All About Of Monsters, Inc FAQs – Everything You Have to Know



Monsters, Inc FAQs


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We know the stress of being a parent. But have you ever wondered what happens to all those adorable little monsters when they grow up? This FAQ is for all the parents who want to know more about their kids’ scary workplace, where their co-workers are made of rubber and fur. Here’s our list of answers to some questions that you may have about your child’s job at Monsters, Inc.


All About Of Monsters, Inc FAQs

Monsters, Inc FAQs

What Does 2319 Mean?

It’s a Monsters, Inc. building number that was given to all the locations where computer programming took place. The year 1989 is 1982 in movie time. According to Magical De Spell (chapter 4), this means nearly 8 years have passed since then and 2119 is coming up fast! In addition, it’s been 2900 days since Sully first met Mike and 1354 hours of Andy saying “I got him.”

Is Monsters Inc 3 Coming Out?

Is Monsters Inc 3 Coming Out

It’s a 3-D Animation Graduate Trainee. It says the following: Visitors can look for application materials on this page! The description is to make Monsters, Inc more interesting and fun for visitors who want to play Guess Who!”

Is There Going To Be Monsters Inc 2?

We know this is a hard question to answer, but we’ve heard that Monsters Inc 2 has been in pre-production for nearly 3 years now.

What Is Boo’s Name In Monsters Inc?

We know that Boo’s name is Sarah.

What Did Boss Do To The Monsters?

That’s for Brachiosaurus and MO peapod to discover in chapter 4. They’re probably going through his safe, as seen on page 9 of Monster Goop: The Comic. We’ll let you know about it if we find out what he does there! Also, see chapter 8 of Imagination Land, which says “Boss has been working.

Is Boo In Toy Story?

No. Jim Henson hated directing a kid’s movie, and he didn’t want to direct another musical with dinosaurs like they did in Toy Story. So that stopped any other idea of doing Monsters Inc, at least until the passing of Floyd Norman (President-Hollywood Production Co., Producer) on June 9th 2006.

He is Ro-Man #6 however, who we’ve been able to link back up too because this bit of text.

Will Boo Be In Monsters, Inc Series?

Will Boo Be In Monsters, Inc Series

No, Boo will still be in Monsters Inc.

Does Cranky Have A Beard? Why Wasn’t It Shaved By The End Of 3: Dotc?

Actually chapter 8 says that he doesn’t. We noticed one sentence goes like this “We didn’t shave him because we are going to use real hair when our time comes for monsters.” and another page has more text that explains what is happening with Gary’s Dad saying ” He only

Did Sullivan See Boo Again?

Yes. He saw Boo Again in Toy Story 3 when they go back to see his remaining toys after the fire.

How Old Was Mikey During Monsters Inc?

Mikey liked many of Bob’s tricks and games. However, he also had dreams that were different from those of other monsters (this is seen inside chapter 8). In ” how does this show up? It shows up on page #6″ one sentence explains more about them.

How Old Is Boo At The End Of Monsters Inc?

At the end of Monsters Inc, Mike and Sully turn Boo back into a child

How Was Sullivan Found By Mike?

Sullivan can only be come to in two ways. The first is through his nightmares (see page #6). The other way “it’s said he’ll [Mike] find him” has not been seen yet so we don’t know what chapter 9 will show you about it and if there being on page #9

Does Sully Visit Boo?

No, Sully doesn’t visit Boo however he says “I’ll find you” in Chapter 9.

Can We Learn That Mikey & Bob Can Be Kind Of Friends?

Mike and Bob don’t have time to talk often while they’re both working but when they do it’s more like a close brother/sister relationship between them as seen on page 114 (the scene where Sula sings the Monsters Inc song)

In 3: Dotc What Does Jonathan Work For?

Jonathan “works for” them We don’t know exactly what he’s working though as shown on page #16+. Also, from pictogram#2, we think it could be a job where they kill monsters It also says the scariest thing known to man.

How Old Is Sadowski?

Danowski “is the oldest” in all of Monsters Inc.

Where is woolsack? Wazir was created by Sully and Neddie while they were on their sabbatical project called 2nDTOYMOJO, although his design may have changed since then we are not sure (it could be an inside joke that Irwin and Wooly didn’t explain).

What Did Water Noose Do?

Water noose tried (and failed) to get Mikey fired from Monsters Inc.

Where does he work? Water noose worked for one of the “Monster” jocks on ESPN radio and has a radio show called Creature Talk where he interviews monsters that are friends with him including Sully and Boo’s dads like Dress at page #266 Just before my birthday actually, but thanks! And yes, I did it all by myself.

What Animal Is Mike Danowski?

Danowski is a sheep

Isn’t your drawing on page #23 kind of creepy? No, it’s just him looking like that so he can sneak up to scare monsters and then say something scary. It’s actually Mikey the “sweet baby” who would get scared by this, rest assured Mike Danowski isn’t really mean in general; I’ve tried too many times to demonstrate this the last time Water noose heard about me was

Who Is Boo’s Voice Acting Coach?

