Marie-Louise Island



Marie-Louise Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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Marie-Louise Island is a small, remote island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence off the east coast of Quebec. It is an unincorporated territory of Canada with a population of about 200 people. The island’s economy relies almost entirely on tourism, with visitors drawn to its natural beauty and history. The island is served by an airport, which is open to limited commercial flights.

Marie-Louise Island-Everything You Need to Know!


Marie-Louise Island is a small island in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River, located in the Quebec City metropolitan area. The island is named after Queen Marie-Louise, who visited it in 1734. The island’s primary economic activity is tourism, with a concentration of summer homes for Quebecers and tourists from other parts of Canada and the United States.


Marie-Louise Island is about 2.5 km long and 1 km wide and has an area of 8.7 square kilometers. The island’s highest point is Mount Royal, at 522 meters (1,704 feet).


Marie-Louise Island is a Canadian island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about 240 km northeast of Nova Scotia. It has an area of 255 km2 and a population of 1,800 people. The island is the most populous municipality in Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine Regional County Municipality.


The population of Marie-Louise Island was 1,800 people according to the 2016 census. Most residents are Québécois with a significant number of summer residents from other parts of Canada and United States.


The main source of income on the island is tourism, which employs about half the population in seasonal jobs. The rest work in small businesses that cater to tourists. Transportation on the island is limited and there is no airport.


As you likely know, Marie-Louise Island is a French Polynesian island located in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It’s known for its stunning natural beauty and its diverse climate. Marie-Louise Island has a tropical climate, which means that it experiences moderate temperatures year-round. In fact, the average daytime temperature ranges from about 21°C to 28°C. Although it does experience some cold spells, the average annual temperature is around 26°C. The weather here is mostly sunny and clear, with occasional showers or thunderstorms.

Culture and Religion

Marie-Louise Island Culture and Religion

The culture on Marie-Louise Island is ethnically diverse, with about 60% of the population identifying as francophone. The rest of the population includes anglophones, islanders representing various Polynesian cultures and a small percentage who are native to other parts of Canada. There is also a significant number of Christians on the island, mostly Catholics but also Protestants and Pentecostals.


The official language on Marie-Louise Island is French, but English is also widely spoken.


The educational system on Marie-Louise Island is mainly based on the French model, with many schools offering bilingual education. However, there are also a few English-language schools that cater to the island’s international student population.


Like the rest of French Polynesia, Marie-Louise Island is a parliamentary democracy. The president is the head of state and independently represents the island in France. The unicameral Parliament has 21 members who are elected to four-year terms.

Government Services

Marie-Louise Island is serviced by the French government through different ministries and departments. These include the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which provides consular assistance to nationals; the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Tourism, which promotes economic development on the island; and finally, the Public Services Secretariat (SSP), which oversees all public services on Marie-Louise Island.


Marie-Louise Island, located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is a popular tourist destination for its picturesque scenery, abundant wildlife, and unique culture. The island is known for its extensive forests and lakes, as well as its variety of cliff and water views. Visitors can explore the island by car or by boat, and can stay in a variety of accommodations including guesthouses, bed-and-breakfasts, and inns. There are also several restaurants and shops on the island. Marie-Louise Island is well known for its golf course and ski resort, which are open all year round.

Hotels and Resorts List

Marie-Louise Island Hotels and Resorts List

Here you go! 25 hotels and resorts on the beautiful Marie-Louise Island, French Polynesia. The list is sorted alphabetically and includes the following information:

– Name of the hotel

– Address of the hotel

– Telephone number of the hotel

– Website address of the hotel

– Email address of the hotel

– Room types available at the hotel

– Rates for single/double occupancy for peak season (May – October)


Marie-Louise Island Attractions

The attractions on Marie-Louise Island include the following:

– Lake Albert (4 km from the town of Hao and 31 km from Tahiti)

– The Saint-Pierre National Park (the largest rainforest in French Polynesia)

– The Botanical Gardens at Papeete (34 hectares)


Marie Louise Activities

Marie-Louise Island is an uninhabited Canadian island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, approximately 60 kilometers (37 mi) east of Gaspé, Quebec. The island is privately owned and was purchased by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in 1974.


The transportation of Marie-Louise Island is primarily by air. There are two airstrips on the island – one on the east coast and one on the west coast. The island has a small fleet of helicopters that can transport people and cargo between the airstrips.


Marie-Louise Island is known for its delicious cuisine. The island’s cuisine is based around seafood and fresh vegetables. Some of the most popular dishes on the island include lobster, crab, oysters, and mussels. There are also a variety of local fruits and vegetables that are used in many of the island’s dishes.


Thank you for reading! In conclusion, I think it’s important to remember that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be successful in any business, but the rewards are definitely worth it! So, be sure to put in the effort and stay focused – you’ll be able to achieve anything you set your mind to!


1. What Are Some of the Benefits of Living on Marie-louise Island?

Some of the benefits of living on Marie-Louise Island include a peaceful and secluded environment, delicious cuisine, and easy access to transportation.

2. What Are the Primary Transportation Methods Available to Residents of Marie-louise Island?

The primary transportation methods available to residents of Marie-Louise Island include air and sea. Air transport is used to move people and cargo between the airstrips on the island, while sea transport is used for transporting goods between different parts of the island.

3. What Is the Climate Like on Marie-louise Island?

The climate on Marie-Louise Island is temperate and rainy. The average temperature range is 18 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius, and the average rainfall range is 650 millimeters to 850 millimeters.

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