Monty Python’s Life Of Brian (1979) Movie FAQs



Monty Python's Life Of Brian (1979) Movie FAQs


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Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979) movie is the legend. It is thePython, who is loved by everyone over the world. The movie tells the story of Brian, an unfledged poet whose persistent mockery of the society around him forces him to become a fugitive. Due to this, he roams across town with a loud-mouthed and bawdy fellow named “Chico.”

Their journey through history offers us a vivid account of how man’s state of existence has evolved throughout the ages. Much has changed in the way we view our social order, and there are some things which haven’t changed a bit.

Monty Python's Life Of Brian (1979) Movie FAQs

What Is the Story of “Life of Brian” About?

The story of Life of Brian is about a man who gets ridiculed by the society and has to run away from home. He meets different people along the way, some of which help him and others who hinder his progress. The end result is that he learns a lot about himself and the world around him.

Who Created “Life of Brian”?

“Life of Brian” was written by Python members John Cleese, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin.

Do You Agree With the Ending of This Movie?

All of the Pythons agreed that their ending for Brian was the most logical. They felt that it made perfect sense and served as a fitting end to the story. However, some fans disagree with this choice and would like to see Brian achieve his ultimate goal—freedom from society.

What Are Some Interesting Facts About “Life of Brian”?

Some interesting facts about Life of Brian include:

-The movie was originally filmed in Malaysia but was later moved to England due to the rise of Islamic extremism in that country.

-The original title for the movie was Holy Grail.

-John Cleese and Terry Jones are credited as “Writers.”

-The Pythons originally wanted to use a donkey for Brian, but the producers refused.

-Some of the scenes in which Brian appears naked were cut from Network due to fears that they would offend viewers.

What Were Some Influences on Monty Python’s Life of Brian?

Monty Python’s Life of Brian was influenced by many different sources. They drew inspiration from satirists like Jonathan Swift and Laurence Sterne, as well as the Roman historian Tacitus. Additionally, they were fans of slapstick comedy and used elements of that in their movie.

Who Is Brian, and What Does He Do in the Movie?

Brian is a Roman citizen who is ridiculed by the society. He decides to run away from home and adventures ensue. Along the way, he meets different people who help or hinder his progress. Ultimately, he learns a lot about himself and the world around him.

Why Were Christians Offended by the Movie ‘life of Brian’?

The Christians who were offended by “Life of Brian” felt that it was disrespectful to the religion. The movie features a scene where Brian recites Jesus’s famous statement, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” Many Christians interpreted this as promoting giving material gifts over receiving spiritual blessings.

What Happens in the Life of Brian?

The Life of Brian tells the story of a man who is ridiculed and runs away from his home. He meets different people along the way, and learns a lot about himself. Ultimately, he achieves his ultimate goal—freedom from society.

What Is the Meaning of Life of Brian?

The meaning of Life of Brian is a difficult question to answer. It may be impossible to know for sure what the film’s creators intended it to represent. Some people have speculated that the movie is about the power of laughter, or humanity’s capacity for self-knowledge and growth. Whatever its true message, Life of Brian remains an entertaining and insightful look at one man’s journey into self-discovery.

Why Was Life of Brian Banned?

At the time Life of Brian was released, it was met with condemnation from many religious groups. Christians felt that the movie’s depiction of Jesus Christ was disrespectful and inaccurate. Consequently, the film was banned in many places around the world. However, these days it is generally seen as a satire rather than an insult to Christianity and can be enjoyed by both secular and religious viewers alike.

What Happens at the End of Life of Brian?

The end of Life of Brian involves the protagonist achieving his goal—freedom from society. He is finally able to be himself, free from the constraints and expectations of others.

Where Can I Watch the Movie Online for Free?

There are many places where you can watch the movie online for free. Some of the popular websites include:

  1. Hulu

Hulu is a paid subscription service that offers a variety of streaming options, including live TV and on-demand content.

  1. Netflix

Netflix is a paid subscription service that offers a variety of streaming options, including live TV and on-demand content.

  1. Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video is a paid subscription service that offers a variety of streaming options, including live TV and on-demand content.

Who Directed the Movie?

This is a difficult question to answer as there are many directors who have worked on the movie. Some of the more well-known directors include:

  • Christopher Nolan – directed and wrote the screenplay for ‘The Dark Knight’ which was a huge success and led to him directing other successful movies such as ‘Inception’, ‘The Prestige’, and ‘The Dark Knight Rises’.
  • James Cameron – is one of the most successful filmmakers of all time with credits including classics like ‘Titanic’, ‘Aliens’, and ‘Avatar’. He has also directed some big budget movies such as ‘Terminator Salvation’ and ‘The Terminator’.
  • Steven Spielberg – is one of Hollywood’s most celebrated directors with credits including classics like E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, and War Horse.
  • Peter Jackson – is one of New Zealand’s most successful film-makers with credits including The Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong, The Hobbit, and The Silence of the Lambs.


Monty Python’s Life Of Brian, released in 1979 and directed by 1980 Academy Award winner, Terry Jones, is one of the most famous comedies that have been produced. It is an incredibly funny film that has been made with more laughs than a wedge on an ice cube. The film has come a long way since its production during the early 70s till its release in the year 1979, thus influencing the entire comedy scene for decades onwards.

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