JFK 1991 Movie Meaning and Ending Explained



JFK 1991 Movie Meaning and Ending Explained


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The movie JFK is based on the murder of John F. Kennedy in 1963, which was one of America’s most significant events in history. The film is set primarily at Jim Garrison’s office and features his investigation into the matter as he attempts to determine if there was a conspiracy or not.

While he was interviewing witnesses that may have helped him reach this conclusion, such as Lee Oswald, Sandra Good, Clay Shaw, Ted Callcott and Nora O’Brien, among others, it follows the FBI’s fight against communism as they search for foreign communist officials in America.

JFK 1991 Movie Meaning and Ending Explained

Meaning of the movie

The movie JFK explores a number of themes but is most problematic in its presentation:

Most notable, however, are the numerous crude jokes and innuendos with which this film inappropriately decorates itself.

It unfolds as an American Elmer Gantry, who for protagonist Garrison’s benefit ‘skews’ justice by embracing the counsel only he can give—i.e., anyone can do anything if you reward them sufficiently for doing it (a convoluted idea, unlikely to have satisfied even Garrison); and most make the audience giggle.

The writers(s) who worked on this movie adapted an existing novel by William L Hunt.

It was released as a telefilm in 1980. There have been many adaptations of his work. This is another adaptation of the same book JFK versus Lee Oswald: The Book That Started Red S Kelton, which is an American comedy actor.

The story begins with a left-wing writer named Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner) at his office. When he reads an article that calls him the “dumbest man in the Justice Department,” it is revealed that Judianne Densenhan, one of Garrison’s chief witnesses against Clay Shaw, had been assigned to ask Needles about Allen Dulles’ deaths.

In order to persuade her into testifying again and acquiring more information, Needles becomes more and more insane. As he is alone in a phone booth with her when an explosion occurs next to them. Garrison tries to call her, but the line doesn’t work anymore, and she runs away while Neddesen alleges that they are just having fun together.

However, Garrison fails to convince the chief of detectives (played by Jason Robards) that a plot exists behind these deaths. In revenge on Neddesen, he argues against her story in front of the department.

As a result, Joe Ferrie replaces him as Chief investigator and starts investigating Clay Shaw’s involvement with John F Kennedy assassination conspiracy although the need for forensic proof is missing in his case at first, gradually begins to realize this himself even though Shaw has nothing to do with the murder, this puzzle continues.

Ending of the movie

Ending of the movie

Feddersen kidnaps Garrison’s daughter, Cathy and brings her to Ferrie, where she is further confronted by Neddesen, who gives a warning in front of his face that he should stop the investigation or else it will cost him an eye (since those eyes are special abilities for Clay.)

Needles arrives there just in time only because Joe’s beloved wife Diane was the one who was in the phone booth at that very moment.

He and Neddesen battle a bit with Ferrie, but after Needles succeeds in decapitating Joe, he goes away without committing any infanticide since it is not his ultimate intention to kill her as long as she didn’t involve herself in anything related to Clay Shaw.

Neddesen once again commits another crime against officers when she steals their evidence on this case. When she gets back to her place, she places a camera in the hallway so when Kahn and Garrison enter at night, they can have proof of their corruption as well as tapes.

Neddesen records herself talking with Garrison and confessing that what they gave her was nothing but useless information on serious issues such as proving his department’s fraudulence against this case.

The key issue pertaining to the film is if there was a conspiracy.

It is clear that there was a cover-up after the assassination of Kennedy, and Garrison clearly proves this by piecing together vital clues such as information from Sandra Good (an author who wrote books claiming that Ted Callcott knew about Oswald having connections with Cuba), Clay Shaw, Jim Russo, Walter Sheridan.

After gaining the confidence of Judge Edward Lally, it makes him initiate action against those involved in this case, including Kahn and Neddesen. This case also ties into Garrison’s election campaign as he wants to gain the confidence of his electorate, and it shows him borrowing tactics from Nixon to look like he is going down a different path than Richard M. Nixon.

At least on what people might say, such as spying, intimidation tactics against those who oppose this man or providing false information about those in authority for favors after the assassination of Kennedy so when there are no other options left, including the CIA and FBI, he can be believed.

Key characters of the movie

Jim Garrison

Jim Garrison

Jim Garrison was the lead character of the movie JFK. His personal life is what drives him. His mother left him, and his father died when he was young, so after the death of Kennedy, things changed.

