Nueva island, which makes it a popular tourist destination for bird-watchers and kayakers.

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