No Country for Old Men- Storyline and Short Review




No Country for Old Men


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No Country for Old Men is a 2007 American thriller film which is written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. The film stars Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Mark Wahlberg, and Woody Harrelson. A story of ruthless criminals and the lawmen who hunt them down in the unforgiving Mexican desert.

In this article, we will show you the storyline and short review of this beautiful masterpiece. This article will also possess some extra information about this movie. Here we will add some frequently asked questions asked by the viewers and expectant. So we would like to request all of you to read this article once at least.

  • Genre: Crime/ Western
  • Runtime: 2h 2m
  • Release Year: 2007
  • IMDB Rating: 8.1
  • Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
  • Box Office: 171.6 million USD

No Country for Old Men

The Storyline Of The Movie- No Country For Old Men 2007

The Storyline Of The Movie- No Country For Old Men 2007

In No Country for Old Men, a retired Texas sheriff goes in search of his brother-in-law, who has been kidnapped by the brutal leader of a drug cartel. Spanning three days and two nights on the vast Texas desert landscape, Brolin’s staggering performance reveals both the depth and breadth of human cruelty.

This is an action-packed movie that will keep you hooked until its end. The storyline follows former lawman Javier Bardem as he tailors his tactics to take down one tough criminal after another with some intense violence along with Josh Brolin’s stellar performance as the retiring Texas sheriff.

Javier Bardem’s character, Llewelyn Moss, is a professional hunter who has been in the business for many years. He is known for his ruthless and efficient methods of hunting down criminals. One day, Llewelyn Moss is approached by a man named Anton Chigurh, who offers him a job to track down and kill a man named Josh Brolin’s character, Michael Baden.

Moss takes the job and begins to track down Brolin, but he soon realizes that Chigurh is not as simple as he seems. As the two men start to play cat and mouse, Moss finds out more about Chigurh and his past. Eventually, Moss catches up with Chigurh and confronts him about his motives for wanting to kill Brolin.

The movie No Country for Old Men takes place in rural Texas in 2007. The film follows the story of two men who come to find a large sum of money hidden under a tree, which they return to their employer. However, on their way back to the car, they are attacked by a drug cartel. Only one of them makes it out alive and returns to his employer with his life’s savings in tow.

Short Review Of The Movie- No Country For Old Men 2007

Short Review Of The Movie- No Country For Old Men 2007

No Country For Old Men is a great movie that will keep you entertained from beginning to end. The acting is top-notch and the storyline is captivating. The DVD release has been remastered and includes special features such as deleted scenes, an audio commentary by director Joel Coen and star Javier Bardem, and more.

No Country For Old Men is a great movie that is full of suspense and mystery. The acting is excellent and the storyline is captivating. This movie is rated R for violence and gore, so it may not be suitable for some viewers. However, it is definitely worth watching if you are a fan of thriller movies.

A suspenseful and gripping crime drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Javier Bardem is phenomenal as the ruthless killer Anton Chigurh, who will stop at nothing to get his hands on the money. The cinematography is stunning, and the cast is top-notch including Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones, and Woody Harrelson.

No Country For Old Men is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

The acting in this movie is top-notch, and Javier Bardem is particularly excellent as the mysterious and menacing Anton Chigurh. The cinematography is stunning, and the landscapes of rural Mexico are beautifully depicted. This is a great movie that will keep you entertained from beginning to end.

If you’re looking for a dark, suspenseful thriller then this is the movie for you. The violence is graphic and may be disturbing to some, but it’s well worth watching.

Popular Reviews Of The Movie- No Country For Old Men 2007

Popular Reviews Of The Movie

No Country For Old Men is a stunning crime drama about a ruthless killer (Javier Bardem) and the detective (Josh Brolin) who must track him down. Spanning more than two decades, this gripping thriller takes you on an emotional ride as the characters face seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their efforts to bring justice to Anton Chigurh.

With striking cinematography and thrilling performances from lead actors Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin, No Country for Old Men is not to be missed! There are many great things about No Country For Old Men 2007. First and foremost, it is a well-made film that is sure to keep you entertained from beginning to end.

Secondly, the acting is top-notch and everyone involved in the production does a fantastic job. And lastly, the storyline is compelling and will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

The cinematography in  No Country For Old Men is stunning, capturing the harshness of the desert landscape perfectly. This adds to the sense of tension and suspense that pervades throughout the movie. The plot twists in No Country For Old Men are shocking and unpredictable, keeping you on your toes all the way through to the end. This makes for an exciting and engaging experience that you will not want to miss out on!

Critics Reviews Of No Country For Old Men 2007

Critics Reviews Of No Country For Old Men 2007

The majority of critics have praised the film for its expertly written and directed screenplay, stellar acting by both Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin, and jaw-dropping cinematography. They have also commended director Ridley Scott for his trademark visual style and atmospheric setting.

However, some reviewers have criticized the film for its slow pacing at times, its lack of character development, and its reliance on coincidence rather than suspenseful plot twists to keep the viewer engaged. Some famous critics review on this movie is stated below:

No Country for Old Men is a brilliant film that will keep you riveted from beginning to end.

-Hollywood Reporter

What an intense thriller! No Country For Old Men 2007 keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Javier Bardem is stunning as the murderous Anton Chigurh, and Josh Brolin is equally fantastic as detective Keeney. Highly recommended!

-Empire (UK)

No Country for Old Men is an intense and riveting thriller starring Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin. This is a powerful, well-made film that will keep you entertained from beginning to end.

