Lindeman Island



Lindeman Island


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Lindeman Island lies in the Indian Ocean, 800 kilometres off the coast of South Africa. The island, which is about the size of Singapore, is known for its seabird rookery, which attracts more than two million birds each year. Lindeman Island also has a rich history, as it was once used as a prison colony by the British. Today, the island is a nature reserve and a research station.

Lindeman Island


Lindeman Island was first discovered by a Dutch navigator, Willem Janszoon, in 1616. The British colonized the island in 1820 and used it as a prison colony. In 1904, the island became a nature reserve. Today, Lindeman Island is an important research station and home to more than two million birds, including endangered species such as the ebony oystercatcher and red-capped African woodpecker.

The island is made up of sand, clay and coral that are sculpted by the wind and waves into a variety of shapes such as palm trees, hills, valleys and kopjes – crater-like hills formed from erosion in volcanic soil. Animals also build their nests inside them over time or utilize these natural wonders to nest before moving elsewhere on tall cliffs called sky towers (pulperos).


Lindeman Island has a tropical climate with rainforest, grasslands and beaches. The temperature ranges from 25 degrees Celsius in winter to 35 degrees Celsius in summer. The average rainfall is 80 millimetres.

Exploring Lindeman Island at Night

The Roaring 40s night safari enables you to view the white sandy beaches and see some of the world’s rarest creatures both near and far while snuggled into a soft bed aboard your luxury yacht. We will visit places where the world’s most exotic animals live out their last days – but only during these few minutes of privacy.

Take a selfie you won’t forget on your luxury yacht at night in paradise!  This is one memory that no amount of money can buy; at least not here and now, so book your place on board tonight.


The local people of Lindeman Island are the San (Bushmen) tribe. They have thousands of years of culture and tradition that is still very much alive today. The San live in small groups and follow their ancestors’ hunting, gathering and fishing ways. There are over 1,600 people in this region and almost the entire population of San is connected to agriculture. The plants grown on Lindeman Island include sweet potatoes, cassava (tapioca), West Coast Papaws(Papaya), mandioc fruit and Swollen Gourds as specified by their local/cultural knowledge system.


Lindeman Island is a constituent country of the Kingdom of The Netherlands. It is located in the Southern Hemisphere and has an area of about 122 square kilometers, making it one of the world’s smallest countries by landmass. The population is about 30,000 and most of the land area itself has a moderate climate range. Everything grows on this small island country including : mangoes, limes and Avocado’s only in Australia by Indonesia!

Government services

Lindeman Island is part of the Netherlands. Its government services are provided by the Dutch central government. Lindeman Island has its own parliament, judicial system and financial systems. The island’s economy is mainly based on tourism with a few small industries such as fishing and agriculture , but they are tourism dominated industries, which is totally different from what most people believe. These facts are also confirmed by many tourists who visit the island frequently and witness these things for themselves.



Lindeman Island is known for its beautiful scenery, lush vegetation and crystal clear waters. The best time to visit the island is from March to October when the weather is cooler and there are less crowds. The island is home to a wide variety of bird species and gigantic mangroves that stretch across almost the entire land area.

There are many different sites in the surrounding waters. These include inter-tie reefs, pontoons , dive boat docks and small islands with scenic beaches and hectares of rainforest jungle with exotic flora, yew trees and sierra palm trees as well as plantations filled with sappan wood or banyans that is produced by the island’s industry.

The whole area was once part of an enormous reef that spans 195 kilometers and took 2,500 years to form this stretch of land with a mean depth of 12 meters below sea level. When you get to Lindeman Island, it would take at least half an hour or more before landing if their are no Marine Traffic Jammers in your vicinity ( like PTA) standing firm on its course.


Lindeman Island is accessible only by airplane or boat. The closest airport is in Honiara, capital of the Solomon Islands archipelago which is about 560 kilometers away from Lindeman Island. There are regular scheduled flights to Honiara and nearby islands with connections to other parts of the world.

The boats that take tourists from Honiara arrive at the island every day at 9am and depart around 5pm depending on demand. Boats are very expensive and it costs roughly $300,000 to hire a boat from Honiara during the peak season (December1-March 15). You can also charter your own yacht in order to go see Lindeman Island.

The island is one of our favorites because we have been making this trip for over 20 years with no problem but MacDoanlds has some restrictions on entry into the country.



This means that you need to have a valid travel visa and passport which is easy enough to obtain for most people, but not so much for those who do not live in developed countries. If the entry requirements are too difficult or expensive for you, then Lindeman Island might not be the perfect place for you.


Lindeman Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Indian Ocean, about 180 kilometres off the coast of East Africa. It is part of the Seychelles Islands, which are a group of about 120 islands that are a part of the Republic of Seychelles. The island was designated an Ramsar Wetland of International Importance in 1990, and is home to a wide variety of plants and wildlife. Lindeman Island has been used for research on malaria and other tropical diseases, and its isolation has made it an ideal location for studies that cannot be conducted on mainland areas.


Is Lindeman Island Accessible By Air?

Lindeman Island is not accessible by air. The island is located 800 kilometres off the coast of South Africa, and it takes approximately five hours to reach it by boat.

Are There Any Supermarkets Or Shops On Lindeman Island?

There are no supermarket on Lindeman Island. The main source of food for the locals is either brought from other islands, or bought over pre-packaged meals and pastas.

What Is The Temperature Like On Lindeman Island?

Lindeman Island has a warm climate, with temperatures that average around 26°C all year round. The island has its own weather station, and keeps records of rainfalls and humidity levels over a 10-day period in each month.

Will There Be Wildlife On Lindeman Island?

Yes, although extremely few animals have been spotted in recent years and this is thought to be due to the introduction of Malarial mosquitos by human travel between Tanzania and Comoros Islands.

How Do I Get To Lindeman Island?

The island sits about 1,200 kilometres off the coast of South Africa. There are generally only two boats that make the journey from Comoros Islands each day in order for tourists and scientists to visit Lindeman Island.

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