King Island



King Island


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If you’re looking for an escape, King Island is the perfect destination. With its tranquil beauty, sparkling seas, and lush landscape, it’s no wonder this island has drawn tourists from all over the world. But what most people don’t know is that King Island is also home to some of the most advanced and cutting-edge technology in the world. From the latest in medical technology to state-of-the-art research facilities, King Island is a hub for science and technology. If you’re curious about what’s happening on this island, or want to learn more about its history, this blog is for you!

King Island


King Island was first discovered by Europeans in 1788, however its true history begins much earlier. The island is home to the Kiingan Aboriginal people, who have inhabited it for thousands of years. For many of these ancient inhabitants, King Island was a sacred place – a destination where they gathered to pray and commune with their ancestors.

In 1802, the British explorer James Cook sailed past King Island on his way to find Australia ‘s eastern coast. He gave the island a name of Gippsland, after George Hiep king from Australia’s legendary explorer King Philip II.


While the climate on King Island is diverse, it’s generally mild and temperate. Summers are hot and dry, with temperatures reaching as high as 40°Celsius (104°Fahrenheit) sometimes. Winters are moderately cold and wet, with average temperatures ranging from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius (64 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit).


King Island celebrates many festivals throughout the year – some traditional and others more modern. Some of our favourites include the King Island Mardi Gras, which sounds like an odd blend of all things French and Caribbean, but is actually a celebration revolving around Carnival. Other festivals revolve around cheekiness – from ‘Dizzy the Downy Duck’ to the barbecue-themed Hogfest.


King Island is home to a diverse range of cultures. From the Kiingan Aboriginal people, who have inhabited the island for thousands of years, to the descendants of early European settlers, there’s something for everyone on King Island. And with so much history and culture on offer, it’s no wonder that many tourists make this their go-to destination each year!


King Island is in Victoria – one of the states of Australia. It’s part of the Gippsland region, and like many other parts of Victoria, it has a strong agricultural sector. The state government also invests a significant amount of money into tourism, which helps to make King Island one of Victoria’s most popular tourist destinations. Tourists are vital to the economy of King Island, and it’s no wonder that politics often falls somewhere in between being a top priority for these voters.

Government services

King Island is part of the Shire of Moyne, which has its own local government. The shire administers a number of services that help to make living on King Island easier and more comfortable. These include schools, roads, utilities and public safety.

Some parts of King Island are serviced by neighbouring councils – for example Geelong provides water and sewerage services to Stanley (a suburb in the south east corner of King Island) while the rest of King Island relies on the services provided by Geelong Water.



Tourism is King Island’s main industry, and it accounts for around three quarters of the jobs on the island. The most popular type of tourism is holiday-related (e.g. beach holidays, mountain biking or bushwalking trips). Other popular activities include fishing, whale watching and bird watching – all of which can be enjoyed without having to leave the island! Visitors are attracted to the island by its natural beauty, easy access and friendly people. King Island is also a popular conference destination as well as being chosen for many film/tv productions (King Island or not).



The main transport routes on King Island are the Princes Highway and the Calder Highway. These highways provide easy access to the island from both Victoria and Tasmania, making it a popular choice for tourists and commuters alike. There is also regular ferry service between Geelong (in Victoria) and Tottenville (on King Island).

Political support

Politics tends to fall somewhere in between being a top priority for these voters – they appreciate the important services provided by Government but are wary of politicians who tend to have too much control over the system and/or think that they can get away with doing things simply because it’s “their” area. Many people on King Island choose not to vote in any elections, and instead they use their voices at freedom-of-movement protests like rallies against the expansion of coal ports or at celebrations for winning grants from Government funded organisations (£35 million is allocated annually).



Local food is a high priority for these voters, as they want to support the businesses that are based in their area. This means that there is usually a lot of variation in the cuisine available on King Island – from local seafood, game and dairy products to unique bakeries and restaurants. There’s also always something new happening in the culinary world on King Island, so there’s never been a better time to come and explore! Demographics and areas

King Island has a very young population. Around 85% of King Islanders are aged 18-35, with an average age just above 30 – meaning that there is a lot of potential for the future holds in this community! This makes it so necessary to provide opportunities, funding and resources (to help ensure that their youth can grow up safely) or risk seeing misalignments between generations (with older adults having no access to the fresh young minds of the future, and vice-versa), which is why there are so many efforts underway to develop King Island as a hub for sustainability.


King Island is a small island located in the Bass Strait off the coast of mainland Victoria. It is well known for its crystal clear waters, white sand beaches, and the world-renowned winery industry. King Island is also home to a large number of important wildlife habitats, making it a popular tourist destination.


What Is The Population Of King Island?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it changes regularly due to births, deaths, and migration. However, according to the 2016 census results, the island’s population was approximately 10,000 people.

How Big Is King Island?

King Island measures 24 km by 12 km at its widest point and has a total land area of 1,233 sq km.

Which Best Describes This Island?

King Island is a small volcanic archipelago located off the coast of Victoria.

What’s Unique About King Island?

There are several features that make King Island so interesting, but three stand out as being most significant to visit operators: its exceptionally clear waters, natural structure (the twin islands), and technology industries (Click here for a list of the top 10 technology employers in Australia on 19 June 2016).

What Is King Island’s Climate Like?

King Island has two distinct seasons: the winter season, which begins about mid-October and ends at least by Easter; and then there is summer. There are usually only four months where temperatures rise above 20 degrees Celsius during both seasons.

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