All About Of Ney Island- Everything You Have to Know



Ney Island


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A neighbor of the Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, North Kent Island is an ambitious and significant undertaking for its hilly terrain, unseen wetlands, and gorgeous rivers. This land is often referred to as an ecological reserve, a protected land ready for habitation in the future. There’s a lot of appreciation and curiosity toward these new opportunities as this area undergoes changes in facilities and demands.

All About Of Ney Island

Ney Island


The first stewardship of North Kent Island was in 1913 when a group of landowners formed the Canadian Pacific Railway Company to develop the island. The work included planting trees and shrubs, building roads and bridges, establishing campsites, and measuring miles for railway gauges. However, due to economic difficulties during World War I there was no progress made on developing the island until 1922-24.

In 1938 under Great Depression conditions settlers were again allowed to own sections of land on the island. The number was limited to ten square miles though, theoretically, any resident could enjoy this sixty-five-acre section per person and remain a Crown Corporation or Canadian Pacific Railway Company’s property by deed for another 999 years in which he has full ownership. For residents planning to buy one hundred acres upriver from the CCR station that would include thirteen lots across North Kent Island as North Kent Development Association holdings in lieu of two cents per acre for fifty-year leases.

The association had the right to collect taxes, issue property titles and carry out necessary work with monetary support from CCR. Unfortunately because of harsh winters in 1939 only twenty families decided to make their permanent home on North Kent Island or as it was known “Brownville”.

However, a recent management report completed puts the number of occupants at seventy farms today when taking into account growth over time and development of existing communities.



The climate on North Kent Island is the Arctic and tempered by the Gulf Stream. Summers are long, mild, and sunny with highs in the mid to upper twenties Celsius while winters can be short, harsh, and cold with temperatures often below zero degrees Celsius.

The vegetation on North Kent island ranges from wetland forests in the north to tundra-like areas near Lake Winnipegosis in the south. The predominant animals are rodents, lynx, and wolves; while birds include owls, eagles, seagulls, loons, and hawks. North Kent Island has a large population of wolves that aid in the management of moose populations across the island as natural preyed predators are few on North Kent Island due to cutbacks during World War II.

Rabbits also appear to be common throughout most parts of Brownville aside from some enclaves around Lake Winnipegosis. Roads and areas of higher elevation provide the bypass for most who are able to evade them, however from time-to-time farms go into a month-long rabbit frenzy making roads impassable through vast swamps with varying depths up to four feet in spots once again becoming obstacles if one manages to find an exit or island away from Brownvile’s borders.



The culture on North Kent Island is a melting pot of diverse influences. The British Isles, Scandinavia, Russia, and the United States are all represented in the makeup of Brownville’s people. Folk music festivals are very popular on North Kent Island with local bands as well as touring acts playing to enthusiastic crowds featuring everything from Celtic rock to bluegrass.

Literary events such as book readings, film screenings, and debates also draw large crowds around town while social gatherings take place at coffee shops. Parties are also a major draw for families and young couples as well, however many live nearby or in neighboring villages on the mainland that have large populations of dual-nationals who sometimes opt to stay there rather than be isolated from their own country indefinitely.



North Kent Island is a republic with a semi-presidential system. The president, who is elected by popular vote, serves as the head of state and manages the day-to-day administration of government while the two houses of parliament, or senates, make decisions on legislation.

The house of representatives has 51 members who are elected from single-member districts according to population; however, due to Brownvile’s rural setting and small population size, this is not a significant factor in the election of representatives.

The senate consists of two individuals from each state who serve as a check on the house and are also given voting powers regarding legislation at least until it passes through both chambers prior to becoming law, but only then with all senators present having voted yes.

Government services

Government Services

The government of North Kent Island is mainly made up of three departments: the department of health, which oversees public health and safety; the department of education, which protects and promotes educational opportunities for all residents; and the department of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. The police force patrols throughout Brownville Municipality as well as rural areas outside it while firefighting services are provided by both a municipal fire brigade as well as mutual aid organizations from neighboring municipalities.



North Kent Island has been designated a Canadian Heritage Site and because of this, many aspects of the island’s culture and history are preserved. The most notable tourist destination on North Kent Island is the historic downtown located in Brownville Municipality. This merchant town features cobblestone streets, wood-frame buildings dating back to the early 19th century, and several museums including the North Kent Island Museum which houses exhibits about local history as well as artifacts from aboriginal settlements on the island.


South Molle Transport

The only way to get to North Kent Island is by ferry which operates from May thru October. The fare is C$14 per person roundtrip and reservations must be made in advance.



North Kent Island is well known for its seafood which can be found in restaurants all over the island. Some local favorites include lobster bisque, oysters Rockefeller, and fish chowder.


North Kent Island is a small northernmost island of the province of British Columbia, Canada. It is located roughly 24 km off the mainland’s western tip and has a portion of the land surface area of 3.9 km. The northernmost population center is the community of Long Harbour, which has a population of 304 as of the 2011 census. The island’s indigenous community consists of four Indian reserves, two being on the northeast and two being on the southeast side.


1.How Can I Get To North Kent Island?

Ans: The only way to get to North Kent Island is by ferry which operates from May thru October. The fare is C$14 per person roundtrip and reservations must be made in advance.

2.What Is North Kent Island?

Ans: North Kent Island is located approximately 24 km off the mainland’s western tip and has a portion of the land surface area of 3.9 km. The island’s indigenous community consists of four Indian reserves, two being on the northeast and two being on the southeast side.

3.What Is Kent Island Known For?

Ans: North Kent Island is well known for its seafood which can be found in restaurants all over the island. Some local favorites include lobster bisque, oysters Rockefeller and fish chowder.

4.Is Kent Island Before The Bay Bridge?

Ans: No, Kent Island is located after the Bay Bridge.

5.Who Is Kent Island Named For?

Ans: Kent Island is named for Thomas Kent, an English naval officer and explorer who led the first European voyage of discovery up the Fraser River in 1792.

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