Medea (1969) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation




Medea (1969) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation


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Hollywood filmmakers are fond of romantic comedies, and the Medea is their collection of the finest rom coms. The movie revolves around a love triangle in which two lovers, Jason and Medea, are at the centre of this tale. This film was made by one of the best directors of Hollywood, more popularly known as the Greek filmmaker whose extensive collection includes some legendary movies like Spartacus, The Odyssey and others. The film, though old now and you may have already seen it many times, when it comes to learning, this movie is still yet to be forgotten.

The Meaning of Movie

Medea (1969) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation

The meaning of the Medea is still a matter of debate, but it is generally agreed that this movie has a deep and complex message. Some say that the film reflects our actual life situations, while others believe it to be an allegory about human nature. Whatever its true meaning may be, one thing is for sure – the Medea will stay in your mind long after you finish watching it.

The Story Behind the Movie

The Medea is a story about love, betrayal and revenge. It revolves around three main characters – Jason, Medea and Aegeus. Jason is the young man who falls in love with Medea and decides to marry her despite the warnings of his father, Aegeus. However, things quickly go wrong when Medea starts to show signs of beingwitchment by Ares (the God of War). She begins to plot against Jason and eventually murders him, leaving Aegeus to deal with the aftermath. Aegeus marries his second choice, Glauce, but eventually falls in love with Medea again and kills her too. The movie ends with an ambiguous conclusion – is Medea actually killed by Aegeus or did she commit suicide?

Hidden Meaning

If you want to find out the hidden meaning behind Medea, all you need to do is watch it and see for yourself. However, if you are looking for a better understanding of this film’s complex message, we suggest consulting a professional interpreter or thinker who can help unpack its hidden meanings.

Ending of the Movie

As you can see, the ending of Medea is still a matter of debate and that’s probably because there is more to this movie than meets the eye. So if you want to know what it all means, watch it for yourself and see how you feel about it afterwords!

Key Characters of the Movie

Jason: The protagonist of the story, Jason is a young man who falls in love with Medea.

Medea: A female warrior and sorceress who seduces Jason and plots to kill him.

Ares: The god of war, father of Medea, and rival of Zeus.

Panther: A loyal servant of Ares who helps Medea to kill Jason.

Important Events

The events that take place in Medea are some of the most important moments in Jason’s life. And, needless to say, they have a big impact on Medea as well. For example, when Jason discovers his true love for Medea and decides to betray her friends and family by leaving with her instead of going back home, it devastates them all. Although their relationship eventually ends up being unhappy due to Jason’s false promises, Medea still cares for him deeply and it’s clear that the loss of her family has had a significant impact on her.

Aside from Jason and Medea, other important characters in this movie include the Argonauts (a group of heroes led by Jason), Corinthus (Medea’s father), Cadmus (Jason’s uncle) and Philoctetes (the archer who pursued Her acles). Together, they all play a significant role in shaping Jason’s character and influencing the course of his future.

What Is the Message of the Movie?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as the message of Medea can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Some people might say that the movie is about the dangers of vengeance and how it can lead to disastrous consequences. Others might see it as an allegory for the effects of war on society and its inhabitants. Still others may interpret each individual scene or event within it according to their own personal values and beliefs. Ultimately, though, the message of Medea is something that each viewer must determine for themselves.

How Was the Movie Made?

The movie Medea was made using a combination of live action and animation. As such, it has a slightly different look from some of the other movies on this list which were all produced solely with animation. Nevertheless, Medea is still an excellent film that’s sure to entertain you for hours on end!

Was the Ending Satisfying?

The ending of Medea is a bit different from what most people might expect. Rather than leaving Jason to his own devices and forcing him to face the consequences of his actions, Medea chooses to kill herself instead. This provides a sense of closure for all involved, especially for Jason who finally understands the depth of his betrayal. Overall, many viewers found the ending satisfying and felt that it provided an accurate portrayal of Medea’s character.


As with all movies, at some points in every movie you watch, you will be able to see its deeper meanings and how it reflects the society in which it is made. This is no exception. In case you don’t know the meaning of this movie, let’s waste no time and go straight to the deep meanings behind Medea (1969) movie: Why the story of Medea has a deep meaning in society today.


Where Was Pasolini’s Medea Shot?

In 1966, Pasolini filmed Medea in Rome.

Medea was shot at the Cinecittà studios and at the location of a villa near the Villa Borghese park. The plot of the film is based on Euripides’ play Medea written around 429 BC.

The building that is featured in this movie is now a restaurant named “Casa del Virgilio”. You can still see some of its exteriors today, but it has been heavily altered since then. It used to be a private residence built by an architect named Gherardo Bosio in 1612 (you can read more about it here).

How Does the Ending Explain Medea’s Actions?

Medea’s actions are explained in the end of the play. She is trying to punish her husband and get revenge on him for having a child with someone else.

The following lines explain Medea’s thoughts, “And now from all sides, from every place and from no place, he [Oedipus] meets my eyes and speaks to me; but still I will not turn aside. For you were not born to live as others do; you were born for a great deed.”

Why Did She Kill Jason’s Father, King Creon?

Medea was a sorceress and the daughter of Aegeus, King of Athens. Jason and Medea fell in love with each other while he was away from his home. The couple fled to Creon’s kingdom after being betrayed by their friend Theseus who had promised them that they would be safe in his kingdom.

When Jason returned to Greece with Medea, he decided to ask for Creon’s daughter Hippolyta as a bride for him but unfortunately, she refused him because her father did not want her marrying a barbarian like Jason.

Jason went back to Argos where he asked Hera (goddess of marriage) to make him the most handsome man in all of Greece so that she would marry him but unfortunately Hera did not fulfill his wish and instead cursed him so that every woman he loved would die at childbirth. He could not even find any happiness until Medea became pregnant with their child which led to her betrayal of Jason by killing her own father whom she thought had betrayed them into believing that it was an accident.

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