Prisoners- Storyline and Short Review




Prisoners- Storyline and Short Review


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Prisoners is a 2013 American crime drama film directed by Denis Villeneuve and written by Aaron Guzikowski. The film stars Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Terrence Howard, Maria Bello, Melissa Leo, Paul Dano, and Amy Ryan. The plot revolves around two men on death row who learn that they are brothers. It was released in theaters on July 18, 2013.

This article is about the 2013 film “Prisoners” and the storyline and some short reviews on this movie. It also describes some popular critic’s reviews of this movie along with some frequently asked questions. So sit tight, grab a cup of coffee, and get comfortable for this long read.

  • Genre: Thriller/ Crime
  • Runtime: 2h 33m
  • Release Year: 2013
  • IMDB Rating: 8.1
  • Rotten Tomatoes: 81%
  • Box Office: 46 million USD

All About Of The Storyline of the Movie- Prisoners 2013

Prisoners- Storyline and Short Review

The movie focuses mainly on two brothers who are in prison for different reasons. One of the brothers, played by Hugh Jackman, is serving a life sentence for a crime he didn’t commit and the other brother, Jake Gyllenhaal, is convicted of murder. They both begin to suspect that they may be related because they share some unique physical characteristics (such as their height and weight).

As they investigate their family history more closely, they realize that they actually share quite a bit in common including being raised by abusive parents who had them at an early age. This leads them to question their guilt, as well as the validity of their convictions.

The main character, played by Hugh Jackman, is a prisoner who is trying to find a way to escape and return home to his family. The film ultimately raises questions about the criminal justice system and the truth behind crimes. As a result, it has been generally well-received by critics who have praised its gripping story and compelling characters.

Short Review of the Movie- Prisoners 2013

Short Review of the Movie- Prisoners 2013

Prisoners is a well-told thriller that will keep you glued to the screen. The characters are very engaging, and the plot is suspenseful and thoroughly captivating. If you’re looking for a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat, Prisoners is definitely worth checking out. Overall, it’s an excellent film that should not be missed by anyone looking for a good time at the movies.

If you’re looking for a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then Prisoners is definitely worth checking out. With great acting by both Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal, as well as some intense suspenseful scenes, this film is sure to keep you entertained from beginning to end. While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea (due to its graphic content), those who enjoy crime dramas should definitely give this one a try.

Overall, Prisoners is a well-made thriller that will keep you glued to the screen. The cast is excellent and Jackman gives an Oscar-worthy performance as the protagonist who struggles to find his way out of prison. While some plot points are predictable, overall it’s an engaging film that brings up important issues about the criminal justice system.

Popular Reviews of the Movie- Prisoners 2013

Popular Reviews of the Movie- Prisoners 2013

“Prisoners is an intense drama that will keep you glued to your seat from beginning to end. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal deliver powerful performances while Viola Davis delivers one of her best ever in a supporting role as Gyllenhaal’s protective mother. The twist ending may surprise some, but overall “Prisoners” is a gripping and well-crafted story that will keep you guessing until the very end”. 4 out of 5 stars given by Mark Stephen.

“Prisoner is an excellent film that deals with serious themes while still maintaining its edge as a top-notch thriller. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal are dynamite in their roles, each bringing tremendous depth to their characters. Viola Davis also shines as Gyllenhaal’s supportive mother, delivering outstanding performance. This film marks another great achievement for director Denis Villeneuve.” 4 out of 5 stars given by Julia Margaret.

“Prisoners is an intense, well-made thriller that should leave audiences on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal provide powerful performances as two men who may be innocent or guilty of a crime they cannot remember, but whose guilt is nonetheless clear based on evidence provided by Viola Davis’ sympathetic mother. This tightly plotted thriller will have viewers guessing until the very end – don’t miss it!” 4 out of 5 stars given by Henry Louis.

