Loaf Island



Loaf Island


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If you’re looking for a place to escape the city hustle and bustle, Loaf Island should definitely be your go-to destination. This secluded island is located in the middle of a river, and it’s surrounded by trees and bushes. The only way to get there is by boat, and the island itself is only accessible during low tide.

The best part? The island is completely undeveloped, so you can walk around and take in the natural scenery without worrying about any other people. If you’re looking for a place to relax and disconnect from the world, Loaf Island is definitely the perfect spot!

Loaf Island


Loaf Island is a relatively new addition to the Baltimore area. It was first developed in the late 1800s, and it became a popular tourist destination starting in the 1920s. In fact, it’s said that Loaf Island was so popular that some of the wealthiest people in Baltimore frequented it!

Today, Loaf Island is still a popular tourist destination for both locals and visitors from all over Maryland and Virginia. If you’re looking for an escape from city life, Loaf Island definitely deserves your attention!

How To Get There

How To Get There

Loaf Island is located in the middle of a downtown Baltimore neighborhood. However, as it’s not visible from most of the street level, you really need to be walking around on top of the water (or above) if you want an idea where exactly this island can be found! As Loaf Island is surrounded by trees and bushes, your best bet would probably be choosing an early morning when it’s less conspicuous for other people passing through town.


Loaf Island Climate

Loaf Island is located in the middle of a river, which means that it has a temperate climate. However, as it’s surrounded by water, the temperature can vary quite a bit from day-to-day. In fact, as of 2018 most visitors described the weather on Loaf Island to be “rough” with “cool breezes”.

Getting There Is Free! The only thing that you’ll need is physical access to at least one (1) water-related public place in Downtown Baltimore. Simply walk up and down the river until it’s absolutely clear where exactly this location can be found.

As an additional bonus, if you want a bit more privacy while enjoying your visit, taking some extra precautions during high tide will allow you to spend even longer at Loaf Island without any other people around!


Loaf Island Culture

Loaf Island is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including both amphibians and reptiles. In fact, the island also has its own type of snail which can survive on land! Additionally, Loaf Island used to be known for being a popular place for pirates back in the day. Today, visitors still report spotting pirate-themed statues and graffiti around the island.



Loaf Island is currently located in the middle of a waterway and has been claimed by both the United States and Canada. As such, it’s technically disputed territory! For this reason, many people have chosen to use the island as a rally point for protesters. If you’re interested in getting involved with politics, it would be advisable to first check your on vacation’s host city government website and make sure that they are open about welcoming dissenters.

Hiking Loaf Island is an easy hike of just 2 miles round trip (1 mile including river crossings). It typically takes under 40 minutes to complete both portions of the route! Most folks found through their own experiences stick pretty strictly along one side or other but each area has its advantages so you may want option to try a mix of both areas if you’d like to see more of the island.

Government Services

Government Services

There is currently no government presence on Loaf Island, which means that if you want to access any services, you’ll need to be self-reliant. That said, some host cities do offer limited public services (such as garbage collection) so it’s worth looking into before your trip.

As a very quick example, the city of Victoria (Canada) has limited garbage pickup service that begins one month after your stay ends. To be clear – your hotel may turn you away for any number of reasons but this is just an example to help clarify what services are available in different cities and it not always convenient on vacation.


Loaf Island Tourism

Tourism on Loaf Island is fairly minimal, with only a few lodging options in the immediate area. That said, the island is a great place to hike, kayak or cycle and there are frequently scheduled events such as night time hikes.

If you plan on visiting Loaf Island while you’re in your city (or another nearby city), it would be worth looking up what local tourist attractions are close by so that you can participate!



There is no public transportation available to get to Loaf Island – you’ll need your own vehicle. That said, there are a few ways to get there if you’re willing or able to drive: You can fly into Victoria (Canada) and then rent or buy a car There is also the option of taking the ferry between Haro Strait and Port Hardy on Vancouver Island.


Overall, Loaf Island is a great place to visit if you’re looking for some peace and quiet – or if you’re interested in catching a glimpse of the wildlife that calls the island home. However, be aware that there are no government services available on the island so it may be worth exploring other nearby cities before packing your bags for Loaf Island.


What Is The Town Name Nearest To Loaf Island?

The closest town to Loaf Island is Haro Strait.

What Is The Best Way To Get To Loaf Island?

There is no direct public transportation available to get to Loaf Island. You will need your own vehicle. There are a few ways you can reach the island: flying into Victoria (Canada), taking the ferry between Haro Strait and Port Hardy on Vancouver Island, or renting/buying a car in either Victoria or Haro Strait.

What Is The Closest Town With A Gas Station?

There is no public transportation available to get to Loaf Island – you’ll need your own vehicle. That said, there are some places in Victoria that offer public transport: Jeff Reid Street- The nearest bus stop or train station can be found on Larch Street (approximately 1 block from Downtown Langford).

Or if you’d like, take an auto taxi from Port Hardy or Southern Gulf Islands Airport (the cost of the round trip rental will run approximately $65 & include 3 stops).

Is There Wifi On Loaf Island?

There is no public WiFi available on or around Loaf Island.

What Is The Entrance Fee For Loaf Island?

There is no public entrance fee to visit Loaf Island.

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