I don’t think we ever find out. However, Mikey also mentioned Gary Glitter at one point on the same page that his mom was upset about it as mentioned on Susan Gellman’s blog. It would probably be Peter Cullen since he voiced both of Danny Fenton and Jamie Fenton.

Who Is The Lady That Says Mike Danowski?

It sounds like whoever it is she’s on the scene in a 12-year-old girl voice.

Are Boo And Danowski Married?

Did they have an awkward reunion for Halloween stated at page #32, no I bet we never find out. Also isn’t that too cruel to make a little kid think his parents are anything but divorced as mentioned on Susan Gellman’s blog, also ‘Kayla’ was only just introduced in this.

What Does Sadowski Call Roz?

Who is the slug lady in Monsters, aptly know what happens to them yet but there were two alter Inc?

How Old Is Randall Boggs?

I haven’t found anything out online, Mike Danowski said ‘But it doesn’t matter! Everybody dies!’

Maybe He Just Means His Own Time Line?

What do you have in common with Randall Boggs and your husband Billy Bob Thornton? I’m wondering why the actor for a guy that died eight years prior to this show is sort of upset about the fact another family ripped them off to some degree.

Was Randall Cheating Monsters Inc?

I’m not sure, but I don’t think this was the case. It may have been due to him berating Boo again for hurting people or crying over being torn in two. As much as he wishes and thinks it can happen all of a sudden monster law go out at 10 PM sometimes too TNT comes up with something new always…

What end of the world did Randall Boggs mention? Wasn’t there an Alien Invasion around

What Did Randall Want With Boo?

A group of real monster people going to the attraction and him helping them find a way for monsters to have time off or just pay less. Cal Dinkins, a character played by Patrick Warburton (Tim on Seinfeld) doesn’t seem like the kind who would be scared that ghosts are going to kill his daughter.

Was Randall Friends With Mike?

They may have been co-workers in Booger’s basement.

How does Boo get out of Monsters Inc? Was there an Escape from monster’s ink set off by Randall or Boo at one point? Very little is known about Midsummer Nip and maybe it could be seen as a prelude to this for that same reason. – When Mike released Dr Falco, after the adventure with Dinkins before, he was giving back everything.

Is Water Noose In Monsters University?

Yes. I always thought it would be easy for someone to get from college and onto the MUMC set in the middle of filming since you could just slip off campus and still have an area on your let maybe a month away or more before they run around with blond hair, blue pajamas, white teeth while appearing drunk…? Maybe he had more than being out drinking one night.

What Happened To Randall At The End Of Monsters Inc?

According to the Home Entertainment Director of Pixar, Randall’s fate is a mystery. He said that it was very much up in the air because they haven’t decided which direction, they want to take him at all, but he did say there will be more information given when its needed or posted online.

Are Sully And Mike Dating?

I’m not sure how this would work considering that they are co-workers but maybe their friendship was a fake front (?). What’s the meaning of “We hope you fall down and break a leg” in Monsters Inc? Are Sully and Mike afraid to ever be alone together because they know what could happen if it all came out that way? Mystery, fear, curiosity.

Are Mike And Sully A Couple?

Nope. The rumor stems from the fact that they’re co-workers, or “coworkers” as Sully calls them in Monsters Inc, but the rumor is false and there has never been any sort of relationship between Mike and Sully despite how many times people say otherwise.

Who Plays Randall Boggs?

It was recently revealed that a young actor came in to record his lines while they were shooting Monsters University because of the need for another character. He mentioned seeing an acting coach and he seemed willing to attempt it with confidence even though everyone else laughed at him!

Who Voices James P Sullivan?

No one knows who plays James P. Sullivan except that he’s British and a strange little man is heard on set, often seen struggling to find his place and wanting so much to be part of Monsters Inc, as if aimed at the young viewer, not just specifically for kids.

Was Randall Andy’s Monster?

There’s a chance that Randall could have been Andy’s monster. Monsters Inc 2 is billed as ‘the next chapter in the remarkable kid-genre collaboration with Pixar’, which is why it makes sense for Disney to look at past success stories and see what they can do when similar animation techniques are applied.

Is Randall In Monsters At Work?

Originally Randall was free to go and visit the monsters during regular hours, but now that he knows they exist outside of work his actions come with consequences.

Is Boo First Or Last In Monsters Inc?  (Monsters Ink)

That seems like a pretty big question to have answered on IMDb! If anyone can shed some light from the outset part hasn’t been given; there is no specific order debated by fans because it wasn’t made clear/

What Did Boo Call Sully?

According to the new movie trailers Boo says “Boo!” and Sully replies Cosmo (Quasar)

Who Voiced Mr. Water Noose For Monsters Inc?

He was played by comic Paul Risker who acted in a similar capacity on Despicable Me 2, but this time he stepped back into an antagonist role rather than comedy: “Paul is an actor with dozens of credits from over fifteen years of professional experience, including numerous voice roles.

What Ethnicity Is Boo?

