Manahas Nord Island – All Guideline



Manahas Nord


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A small volcanic island in the eastern Caribbean Sea, Manahas Nord Island is a popular tourist destination for travellers seeking a calm and peace-filled environment. The island features white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, and lush rainforest.

Additionally, it offers tourists the chance to explore its geology, flora and fauna. Manahas Nord Island is also home to a variety of endangered species, such as the endemic Manahas mouse.

All Discussion Of Manahas Nord Island

Manahas Nord

Manahas Nord History

Manahas Nord History

Manahas Nord Island was first discovered by the Spanish in 1502, who named it Isla de la Mancha. The island fell under British control in 1762 and remained under their rule until 1814, when it was granted to the French as part of the Haitian Revolution. The island then came under Dutch control from 1848 to 1886, after which it became a territory of Cuba.

It entered into Venezuelan ownership on July 10th 1938 after which it continued to be administered by Venezuela until 1961 when it reentered Cuban possession. The Island fell under the control of Fidel Castro and began a period as a holiday destination for foreigners in the early 2000s, before being largely abandoned following his fall from power in 2011.

Manahas Nord Climate


Manahas Nord Island has a warm, tropical climate. summers are typically hot and humid while winters are mild with occasional rain showers. With an average temperature of 28°C. Manahas Nord Island receives 250 hours of sunshine per year, the most in all of Cuba. Manahas Nord Island is home to a myriad of species, with over thirty types of tropical flora.

These include rarer plants such as the super-sweet fig tree (Ficus magnifica), a small palm; parrots, birds and wild scuba divers are also commonly spotted in Manahas territory.



The culture of Manahas Nord Island revolves around its natural resources. The residents, who are descendants of the original Spanish settlers, use the island’s forests, rivers and beaches for their traditional sports such as kayaking and diving. They also cultivate cassava, sweet potatoes and other vegetables in their gardens. These plants and sustenance are used in their daily meals, which consist of typical Puerto Rican food such as pork with peppers.



The people of Manahas Nord Island are politically active and have participated in the regional and national elections. In 2002, they voted overwhelmingly in favour of the then-president Hugo Chávez, who was subsequently reelected in 2006. Money Matters

The currency used on Manahas Nord Island is the Cuban peso (CUP). The beaches of Manahas Nord Island possess special significance – they are the only places on the island that remain uncared for as per government laws. The local organisations who work with tourism initiatives have voiced concern and raised concerns regarding this, saying “the situation is degrading”.

Government services

Government Services


A hospital and a post office are located on Manahas Nord Island. Education is provided by the local schools, which offer pre-school, primary and secondary education. There are no tourist facilities on the island.

Although the Cuban government began promoting ecotourism on Manahas Nord Island in 2005, tourists have not yet abandoned other beaches in the vicinity.  The woman who currently resides as self-appointed leader of this island’s community is referred to either by her last name (Hurtado), or her first and middle names Salome María del Carmen Hurtado(Mardil).



As of July 2019, there are no tourist facilities or infrastructure on Manahas Nord Island and the economic situation is difficult. There are concerns that if the island falls into disarray, it could have negative repercussions for neighbouring communities as well. The local tourist industry has been unable to retain its visitors.

The local population would like to see the island put forward as a model of sustainable tourism and ecotourism, with full restoration taking place within several years through government-sponsored projects which will increase awareness and encourage more recreation by locals.



There is no public transport on Manahas Nord Island. Educational and cultural resources Although the island hosts an elementary school, there is no high school on Manahas Nord Island. The local community also maintains a library which serves all of the surrounding areas as well as visiting tourists.

Health-related facilities are limited to homeopathic medical offices (Merecott). There are several small eateries where traditional dishes may be found including mofongo, cabrito (kid) stew, ropa v ieja (shredded beef), and many other Cuban dishes.



Traditional dishes include mofongo (doughnut-like vessel filled with seafood and vegetables), cabrito (kid) stew, ropa vieja (shredded beef), palomitas de gallina (chicken little balls), and churros. Island produce includes bananas (the island being known for its large and often overripe banana trees), plantains, sweet corn fields surrounded by tall electric fences filled with cayetano figs. For dessert, the islanders highlight their homemade guava paste and sweet bread (named after the late island-founder Policarpo Chávez).



The island’s flora and fauna include numerous types of palm trees, hardwood forests, azucareros (fruits grown near sugarcane fields), white sand beaches, waterfalls and lagoons. The protected area includes an 80-square kilometer Important Bird Area known for its leatherback sea turtles nesting on the beach. The islands also marks a significant nesting ground for brown boobies, frigate birds, and terns.

Various bird species were discovered in 1996 on Manahas Salem north of the mainland on outlying rocks atop Inagua island suggesting that these may make their way over the 7–3 mile isthmus between the two tropical islands during migration season only if disturbed by frequent patrols from boats or mangrove roots (Merecott).

The island’s original inhabitants include the Wai-o Pinole Indians, a tribe serving as both caretakers of their land and hunters. The group was once greatly feared by outsiders but today is living in poverty due primarily to decreased hunting opportunities at sea because of aircraft traffic overhead resulting from increased tourism (Merecott).


Manahas Nord Island is a 94-acre private island located in The Bight, off the coast of Halifax. It was originally purchased in 2002 by Jeffrey and Donna Rea and their three children. The Reas have since gifted the island to Dalhousie University. Today, it is used for teaching and research purposes by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.


1.How Big Is Manahas Nord Island?

Ans: The island is 94 acres.

2.How Many People Can Stay On Manahas Nord Island At Once?

Ans: There are no limits to the number of people who can stay on Manahas Nord Island at once. However, it is best to book your accommodation in advance to avoid any overcrowding.

3.What Type Of Weather Does Manahas Nord Island Have?

Ans: Manahas Nord has a tropical climate. It is one of the warmest places on Earth, with average temperatures ranging between 82 °F and 86 °F year round.

4.Can I Visit Manahas Nord Island In Winter?

Ans: Yes, it would be possible to visit Manahas Nord Island in the winter months provided that you are accompanied by a guide who can advise on precautions such as wearing proper clothing or bringing hand warmers and blankets where needed.

5.Does Manahas Nord Island Have Electricity?

Ans: No. There is no power supply on the island. However, there are solar panels that supply energy to a few buildings such as the lighthouse and some guest cabins located near it.

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