Moore Island



Moore Island


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Moore Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Sri Lanka. A beautiful and tranquil island, Moore Island is also a great location for nature lovers and photographers. The island offers a chance to see some of the world’s rarest and endemic flora and fauna. It is also home to a variety of bird species, including the Sri Lanka lapwing, the Sri Lanka junglefowl and the greater flamingo.

Moore Island


Moore Island is named after the Irishman, Sir Thomas Moore (1779-1852). Moore first visited Sri Lanka in 1809 and was so impressed with the island that he decided to settle there. He bought a large tract of land on the north coast of Ceylon, which he called Grove Place. The estate consisted of several villages and included a large lagoon, known as Lighthouse Lagoon or Moores Lagoon. Moore eventually built a wooden villa on the lagoon and called it Moore Castle.

Smith Island was originally known as “Donaster Bay” but prior to 1948, when Sri Lanka was renamed as Ceylon (later changed to Sri Lanka), there were two other islands often confused with Smith Island are St. John’s Water And Sandilands . Gloster Islet is also in Georgetown some 7km from Doncaster beach.

Today the only island remaining is the island of Moore, which still retains a degree of woody vegetation and its pristine surrounding waters.

As well as being a natural paradise for nature lovers – this place has some great rock climbing opportunities too! The cliff faces are clean sandstone with iron oxide nodules making them particularly attractive to climbers. With clear water on the inside so it’s possible to see typically-beaked oblong scales fish swimming in schools further up the cliffs. Also there are cave openings forming over the sandstone that can provide shelter from bad weather and is a nesting area for pangolins, which may or not be what you’re interested in of course!

The island also houses remnants of colonial plantation architecture including old European farmhouses such as Moore Castle, imported meadows & pastures built by British settlers who arrived here on their Scottish highlanders pony rides during the late 1800s.


Moore Island Climate

The climate of Moore Island is a tropical rainforest. The weather in the region is influenced by two ocean currents that run north and south along the eastern coast of Papua New Guinea.

There are two seasons on Moore Island: wet season and dry season.

The rainy season starts from November to April, while the dry season begins from May to October. The average temperature ranges between 23°C and 32°C throughout the year with an average humidity level around 65%.


Ile Héron island Culture

Moore Island is a community that has been around for over 50 years. It is located in central British Columbia and it is surrounded by the wild Pacific Ocean, making it one of the best places to live. The islanders have lived there all their lives, taking care of themselves as they were raised by their parents.

The population on Moore Island consists of a small group of people who are always together and share everything they have with each other, such as clothes, food and even money. They do not pay rent or utility bills because everything they need comes from the community storehouse which provides them with fresh food every day.

Since everyone shares everything equally in this community, everyone works hard for the good of others. There are no stores on Moore Island so when someone needs something new then he/she will buy it from his/her neighbor without having to pay any money for it at all!



There are no elected officials on Moore Island, which makes it a very autonomous community. The islanders make the decisions that affect their lives without any interference from anyone else.

The culture of Moore Island is based on family and communal values, which makes it a very close-knit society. Everyone trusts each other and everyone helps out when they can because they know that everyone needs each other in order to survive as a community. There are no malls on Moore Island and every family owns their own house which they will not give to someone else.

The houses from the past have been renovated many times over, but no one has ever moved out of his/her home for them to be demolished with new ones built next door. Each house is firmly located in a specific spot because if it wasn’t then the entire community would have become vulnerable due to lack of secure territory and privacy.

Government Services

Government services


There is no government on Moore Island, which means that there are no taxes or regulations to deal with. The islanders rely completely on themselves and their own resources to survive. Since there is no government, the islanders have evolved their own system of law and order which works fine for them.

Since Moore Island has been self-governed for so long without any interference from outside sources, the people here have developed their own unique culture based on family and communal values. This makes it a very close-knit society, where everyone trusts one another and helps out when they can because lives depend on each other in order for the community to function as an entire entity.

There are no malls or stores on Moore Island which means that food resources have to be shared by all members of the community whenever possible so as many families are able to maintain adequate levels of nutrition throughout their day without any difficulty.



Tourism is not a big industry on Moore Island because there is no infrastructure to support it. The islanders who are now working in the tourism industry started out as tour guide operators who took people around the island on private tours. However, nowadays most of them work for local travel agencies which offer daytrips to Moore Island from Bangkok, Phuket and other places in Thailand.


For centuries, Moore Island was shrouded in mystery. It was only in the early 1900s that it started to be explored and the hidden treasures that lay beneath its surface were finally revealed. Today, Moore Island is a destination for tourists who come to explore its unique culture and heritage.

Amongst the many things to see on Moore Island are the beautiful natural lakes, the historical buildings, and the lush vegetation. If you’re looking for a peaceful getaway, Moore Island is definitely worth a visit!


1.How To Get There?

Ans. There is no public transportation that goes to Moore Island. You will have to arrange your own transportation from Bangkok or another nearby city.

2.Can I Stay On Moore Island Overnight?

Ans. Yes, you can stay on Moore Island overnight if you’re travelling with an accredited tour operator who can provide a guide for the trip. Otherwise, you may need to find accommodations off ofMoore island in either Phuket or Bangkok .

3.Is Moore Island Safe?

Ans. Moore Island is relatively safe, though you should keep an eye out for snakes and thieving tour guides. It is also advisable to bring a lock with you while exploring the island because there are no fences around certain parts of it which means that anyone could sneak up on unsuspecting visitors at any time.

4.Are There Organized Tours? How Much Does A Tour Cost?

Ans. There are not any organized tours to visit Mani Archipelago from Bangkok so without hiring your own private guide or traveling in one of those travel packages where all the expenses will be generally taken care of, the cost for you to visit Moore Island will be entirely up to you.

5.What Type Of Food Is Available On The Island?  Is There Alcohol Served At Bars And Restaurants?

Ans. Foods that are typically found on traditional Thai islands include rice porridge with chicken curry stir-fried noodles ( ngiam ) , grilled fish wrapped in banana leaf leaves, roasted bananas covered in sugar syrup and as well as fried vegetables. Local drinks like chaa tea can also be seen being sold during your stay around town that usually comes free when purchased from a store or seller.

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