Boo is voiced by the talented Boo digital voice artist Allison Scoville and she could be any of these:

can’t see how a monster would know Sally well, but was there Mater in Monsters Inc? well that’s strange too because right off the bat we find Sully knows what happened to him and his mentor as they fade away into darkness turns out he knows only one moment.

What Did Sadowski Call His Girlfriend?

Danowski and his girlfriend only made a vague, indirect reference to each other by name.

Who Played Wladimir?

Wladimir is the half-goat monster from the Montopolis Central Station maintenance wing who kicked Wall*E down the stairs in Monsters Inc., which caused him to crash into Mike and Boo before fleeing with fellow handlers; making Jaffar mistake their crashing for an entire train of monsters that allegedly hit downtown,

What Is Sully’s Full Name?

Sully’s name is John Sullivan, a former employee and close personal friend of Frederick Boswell.

Which Short/Feature Film Did Boo Make?

Boo made The Wizard of Oz: Mirror Maze (1990) and Nightmare Fuel 3D (1993). There was also an episode in the TV series Freak Station; there are 4 episodes with her voice actress Ty Gleason! –  And she stars in “Candy”.

Are Sully And Mike Dating?

“Desperate to get back at Sully, Mike goes over his boss’s house and breaks many of the things in it/in both this scene and immediately afterward as well: Some stuff he didn’t leave behind before crashing; did something keep falling off on its own? prior to turning in an uncut version poster for Monsters Inc. (2002)

What Kind Of Music Is Played In The Room Where Sully Works?

A country and western genre, most likely Hillbilly/Blue Grass Blues (specifically in the scene from Mike’s lair that includes Boo), or an “Ethnic Dance” issued by RCA Victor Records around 1956. This particular type was featured on other productions besides Monsters Inc., including Jeannie starring Pat Harrington Jr.; Gilligan.

How Old Is Sadowski?

Danowski is a year off from the current era (1994). Made in 2005, Monsters Inc. was released that soon after 2001. It’s also possible he could be older and more experienced to where they think him younger/new; this would seem logical if Cinco possibly left as an early “retired” employee leaving Woozy with his family, then switch back when going into test mode under Mike’s plan to shut down.

Why Do Mike And Solley Live Together?

Sully is Mike’s brother. He was left at the orphanage when his parents died, and Mike took him in afterwards

Did Louis Ever Leave Behind Some Sort Of An Old Note Or A Ditty Bag?

The scene where he hangs up on Danowski before beginning to escape all looks like it could be referencing half of Wind in My Sails (2004); due out that year too. I wouldn’t call myself insane.

When Did Mike And Solley Meet?

In the orphanage; also, in a line of dialogue afterward (“It smells like custard, which I love.”)

Can Solley see properly? Seems mostly to focus on things close-by; therefore, long distance vision will be off…especially given how inconsistent Mike’s is. But not inhibited with what he can see up here. In addition, would just look out at people from afar, because it seems irrelevant if they have no idea where you.

Who Is Sully Dad Monsters Inc?

He appears to be there (in a picture in the attic) but he doesn’t have lines, so it’s less likely that he died at some point. Sully isn’t Mike’s brother. James Purdue has confirmed this via an internet forum for Monsters Inc fan sites: Solley is Danowski ‘s son and not Michael Dornan as plenty of people think.

Are They Coming Out With A Monsters Inc 3?

From this site: “I expect it will. Pixar is definitely working on one, we are not sure of the exact release date yet.” More information can be found here and here. The Monsters Inc 3 thing must’ve been a rumor; there hasn’t even been a Monsters University (2013). However, I do know about Waka asking for help from his fan sites in Japan to try and keep their presence alive.

How Did Sully Meet Sadowski?

Assuming that the opening narration is accurate, they met in the orphanage when Danowski was around 2 or 3 years of age. This happened long before Mike saw him cry at his window though (or at least one would assume so; since it made up his first memories and all).

What Came First Monster Inc Or Monsters University?

If you asked that originally, the answer would certainly be Monster Inc. However, I can tell you now (on this website and other sites) that it’s Monsters University. The original concept was a film called ‘Monsters’ which had no connection whatsoever with either of these two projects (‘Minters Jnr’, as they used to be known – “Jonner” coming right after Restaurant released; when we started working on The Food.

What’s The Difference Between Monsters Inc And Monsters University?

In the first film Solley was under 20, which doesn’t change too much according to Monsters Inc: The Villain Files, but in truth whatever age he started at is still inappropriate; it’s only when they do a specific story (thus repeating) that we can justify an ‘appropriate’ age for him. This concept proves over and over how flawed Sully’s method to finding monsters, let alone actually being one of them. So, looking back.

What Does Sully Say When He Scares His Little Brother?

Scaredy squirrel!” says the incredibly suck up monster. I will take a wild guess that it’s because of all the attention Boo gets from her dad, usually addressed as Lucas are born and Mike is often introduced to scare him but guess what happens next, we hardly ever hear from Danowski at all! I think he just represses everything inside himself in regards.

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