-Chicago Sun-Times

If you’re looking for a film that will keep you entertained from beginning to end, then look no further than No Country for Old Men 2007. Javier Bardem is stunning as the murderous Anton Chigurh, and Josh Brolin is equally fantastic as detective Keeney. I highly recommend this movie!

-TV Guide (USA)

So intense, so gripping that one can only sit back and marvel at how expertly the filmmakers have pulled off this dark tale. Javier Bardem is spellbinding as Anton Chigurh, an enigmatic killer who leaves no clues behind.

-New York Times

Therefore No Country for Old Men 2007 is a well-made but slow-paced thriller starring Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin. It is an intense, captivating film that will keep you entertained from beginning to end.

The Performance Of The Cast And Crew Of No Country For Old Men 2007

Some Critics did not think the cast and crew of No Country for Old Men delivered a great performance. Some critics said that Javier Bardem was good but Josh Brolin could have done better. Some critics also said that the filmmakers could have done a better job with character development and plot.

They were all very professional and worked together well. They always looked happy on set which made everyone feel comfortable and relaxed. The sets were always clean and tidy, which showed that they took care of their environment. The cast and crew never complained or caused any problems, which was a huge credit to them.

Some critics thought that the making of No Country for Old Men was great. They said that the filmmakers did a good job with cinematography, directing, and editing. Some critics thought that the Sound of No Country for Old Men was great. They said that the Soundtrack of No Country for Old Men was well-made and helped to create a tense and atmospheric film. Some critics also thought that Javier Bardem’s performance in No Country for Old Men was good.

Critics thought that the side actors and extras did a good job in No Country for Old Men. They said that they suit their parts well and create an atmospheric atmosphere on screen. Music and Sound in No Country for Old Men was well-made, according to some critics.

All in all, I thought No Country for Old Men 2007 was an excellent movie! The acting is superb and the storyline is captivating from beginning to end. Latino Review has awarded this film 5 out of 5 stars, so you can be sure that I concur! If you’re looking for a thrilling thriller then I highly recommend giving it a watch!

Why Was The Movie- No Country For Old Men So Famous?

There are a lot of reasons behind this movie’s being so famous. People have different tastes and different thoughts on various topics. But as we are talking about masterpieces we must say that people love them without any hesitation. So No Country For Old Men is such a beauty that most of the viewers liked this movie.

Again there are some particular reasons for which this movie went beyond their expectations. Such as:

  1. The storyline was very gripping and the movie was shot in a very detailed way that made it seem like you were right there with the characters.
  2. The acting was superb and the cast was very diverse which added to the realism of the movie.
  3. The cinematography was amazing and really captured the essence of the story.

And obviously, the direction was spot on.

Hence, all these reasons combined created an overall awe-inspiring experience that lured in hordes of moviegoers.

Why You Should Watch No Country For Old Men 2007

There are a lot of reasons behind watching this movie. As we know every person has their own taste in movies so it is essential to understand what makes this movie so amazing. So if you are looking for an exhilarating thriller then No Country For Old Men should definitely be on your list. It will keep you glued to the screen until the very end!

One of the reasons why people love watching movies is because they can learn something from them. So with that in mind, No Country For Old Men teaches a lot about human nature. It portrays the harsh realities of life and how people react to such situations.

This makes it an illuminating experience for viewers who want to gain some knowledge about humanity as a whole. The other reasons why you should watch this beautiful film is described below:

  1. It is a gripping and suspenseful crime thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  2. The acting is top-notch and the storyline is very captivating.
  3. The film has been critically acclaimed and has won many awards, including two Academy Awards (Best Picture and Best Director).

The bottom line is that if you are looking for a gripping and mesmerizing journey then No Country For Old Men is the movie for you. The acting, storyline, and cinematography are all top-notch, so it’s truly a cinematic masterpiece. So whether you’re an avid viewer or just testing the waters, I highly recommend giving this flick a watch!

Awards Won By No Country For Old Men 2007

It has been awarded several accolades including 4 Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor), 2 Golden Globe Awards (Best Motion Picture – Drama), And 3 BAFTAs (Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor).


No Country For Old Men is an excellent movie that will captivate you from start to finish. It has been critically acclaimed and won many awards.  If you want to learn more about human nature then this is the movie for you. It portrays the harsh realities of life and how people react to such situations.

In this article, we tried to show you the storyline and short reviews of this movie. As well as we pointed out some reasons why you should watch this movie. We hope that we have convinced you to add it to your list of movies to watch. So why not give it a try? 


1.How Was It To Act In A Movie Like This One?

Ans: Thank you for your question. It was great to act in this movie and it was a lot of fun. The cast and crew were very supportive and it was great to work with them. The crew was great and the cast was wonderful. We all had a lot of fun making this movie and we are really proud of it.

2.What Is The Most Important Part Of The No Country For Old Men- Storyline?

Ans: There are many important parts of the No Country for Old Men- storyline, but some of the most important include:

  1. The development of the relationship between Javier Bardem’s character, Llewelyn Moss, and Josh Brolin’s character, Deputy Sheriff Ed Tom Bell.
  2. The development of the relationship between Bardem’s character and Sean Penn’s character, Anton Chigurh.
  3. The suspenseful and thrilling climax to the story as Javier Bardem’s character tries to outsmart Chigurh in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse.

3.Is No Country For Old Men A Novel Or A True Story?

Ans: No, No Country for Old Men is not actually based on a true story. However, it is inspired by the true story of Llewelyn Moss, who was a real-life person. But No Country For Old Men is based on the 2006 novel of the same name by Cormac McCarthy.

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