Manhattan (1979) Storyline and Short Reviews



Manhattan (1979) Meaning and Ending Explanation


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Conceived by Woody Allen, Manhattan stars an astonishing ensemble cast. Directed by the famed actor and filmmaker’s debut, the plot can be described as a tragicomic journey taken by a man on his way to finding his true love.

The plot takes you through the relationship between an unscrupulous gangster and the respectable businessman he spots in the wrong place. It follows this pair through several trials, tribulations, and tragedies. The film’s final moments are one of the most heart-touching moments in cinema history.

All Discussion Of  Manhattan (1979) Storyline and Short Reviews

 Manhattan (1979) Storyline and Short Reviews


Moses (Robert De Niro), a career criminal, meets and falls in love with Frankie (Julie Christie), the woman who has caught his eye. Moses decides to leave his life of crime behind to become respectable and make a life for himself with Frankie.

However, Moses’s past catches up with him and forces him to return to the criminal underworld. Frankie realizes this and decides to follow him. The pair eventually find themselves in multiple life-threatening situations as they try to stay together.

Manhattan is a dark, but ultimately hopeful film that showcases the power of love over tragedy.

The climax of the movie

Although it was harshly critical upon its release, Manhattan has since gained a cult following. Many viewers find the film dark and humorous in equal measure- making it one of Woody Allen’s most complex and engaging films.

Short Reviews

Manhattan is a deeply emotional film about love and redemption. The acting by Robert De Niro, Julie Christie and others is excellent, but the story isn’t complex enough to hold your attention for very long. Still, it’s worth watching if you like Allen films.

Popular Reviews

– “Woody Allen’s finest and most emotionally powerful film”

– “A heartwarming tale of love, forgiveness and redemption”

– “One of Woody Allen’s finest achievements”

– “Manhattan is a stylish and poignant film, but it’s not as funny or captivating as some of Allen’s other work”

– “Though visually stunning, the story is not particularly involving”

– “Manhattan’s somewhat choppy pacing and sparse dialogue hold it back from greatness”

Critic Reviews

Manhattan received mixed reviews upon its original release. Many critics praised the acting and cinematic style, but stated that it wasn’t as funny or captivating as some of Allen’s other work. In more recent years, however, the film has gradually gained a cult following among fans of Woody Allen films.

Movie Symbolism

Manhattan is a film about the risks and rewards of making a change in your life. Moses (Robert De Niro) is tired of being on the run and living in fear, so he decides to turn his life around and settle down with Frankie (Julie Christie).

However, it’s not easy going from being a criminal mastermind to an upstanding citizen- especially when everyone you once knew turned their back on you. The movie culminates with an epic battle between Moses and the NYPD, symbolizing the challenges of taking on life head-on.

The Performance of the Cast and Crew

  • Acting

Robert De Niro and Julie Christie are both excellent in their roles. De Niro gives a powerful performance as Moses, portraying his resentment, anger and courage brilliantly. Christie also delivers an impressive turn as Frankie, shading her character with warmth and vulnerability.

  • Direction

Allen directed the film with great skill, effortlessly balancing scenes of character development with thrilling action sequences. The cinematography is beautiful and evocative, creating a vivid picture of New York City.

  • Writing

The screenplay is excellent, with sharp dialogue and memorable scenes. The plot is compelling, and the characters are well-drawn.

  • Production Design

The production design is stunning, flawlessly capturing the look and feel of 1940s New York City. Everything from the clothing to the architecture looks authentic.

  • Cinematography

The cinematography is stunning, showcasing Allen’s usual visual expertise. The shots of Manhattan’s skyline are particularly breathtaking.

  • Storytelling

Manhattan has a choppy pacing and sparse dialogue, which can at times be frustrating but also add to the cinematic experience. Allen’s storytelling brilliance is on display throughout, weaving an intricate plot that remains engaging despite its flaws.

  • Music

The music is well-done, adding to the ethereal atmosphere of the film.

Overall, Manhattan is a beautifully directed and written movie that highlights Allen’s exceptional talent as a storyteller. The performances are excellent, especially from De Niro and Christie, and the production design is stunning. However, choppy pacing can be frustrating at times and sparse dialogue can hamper understanding of some plot points. Regardless, Manhattan remains an engaging cinematic experience that cannot be missed.


  • Winner: Academy Award for Best Picture, BAFTA Award for Best Screenplay
  • Nominee: Golden Globe Awards for Best Screenplay
  • Best Picture
  • Best Director – Woody Allen
  • Best Screenplay – Woody Allen
  • Best Actor – De Niro
  • Best Actress – Christie


Woody Allen’s Manhattan is a magnificent movie that shows both his storytelling brilliance and his excellent directing skills. The performances are outstanding, especially from De Niro and Christie, who deliver powerful turns as the film’s central characters.

The production design is spectacular, flawlessly capturing the look and feel of 1940s New York City. Cinematography is also superb, showcasing Allen’s usual visual brilliance. However, choppy pacing can be frustrating at times and sparse dialogue can occasionally be confusing, leading to some occasional confusion among viewers. Manhattan remains an engaging and entertaining movie that is well worth watching.


1.What Was Happening in New York City When This Movie Was Released?

Ans: The movie “Sully” was released in 2016 and it tells the story of Chesley Sullenberger, a commercial pilot who successfully lands a plane on the Hudson River after it has been hijacked by terrorists.

2.Is It a Good Movie?

Ans: It depends on what you mean by a good movie. If you are looking for a movie that is entertaining and will keep you glued to the screen, then yes, it is a good movie.

3.Is Manhattan Really a Love Story?

Ans: There is no one answer to this question as everyone has their own interpretation of what makes a love story. However, some people might say that Manhattan is a love story because it follows the journey of two people who are trying to find their way in the world.

Others might say that Manhattan is a love story because it tells the story of two people who are from different backgrounds and come together to make a change in the world. Still others might say that Manhattan is a love story because it showcases the power of friendship and how it can help us overcome any obstacle.

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