Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Movie FAQs



Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Movie FAQs


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This article, about Kung Fu Hustle (2004), brings you all the information about the film. Find out about the actors, directors, and producers of this film. Get full information about the awards and nominations made for Kung Fu Hustle (2004) movie. We will also let you know about the latest news about this particular film.

All About Of Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Movie FAQs

Kung Fu Hustle (2004) Movie FAQs

How Can I Watch Kung Fu Hustle Online for Free?

You can watch Kung Fu Hustle online free with the help of a VPN. It is the best way to access blocked websites. A VPN will encrypt your internet traffic and hide your IP address from other users so that you can easily unblock any website that is censored in your country.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of VPNs available in the market but I would suggest using ExpressVPN as it has a fast connection speed and has servers all over the world including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and more. You just need to download their software on your device and connect to one of their servers which will unblock everything on YouTube or any other site you want.

Hope this answer helps!

What Is the Best Version of Kung Fu Hustle?

Kung Fu Hustle is a story about how three brothers, the masters of the martial arts, are brought together by fate to save their father’s martial arts school from destruction. The movie features an ensemble cast with Stephen Chow and Yuen Wah as the three brothers.

The plot of this movie revolves around the three sons of a dying master who has been estranged from his family for many years. He bequeaths all his knowledge to them, however after he dies they find out that they have been deceived by their own mother who has stolen all his money.

This forces them to reunite with each other and put aside their differences in order to fight against their mother and restore peace in their home town which is being threatened by evildoers.

What Did the Deaf Girl Say in Kung Fu Hustle?

The deaf girl said “I am the greatest!”

This is a famous quote from the Kung Fu Hustle movie. The character played by the deaf girl speaks in American Sign Language and her dialogue is subtitled in English. In this case, we are not talking about a sign language but of an expressive language that uses gestures and facial expressions as well as words to convey meaning.

What did she say?

Well, she was telling her teacher (played by Jackie Chan) that she can do better than him and he should stop teaching her kung fu so that she can master it herself. She was trying to convince him not to teach her kung fu so that one day she will be able to fight against all bad guys who were trying to take over China for themselves. Her teacher could not understand what she was saying because of his inability to hear sound vibrations or sounds which were also called “sounds” by deaf people like us!

What Is Your Review of Kung Fu Hustle (2004 Movie)?

I have watched Kung Fu Hustle, a 2004 American comedy film written and directed by Stephen Chow. I was impressed with the acting of Stephen Chow in this movie. He did an excellent job portraying his character, who was an undercover cop who went to a Chinese kung fu school for training. He portrayed his character very well with all the funny facial expressions he made as he trained in martial arts, even though he is not actually a Chinese martial artist.

The reason why I think that the acting of Stephen Chow was great is because it showed us how real the fight scenes were and how realistic they looked like from his facial expressions to the way he moved around during training and sparring sessions in the kung fu school.

As for me personally, this movie made me laugh out loud at times while others gave me goosebumps due to its fantastic action sequences which are also very realistic when compared to other action movies such as Kill Bill or Matrix where everything looks fake but here everything looked real except for maybe one scene where there were some CGI effects used but those effects weren’t distracting at all so I didn’t mind them at all because they didn’t distract from my overall enjoyment of watching this movie.

This answers your question!

What Are the Best Stephen Chow Movies?

I will start by saying that I am a huge fan of Stephen Chow movies. I have watched all his movies and love every single one of them. He is an excellent director and actor, the thing I love about him is that he has done so many genres in his career, such as action, comedy, drama, horror and even romance. His style is very unique which helps make all his movies stand out from each other. If you haven’t seen any of his movies before then definitely check out my list below:

  1. Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
  2. Shaolin Soccer (2001)
  3. The Big Boss (2010)
  4. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000)

5 . City Hunter (2011)

6 . M:I-2: Mission Impossible 2(2002)

7 . Hero(2002)

8 . Police Story 3 – First Strike(1994). This movie made me cry! It was so sad but also very touching at the same time! 9 . The Proposal (2009). This movie makes me laugh every time I watch it! 10 . The Three Storms(2012). 11 . All For The Winner(2014). 12 . In the Mood for Love(2000). 13 , To Live And Die In LA.(2008), 14 , Happy New Year 2K16.(2016), 15 , Let’s Go See A Movie! 16 : Operation Mekong 17 : Summer Snow 18 : God Of Cookery 19 : Cop Out 20 : Yi Yi 21: Zu Warriors 22 : Monkey King 23 : Birth Of A Legend 24: Swimming With Sharks 25: Food Over Flowers 26-27:-The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 28:-Into Great Danger


An intense drama filled with romance, action and magic is an adventure that you wouldn’t want to watch on a Monday afternoon. Running on a directorial career of the late Stephen Chow, Kung Fu Hustle is an eye-opener of an experience that many would like to have. A fun and harmless storytelling through traditional Chinese culture is what this film offers.

The film was first brought out in cinemas in 2004, and it will be shown once again on June 11th. This time however, you are one step closer to witnessing this masterpiece in person as it will be screened at the AMC Theaters in Florida.

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