Príncipe Island



Príncipe Island


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Príncipe Island is a tropical paradise located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Venezuela. The island is known for its white-sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation. It is also one of the most popular tourist destinations in Venezuela, receiving thousands of tourists every year. Travelers can enjoy a variety of activities such as diving, snorkeling, scuba diving, cycling, and more.

Príncipe Island


Príncipe Island was first settled by the indigenous Carib people in the early 16th century. It was uninhabited until Christopher Columbus discovered it in 1498, and it remained largely uncharted until 1508 when Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León named it Isla Príncipe after Prince Philip of Spain.

The island became a possession of the British Crown under King George III in 1763 and passed to Venezuelan control following independence from Great Britain in 1830. In 1962, Venezuela declared an exclusive economic zone around Príncipe Island, which has since made it one of the world’s most exclusive vacation destinations.

In 1628, French explorer François de Sainte-Croix sailed from Newfoundland with a party of settlers intending to convert the island into a new colony at “Coquille”.

The colonists built cabins and planted crops but they were heavily outnumbered by Caribs drawn to the island by its natural resources, especially timber for ship construction; this drew raiding parties against them which combined cannibalism (Cha’pí), enslavement, and extreme violence.

In 1712 France established Fort Saint Louis as part of an effort to consolidate control over New France and its resource-rich islands. The fort was abandoned in 1763, and the island remained uninhabited until 1798 when a British expedition under George III landed on Príncipe to expel the French, who had gained control of neighboring Saint Lucia.


The climate in Príncipe is generally tropical, with a hot and humid year-round average rainfall of 1500 mm.

Temperatures range from 23 °C during the day to 18 °C at night. Rainfall ranges from approximately 1500–3000 mm per year.

Based on a mean of 1000 mm, the portion of precipitation can vary mixtures between 75–250%, making this island among one island in The World with the most influence from oceans temperature variation than all other islands in that world.

Including winds and air currents, temperatures ebb and flow to tidal waves around 4 °C range or about 4 days for each yearly increase or decrease by 1°C(or 0.2°F).

Though one must be aware (whether tropical weather friend) that the sun shines during the night whereas rain falls during the day.

In an island diminished in a sea almost half of that, it is given to most things greater than before their meeting.


The culture of Príncipe is a blend of African, European, and East Indian influences. The island was first settled by Europeans in the 16th century, and today there are a number of coastal towns that have retained much of their Portuguese architecture. Much more recent settlements reflect the influence of indigenous Africans, who continue to play an important role in society both economically and politically. There is also a sizeable East Indian community on the island.

Economy and Government

In a country where few people have electricity, radio, or television, virtually no cars travel on roads on the island. Though relatively underpopulated with only about 1 million inhabitants in 1991, services are reasonably well provided: there is broadband Internet access from many of the villages. There are generally four different kinds of currency (known as Benda), although local shopkeepers usually do not make exchange rates displayed very prominently. The main import-export commodities include coffee and cocoa beans which come primarily by sea through either Porto Grande to Freetown in Sierra Leone or via S ão Tomé and Príncipe to the Luso-African island of São Vicente.


Despite constituting only 4% of the country, Príncipe has had a notably active and influential political life. The island became the first African state to enter into a treaty with Cuba on 22 October 1975, and it was also one of the earliest signatories to the United Nations Charter (on 15 December 1945). In 1991, following parliamentary elections that were widely regarded as free and fair, Prime Minister António Guterres led his Social Democrat Party to victory in a coalition government with two other parties. Since then he has been re-elected prime minister twice more – in 2006 and 2010 . Príncipe is currently a member of the African Union, the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries, and the Benelux Economic Union.

Government services

There is a single hospital, which provides both inpatient and outpatient services. There are no banks on the island, but there are a number of money changers who will offer better rates if you can find them. Post office service is regular, although letters may take up to six weeks to arrive.


Príncipe Island Healthcare

The island has an excellent healthcare system with many international standards set by well-staffed hospitals. Serious health concerns should be reported to either the embassy or medical center in Freetown as soon as possible.


Príncipe Island Tourism

The island has a number of beautiful beaches and its lush rainforest, filled with exotic wildlife, makes it an excellent spot to see. The island is also home to some impressive colonial architecture, which can be seen in towns like São Vicente and Montego Bay.


Príncipe Island is a small, uninhabited island in the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo. It is located about halfway between Rio de Janeiro and Vitória, and is administratively part of the municipality of Vitória da Conquista. The island has been designated as a natural monument by the Brazilian government.


1 . When is the Best Time to Visit Príncipe Island?

The island can be visited at any time of the year, but January and February are considered the peak tourist months.

2. What Should I Wear When Visiting Príncipe Island?

Casual clothing is usually appropriate, though visitors should bring a jacket if they plan to spend a lot of time outdoors. Sunglasses and sunscreen are also recommended in the case of sunny days.

3. How Much Does It Cost to Visit Príncipe Island?

There is no specific admission charge for visitors who arrive by air, land, or sea. However, there are a number of fees that may be applicable, such as for diving and kayaking. Prices generally vary depending on the activity being undertaken.

4. Is There Accommodation Available on Príncipe Island?

Yes, visitors can find a variety of rooms to stay in either direction from the island or through local tour operators. Some budget-minded travelers will also be happy to camp out under the stars!

5. What Can I Do on Príncipe Island?

There is plenty of opportunity for fun and relaxation whilst visiting Pr íncipe Island, from swimming and sunbathing to exploring its winding coves and beaches. Some of the island’s top attractions include a natural pool filled with freshwater eels, an ancient monastery, and a waterfall that tumbles down into a deep ravine.

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