He is portrayed as a no-nonsense investigator to prove that there really was a conspiracy in which they killed President Kennedy by many elements involved while trying to evade any extradition laws.

He grows up an orphan raised by his grandfather on their personal farm but with stories surrounding the killing of JFK running rampant at a time in Texas where nothing comes easily to him. This sets the foundation for what his motivation is for doing this case in the first place.

That sets the tone of how he handled it but also could’ve set up a personal vendetta against those who were involved and what they are capable of, using this as a means to do so while playing mind games even with each other giving them their own ways that cause doubt among themselves.

He tries hard then uses intimidation tactics least any evidence is evidence.

When things become a bit too much, she is able to get him out of the office at a Christmas party, and they spend an intimate time together while taking care, not of any clues waiting for them outside their door even though there were many dues in as little as one minute with that noir type style.

Kevin Costner played a crucial role in what became one of the biggest conspiracies in history. Not only does he give testimony about his time with Garrison, but it also gives us insight into that early morning radio gaffe done by CBS.

Costner’s character wakes up to help go through different lines from witnesses of events during their investigation, trying to get at who was behind it while they are ‘waking’ themselves up as well.

Lee Harvey Oswald

Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald was another key character at the start of the movie as he was a key character being investigated. Many people feel that Oswald did not kill Kennedy but rather Lee Harvey Oswald’s alter-ego, who had been trading in limousines (call girls) and drugs for some time under an alias.

The shooting itself, according to Garrison, does seem like an attempt at framing JFK for his crimes against America.

However, it is firmly believed by many that Jack JFK Production Team Real Life Storyline is the biggest example of these anti-communist protests.

One of the most important factors to this matter is that this film was completely based on a supposed real-life event which never leaves you wondering what really happened.

David Ferrie

David Ferrie

David Ferrie was also an important character in the movie JFK. He is seen numerous times, a man in his thirties who secretly worked for the Russians. He started smoking marijuana at age 10; however, he was expelled from Temple University due to it being illegal.

David Ferrie may have been involved with Oswald’s plane trip through New Orleans and maybe even their movements, but there are still many questions about him, such as: What led him to take up flying, when did he start doing so, and why?

Other characters include: George Bush (President), Jr. John McCone, in later years replaced by Robert Kennedy, who is run over by a train after JFK’s death and has his throat slit near the same railroad line that was used for the assassination, almost as if it is being planned forevermore to make it.

So, Jacqueline Kennedy (who had been having an affair with RFK); JMWAVE Director Paul Henze;

JFK 1991- Ending Explained

Ending Explained

The end of the film is as unexpected as it was intense.

In Rumpled Times, Oswald begins to talk about meeting Jack Ruby for a return trip abroad. JFK suddenly appears and notices that he has been talking into his recorder, then listens to what has been said in anger before refusing any more interviews from Oswald: “That’s all I’ll do.”

Another short feature is Lee Harvey OSWALD asking if anyone would like some popcorn and offering it to the audience.

Some have claimed that this is not what happened, but in re-watching, we believe that Oswald becomes aware of being recorded by putting his hand on Jack’s shoulder. In anger, he tells him: “That stuff stays between me & you!”. This perfectly captures the surreal nature of war and reality, a world alternately brightened with sunlight or dimmed into the dark.


JFK 1991 is a great movie in terms of explaining everything about some rare life events of John F. Kennedy. The ending, on the other hand, is abrupt, with no consistent after-moments to confirm what just happened. But this does not mean that it has a bad storytelling ability; actually, that makes its own mark and even looks “clean” at the end.

If you haven’t watched the movie yet, you should surely give it a go.


Who is Oliver Stone?

Oliver Stone is a US filmmaker and director known mostly as one of the most important iconoclasts in Hollywood. Though he has earned his award, he still attracts quite a few haters even on this current day.

Is JFK 1991 a Boring Movie?

The film is definitely unboring, and that helps to say a lot about its entertaining quality. Because the question on most people’s minds in this movie is, what happened on November 11th, 1963? And after watching this movie, you will get an idea behind why John F Kennedy was assassinated only 26 days later.

Who is Tommy Lee Jones?

Tommy Lee Jones, or simply Tommy Lee and affectionately known as one of the most prolific actors in Hollywood. He is actually a native to Texas, but he grew up for much of his life in New York City due to his father’s job that made it necessary.

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