Les Trois Dames Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Les Trois Dames Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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Les Trois Dames Island is a small, private island located off the east coast of Quebec, Canada. The island is composed of woodlands and rivers and has a population of just over 100 people. The only way to get to the island is by boat or helicopter, and it is said to be a great place to retreat and write.

All Discussion Of Les Trois Dames Island

Les Trois Dames Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Les Trois Dames Island was once a small, unremarkable island located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River. It was completely uninhabited until the early 18th century when the first settlers arrived and began to build homes and farms on the island. The island’s popularity as a trading post and its strategic location soon made it one of the most important settlements in North America.



Les Trois Dames Island is just over 1.5 km long and 0.75 km wide, and its total land area is just over 2 hectares. The island’s only access point is by boat or helicopter, and it consists of dense woodlands with a river running through the center of the island.




The population of Les Trois Dames Island is just over 100 people, and 95% of residents are Canadian citizens. The island’s only permanent resident is the caretaker, who lives on the island year-round. Now that you know everything there is to know about Les Trois Dames Island, make the trip over and enjoy its peaceful atmosphere!




Les Trois Dames Island is an ecological reserve located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 100 km north-west of Gaspé, Quebec, Canada. The island is an Important Bird Area and a National Wildlife Area of Canada.

The island has a forested interior, with a freshwater marsh on the eastern coast and a salt marsh on the western coast. The forests support about 375 species of vascular plants and 25 species of mammals, including 11 types of bats, six types of opossums, five types of chipmunks, three types of beavers, three types of otters, and two types of cougars.




The economy of Les Trois Dames Island revolves around tourism. The majority of the island’s residents are employed in the tourism industry. Services such as transportation, food, lodging, and entertainment are all provided to tourists in order to make their stay on the island as enjoyable as possible. There is also a small agricultural community on the island that produces fruits and vegetables for local consumption and sale.




Les Trois Dames Island has a temperate climate with warm summers and cold winters. The average temperature ranges from 18° C in the winter to 25°C in the summer.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion


The culture and religion of Les Trois Dames Island is a mixture of French and Canadian heritage. The residents are mainly francophones, but there are also some anglophones on the island. The predominant church on the island is Catholic, but there are also Protestant and Orthodox churches present.




The languages spoken on Les Trois Dames Island are French and Canadian.




The education on Les Trois Dames Island is provided primarily by the French school system. There are also a small number of English-language schools present on the island.



In the year 1792, the French National Assembly purchased Les Trois Dames Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence for military purposes. The island was renamed Isle D’Orléans in honour of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, who was imprisoned in the Temple Tower on the mainland.

The National Assembly decided to use the island as a naval base to protect Quebec City and its harbor from British attack. In 1838, the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada decided that the military installations on Les Trois Dames Island should be turned over to civilian authorities.

The island was then used as a penal colony, a training ground for soldiers, and a psychiatric hospital. In 1909, it became a military reserve again and remained so until 1968.

Government Services

Government Services


The government services on Les Trois Dames Island are provided by the National Assembly of Quebec.



Les Trois Dames Island is affected by the tourism industry, which has become one of the most important economic sectors in Québec. The island is located in the Gulf of St.

Lawrence and can be reached by air or water. The water route is shorter but more expensive. The island has a population of around 1,500 people and offers visitors a wide range of activities and facilities, such as camping, fishing, hiking, biking, skiing, etc.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Les Trois Dames Island is home to a number of hotels and resorts. The most famous ones are the Château Frontenac, which is located on the north part of the island, and Les Saisons, which is located on the south part of the island.



Les Trois Dames Island, also known as La Reunion Island, is a beautiful destination that offers a wide range of attractions for tourists. Some of the most popular attractions on the island include:

  1. The Gorges du Verdon – This is a beautiful natural area that features dramatic cliffs, rushing rivers, and lush forests. The area is home to various wildlife, including lemurs, eagles and vultures.
  2. The Mahé Wildlife Reserve – This reserve is home to a wide variety of animals, including elephants, lions, cheetahs, and rhinoceroses. Visitors can also enjoy safari tours and visit the conservation center.
  3. The Botanical Gardens – This garden features more than 2,000 species of plants from all over the world. It’s also home to a museum that showcases local history and culture.
  4. The Grande Anse Beach – This beach is perfect for swimming, sunbathing and sandcastle building. It’s also home to several restaurants and bars, making it the perfect place to spend a day in the sun!



Les Trois Dames Island is an ideal destination for tourists who want to enjoy a wide range of activities. Some of the most popular activities on the island include:

  1. Hiking – This is one activity that’s especially popular on La Reunion Island, and Les Trois Dames is no exception. There are many well-marked trailheads that lead hikers through beautiful forests and over cliffs into rushing rivers below.
  2. Cycling – The island is home to some of the best cycling routes in the world, and cyclists can explore them all without having to rent a bike. There are also plenty of places to stop for a coffee or lunch while riding.
  3. Swimming – This is another popular activity on Les Trois Dames Island, and there are several beautiful beaches where visitors can relax in the sun. Some of these beaches also have reasonable surf conditions, making them perfect for beginners.
  4. Sailing – This is another popular activity on Les Trois Dames Island, and there are several good spots where visitors can catch a sailing breeze. Some of the best places to sail include La Roche Bay, Saint-Pauls Bay, and Saint-Jean Beach.



There are several ways to get to Les Trois Dames Island from the main island of Reunion. The quickest way is by boat, but alternatively, visitors can take a taxi or bus.



The cuisine of Les Trois Dames Island is a fusion of French, Creole, and West Indian cuisine. The island’s residents are predominantly of French and Creole descent, with a small number of West Indian immigrants. Typical dishes include seafood such as conch, shrimp, and crab; chicken; duck; pork; beef; lamb; and vegetable dishes such as cassoulet or jambalaya.


If you’re looking for a beautiful island to spend your holidays on, Les Trois Dames Island is definitely worth considering. The scenery is stunning, the weather is pleasant all year round, and there are plenty of activities to keep you entertained.


1.Do I Need to Book a Tour?

Ans: No, you don’t need to book a tour. You can simply arrive on the island and start exploring. However, if you would like some assistance finding your way around, there are organized tours available at various times of the year.

2.What Is the Price Range for Accommodation on Les Trois Dames Island?

Ans: The prices for accommodation vary depending on the type of property you choose. However, generally, prices start at around €60 per night.

3.What Is the Availability of Medical Attention on Les Trois Dames Island?

Ans: There are several medical facilities available on the island, including a hospital and a private clinic.

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