Jumanji Movie Storyline and Review



Jumanji Movie Storyline and Review


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Jumanji movie is a famous Hollywood film based on a children book of the same name by Chris Van Allsburg. The book tells the story of a magical board game called Jumanji that takes you through the jungle to a magical world when you play it. The movie follows the same concept with its content and style. If you loved the film, here’s the guide that you find very helpful when it comes to applying knowledge from this movie.

All About Of Jumanji Movie Storyline and Review

Jumanji Movie Storyline and Review

The Storyline

The story begins with eight teenagers who are playing a game of Jumanji together. When the game rolls around, they find out that it has transported them into the ancient island of Bimini. The party then meets up with three other children: Harry (Dr. Smolder Branton), Bethany Van Holt (Audrey Hamilton) and Dexter Morgan(Jackson Rippner). Together these four set out to find a way back home from where they are stranded inside the game Jumanji .

Who made Jumanji?

Chris Van Allsburg

Chris Van Allsburg was the author of this famous children’s book when he was still in high school days and created his first version of this board game but never thought to make it into movie until 12 years later 1987, when Sony Pictures announced that they were going to make Jumanji as one film with several angles such as coming- of-age, suspense thriller and horror.

The Characters in Jumanji

The Characters in Jumanji :

The Story So Far:  Promo Video for the Film: Banned from School In 1977 students in detention started telling stories about an abandoned board game that could bring anyone to different parts of a jungle island when played at midnight behind locked doors… Enter Highschool buddies Alan “scrabble” Rudge (Jack Black) Norman “lonnigan ” St. James (Ben Kingsley) Sally “spider-woman” Baker Roddy Piper ‘s son, Alex

Plot Summary

Since 1824, the witch of Bimini’s been trapped in a game board and her writhing spirit possessing who ever attempts to free it . 20 years later these kids begin their search into how they are entrapped when they were left alone playing Jumamji , an abandoned board game which someone had set up for them, no one know its the cursed object in witch’s magic. What they should have done all this time to free themselves are: 1) Make a deal with the Devil 2) Break their heads on an old tribal wall 3). Escape as soon as possible and leave Jumanji while they can!

What happens inside jumanji?

The four friends fall into a pit trap where you lose all the energy and have no open time to think. There they meet a wise old mann who takes them around the jungle with him while solving riddles, puzzles and fighting against abominations in various obstacles such as ” Snakes on a Tree “.

Alan loses his bracelet again ( it’s important!) which sends him into opposition of spirit world where he find himself face with Crowman – The jailor of Jumanji! He is under the control of the Ursula Pit and tries to stop them by cutting off their hands. There they fight against various demons ! It’s a good implementation, they really pull it off well! Section 5 Demons

The Power

All end up in different location , both Jumanji Magic world with Its supernatural realm inside or the jungle without one word between but there are hints of escape routes that can help get out if you know where to look! 8. Life/ Health – This part is very well done, I really like how they create a new life per ending , either the kid lives or he doesn’t and its up to you which to choose !

Section 6 Even More demons :

The appeal of Jumanji ( My opinion ) [Piece of film making] A lot films are made out of this movie that it’s more than likely what one weather have in mind. A good one with a lot of quotable lines is this :

“You can’t park that Jeep in here!” – Crais Brothers (Jumanji)

“I want to keep you on your toes.” – Overton 10. The appeal of Jumanji: There are several characters who have come up as popular meme’s since the film, for diverse reasons! Top scorers include Young Alan – The bratty Kid, Warren – His wise teen friend who gives great advice and the final good boy of heros Drakon-or Draxum lay out an d doesn’t give up. There are characters after this such as Bob Parr , Kevin Kleinberg and most importantly Janet Van Dyne!


What an amazing movie this was! A great cast, a brilliant script and acting that didn’t beat around the bush, but straight to the point. Storyline is what it’s been since first time of leaving game board so why change it? Love story wasn’t pushed hard in scenes either not romantic moments between characters , only mentioned casually just like we got more important parts on boards than their love story.

Astonishing special effects where done correctly with realistic looking t-rex mutants , invisible plane and an amazing trip through time!

At times this film felt like it was heading nowhere but I couldn’t be happier as no where in the duration did Jumanji ever lose my interest, monsters taken care of without unnecessary shooting or screaming.

Hooray for highschoolers suddenly becoming world leaders and against cruel parents having to follow. There were a lot of reasons why teenagers should have felt empowered after watching this film and it’s for a reason that is important to be mentioned here! The fact, as teenagers never feels too old because we’re not expected to mature all at once. We say who we want , when we want and how our generation should act .

Overall : This 96 minutes of entertainment from 1995 would go down in history as one of the best I’ve ever seen if you get the movie today on Netflix.

Blog Conclusion: Jumanji is a classic movie that has been remade many times. I have seen all the remakes, but this one was awesome! The best part of the movie was when they were playing with the board game and it came alive!



1.What Is Jumanji?

Ans: Jumanji is actually a board game that has been around since the early 70s. The name came from Juma , Indian for “to become”, and fulla , Swahili . It was created by Chad Lewis, an executive at Columbia Pictures in 1978 after he saw what would seem to be nothing but a silly children’s game on television. Seeing something magic about the idea of playing games together, even if players weren’t able to.

2.Why Is the Rock in Every Jungle Movie?

Ans: In 1998’s Jumanji, the Rock plays Alan Parrish. In 2002’s The Jungle Book; he is grown-up version of Mowgli (Neel Sethi), completing his role. This makes him, with Ralph Fiennes in Murder on the Orient Express as two out of four films for which we have both choices for all roles and actors involved!

3.Which Movie Do You Enjoy the More You See It?

Ans: Although there’s very few differences between the first and second Jumanji movies, we have to distinguish carefully which one was better. In our opinion, The Jumanji Theater should be liked more that what it looks like. To us while visiting with less explosions and thrills than the original release (by 1997), The Jungle Book adaptation is one of our favorites as well thanks to its poor boy Mowgli getting his manhood in terms of

4.Which Movie Scene Broke You? –

Ans: The scene where Jumanji was trapped in the board game, and the game’s power started to take over the characters’ lives. The scene where the man takes the doll out of the box, and then the game begins to kill them one by one.

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