Kupreanof Island-You Have To Know



Kupreanof Island


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Kupreanof Island is a small island located in the Gulf of Alaska, just off the Alaskan mainland. It is a federally protected area and the largest undeveloped island in the United States. The island is home to diverse wildlife, including bald eagles, grizzly bears, foxes, and wolves. Kupreanof Island was also the location of a nuclear testing site during the 1950s and 1960s.

Kupreanof Island


Kupreanof Island was first explored by Russian fur traders in the 18th century. It was later claimed by the United States as part of the Alaska Purchase, and became a military firing range during World War II. Kupreanof Island was used for nuclear testing between 1952 and 1957.

The island remained uninhabited until 1979, when a group of Greenpeace activists occupied an abandoned military outpost to protest nuclear weapons testing on other islands in the area. The group was arrested by security guard in 1980. In 1981, the United States Navy transferred its lease to Shell Oil Company which has leased the island since then.

In 2000 Kupreanof Island was added by Congress to a list of federal special areas that are not open for petroleum development. Since 2009 an environmental group called Project Osedax/Occupy GOMO (Government of Micronesia) have been working with Greenpeace and local people from Republic of Palau in order to defeat all work being done by BP on providing access for exploration drilling and construction projects over several islands within US Government controlled waters surrounding what is known as Gunsan Bay that the oil companies are illegally injecting toxic practices upon to the Marshall Islands’ soil and waters.



The climate on Kupreanof Island is moderated by the Pacific Ocean. The island experiences a temperate maritime climate, with cool to cold winters and warm summers. Precipitation is high year-round, except for brief periods of drought in some years.

The island averages of rainfall annually, though it receives as much as in some years. Due to the island’s position on a lee side of a submarine volcano, Kupreanof Island is part of an area known as Palau-Krakatau, which experiences severe weather disturbances that are enhanced by convergence and cyclogenesis (or sudden changes in wind direction) occurring around 22 July each year near sea level air masses originating from typhoons interacting with the Sunda Strait.

The island has no indigenous mammals or freshwater life; however there are no poisonous reptiles or amphibians due to eut rophication, no native land mammals to capture any introduced ones and birds are not a major problem.



There is no set culture on the island, as it has been populated by a diverse group of people from different parts of the world. English and Spanish are the only widely spoken languages on Kupreanof Island. There are small pockets of Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Danish and Norwegian residents.

The traditional music genre played throughout much of Micronesia is known as kanken; it is made up mainly instrumental pieces with drumming being its most prominent feature.



The island is administered by the United States military as part of Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Range. As such, the US Constitution and civil law apply, although most local governance is conducted by a civilian-military team.

The majority of elected officials are military personnel who have been stationed on Kupreanof Island for various periods of time; they are responsible for overseeing programs that support community needs and providing logistical assistance to civilian agencies when necessary.

Government services

Government Services

Civilian government services are limited to a small number of agencies that provide healthcare, education and infrastructure maintenance. The military maintains law enforcement and firefighting capabilities as well as access to fuel, food and other essential commodities.



Due to its remote location and natural beauty, Kupreanof Island has seen increasing tourist traffic in recent years. Visitors can explore the island’s rugged terrain, birdlife and scenic waterways by boat or on foot. Some accommodation options are available directly on the island, while other services are offered through tour operators who arrange guided tours of the area.



Kupreanof Island is accessed by air only; flights are operated by the US military and make occasional stops at other military bases in the region. The nearest international airport is on Guam, more than 2,000 miles away. Recreation, culture and environment

As a remote island whose primary function is to support military activities, there are few public resources devoted to the preservation of its natural environment. As a result, much of its wildlife remains undiscovered by humans.

Hunters have had no access on Kupreanof Island since 1969; however moose can still be observed in rare instances during seasonal hunting seasons when they are taken from surrounding stocks at the United States Marine Mammal Center on Kamchatka Peninsula or Alaska’s Kodiak Island.



Traditional Kupreanof Island cuisine is based on the island’s namesake game, wild Caribou. Wild game is often barbecued over an open fire and served with local vegetables and herbs. Due to the lack of other sources of protein, many islanders also practice traditional hunting and fishing techniques that involve using spears and nets.


Kupreanof Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, USA. It is part of the Unorganized Borough of the Kodiak Island-Aleutians MSA and has a land area of 0.0671 km². Administratively, it is an unincorporated island within Kodiak Island Borough.


1 . What Is The Land Area Of Kupreanof Island?

0.0671 km².

2 . What Is The Island’s Elevation, Highest Point And Latitude?

65.52 meters above sea level; 55°16′ north latitude.[5]

3 . How Many Inhabitants Have Been Recorded So Far Over A Period Of Time Including Military Presence Since 1976?

Historically, Kupreanof had fewer than 15 permanent residents during winter season (May-November). Permanent settlers established in the 1950s include students who arrived from around the United States as part newspaper carrier on National Defense Project 5 3 6 ).

4 . Is Kupreanof Island A National Park?

Kupreanof is not a National Park, but it is listed as an Unorganized Borough of the Kodiak Island-Aleutians MSA.

5 . What Type Of Weather Can Be Expected On The Island?

Most summer days are overcast and windy with temperatures in the mid-30s Celsius (86 F). Winter brings warmer temperatures and more stable weather conditions, though snowfall does occur from time to time.

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