Praslin Island – Everything You Need to Know!



Praslin Island-Everything You Need to Know!


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Praslin Island is a part of Marie Galante Island SPAIQUE, which is divided into two parts : Praslin Island and La Digue. Praslin island has a surface area of no more than 4.6 square kilometers of land and has a coastline of almost 400 km.

The island is about 105 km from the capital city Victoria. The island was discovered by French marines in 1767 and being a remote island, it has its own airport for the speedy transportation between the islanders and outside world. The city of Victoria has its own airport which serves all the big international carrier that operate from it.

All Discussion Of Praslin Island

Praslin Island-Everything You Need to Know!



The island was first discovered by the French marine in 1767, and being a remote island, it had its own airport for the speedy transportation between the islanders and outside world. The airport which serves all international carrier that operates from Victoria is one of the major attractions of Praslin Island!


Praslin island is located 105 km from the capital city of Victoria. The island has a surface area of no more than 4.6 square kilometers and has a coastline of almost 400 km!



There are about 1,000 people living on the island. The majority of the population is composed of Sri Lankan Tamils who migrated to Praslin in the 1970s and 1980s in search of a better life!



The economy of Praslin island is mainly dependent on tourism. The main source of income comes from the hotels, resorts and villas that are present on the island. There is also a small farm produce industry that employs a few people.



The climate on Praslin is mild, with average temperatures ranging from 23 degrees Celsius to 27 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The rainy season lasts from November to March and the dry season takes place between April and October.



The culture on Praslin Island revolves around nature and seafood! One can find a wide variety of seafood items at local restaurants. Festivals such as Deepavali also receive significant attention from locals.



Most people on the island speak Sinhalese and Tamil. English is also widely spoken.



The island has one primary and two secondary schools. The majority of the students who attend these schools come from mainland Sri Lanka.



The politics of Praslin island are dominated by the Sri Lankan government. The majority of the population is supportive of the Sri Lanka’s military regime and its policies!

Government Services

Government Services

There are no government services available on the island. Medical assistance is only available through private clinics.



The main source of income for the island’s economy is tourism. Over 10,000 tourists visit Praslin every year!

Hotels and Resorts

Hotels and Resorts List

There are a total of 13 hotels and resorts on the island. These properties range from budget-friendly options to luxurious lodgings.



There are numerous attractions on Praslin Island. Galle Face Rock is the most popular and can be viewed from all over the island! The road down to Mahé Beach is also a popular destination for tourists!

The Disabled Ticket Booth: A disabled person has to move through ‘alternative queues’ that have been established at eight main tourist sites in order to receive free passes (tickets) entitling them to entry at any of the sites. These queues are:

  1. The Vedda Café, [Mahé Beach]
  2. Colombo-Galle Highway, south of the Police Station (near Dickoya Post Office),
  3. Mission House Museum,
  4. Praslin town
  5. The Elephant Orphanage and Training Centre,
  6. Jetty Road near the Duty-Free Shop,
  7. Watteva Poloda,
  8. The Church of England Bishop’s House.



There is no public transport on Praslin Island. The only way to get around is by car or bicycle!



Praslin Island is famous for its seafood cuisine. The island’s menus are filled with fresh seafood dishes prepared in a variety of ways!



The island is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards and monkeys!


Praslin Island lies in the Central Region of the Seychelles. It is one of the two islands which make up the Seychelles archipelago. As one of the two most populated islands in the country, it boasts of a population of over 26,000.

The island enjoys a moderate climate, though it can be affected by heavy rainfall during July and August. Praslin Island is known to have beautiful mountainous and coastal areas, as well as numerous beaches and coral reefs. The island also has a considerable number of shrines, which are located around different areas and need to be visited separately.


1.Why Is It Called Praslin Island?

Ans: Praslin Island is an iconic destination in the Seychelles that is known for its stunning views, rich history, and lush vegetation. The island is also home to one of the world’s rarest animals, the Seychelles Black Crested Macaque. The monkeys are a favorite attraction of tourists who come to see them in their natural habitat.

The island was originally named Praslin by the French explorer La Pérouse, in honor of his ship’s captain, Pierre-François Praslin. The name was later changed to Praslin Island by the British colonial authorities in the early 1800s. The island’s current name is derived from the French word praslin, meaning “Seychelles palm.

2.Is There A Fee For Visiting The Island?

Ans: There is no fee for visiting the island! However, please be aware that there is a per-person fee for using the facilities (such as the spa, pool, beach, and kayaks).

3.What Is Praslin Island?

Ans: Praslin Island is an uninhabited volcanic island located in the Indian Ocean. It is part of the Seychelles group of islands, and is situated about 180 miles east of Mahé and 430 miles east of Réunion. The island is privately owned by the family of Pierre and Jacqueline de Rothschild.

4.How Can I Get To Praslin Island?

Ans: Praslin Island is located in the Seychelles and can only be reached by boat. The best way to get there is by taking the Sainte Marie Express boat from Mahé, which leaves every day at 10am. Prices start from USD$110 per person.

Alternatively, you can take the Route du Sud bus from Victoria, which leaves every day at 8am, and costs around USD$10.

5.Where Is Praslin Island Located?

Ans: Praslin Island is located in the Seychelles and is a popular tourist destination. It is home to the world’s second highest-altitude airport and the world’s second-largest natural lagoon. The island is also known for its stunning tropical landscapes and its many coconut trees.

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