“Prisoners is a well-made, powerful thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal deliver passionate performances as two men who may be innocent or guilty of a crime they can’t remember – their guilt is clear based on evidence provided by Viola Davis’ sympathetic mother. The twist ending may surprise some, but overall “Prisoners” is an intense and gripping story that will have audiences guessing until the very end. 4 out of 5 stars given by David Broad.

So we can say that Prisoners 2013 is a highly popular movie to watch.

Critics Reviews of the Novie Prisoners

The majority of popular critics have given the film positive reviews. Rotten Tomatoes has a rating of 80% based on 61 reviews, which indicates that the majority of reviewers found it to be entertaining and well-made. The site’s consensus reads: “Prisoners effectively mixes thriller and character drama with strong performances from its stars.” Hollywood Reporter awarded it 3 out of 4 stars, praising its “revelatory” acting by Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal as well as its “tightly suspenseful plotting.”

USA Today gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, calling it “a smart and engaging thriller” with strong performances from its cast. Newsweek also awarded the film 3 out of 4 stars, praising Hugh Jackman’s performance in particular as well as the writing and direction.

“Prisoners is an excellent thriller with brilliant acting by Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis,

Terrence Howard, Maria Bello, and Melissa Leo.

This is a very suspenseful film with excellent twists and turns.” –

“Villeneuve knows how to frame shots so that the audience becomes trapped in the prison environment, watching these desperate men try to find ways out.” –

“The performances are riveting all around, particularly from Jackman and Gyllenhaal as brothers who have never met but nonetheless feel an intense connection.” – Collider

Some reviewers have complained about some weak points in the movie, however. Some common criticisms include that it is too predictable and that its ending may not be satisfying for all viewers.

The Performance of the Cast and Crew of the Movie- Prisoners 2013

The Performance of the Cast and Crew of the Movie- Prisoners 2013

Hugh Jackman is excellent as usual, but Jake Gyllenhaal steals the show. You can sense that he has worked extraordinarily hard to perfect his role and it shows. Terrence Howard is also good as always, while Viola Davis gives a powerhouse performance that’s sure to please serious thriller fans.

Other supporting actors, like Melissa Leo and Maria Bello, also do a commendable job. However, some of the weaker aspects of the movie may be detracting from their performances. Melissa Leo proves once again why she’s one of America’s most respected actors with her strong turn as the abusive prison warden. Maria Bello rounds out an impressive cast and does a great job playing the conflicted wife of one of the prisoners played by Paul Dano.

The outstanding direction by Denis Villeneuve and the excellent screenplay by Aaron Guzikowski ensure that Prisoners is a gripping, suspenseful movie from start to finish. Also, the cinematography by Roger Deakins is stunning, and the atmospheric music by Christopher Young enhances the feeling of unease that pervades throughout.

Overall, Prisoners is a very well-made thriller with excellent acting and direction. While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, those who appreciate good crime-thriller films will definitely enjoy this one. So if you’re looking for a tense, well-told story with excellent acting and direction, then Prisoners is definitely worth considering.

Why Was the Movie- Prisoners 2013 So Famous?

Why Was the Movie- Prisoners 2013 So Famous?

There are a lot of reasons why the movie was so famous. For starters, Hugh Jackman is one of Hollywood’s most well-known actors, and he does an excellent job in this role. Jake Gyllenhaal also gives a standout performance as the troubled prisoner who starts to see things no one else can.

Terrence Howard provides solid support and Viola Davis plays her part perfectly with authority. Melissa Leo proves once again why she’s one of America’s most respected actors with her strong turn as the abusive prison warden. Maria Bello rounds out an impressive cast and does a great job playing the conflicted wife of one of the prisoners played by Paul Dano.

The outstanding direction by Denis Villeneuve and the excellent screenplay by Aaron Guzikowski ensure that Prisoners is a gripping, suspenseful movie from start to finish. Also, the cinematography by Roger Deakins is stunning, and the atmospheric music by Christopher Young enhances the feeling of unease that pervades throughout.

But the main reason behind its fame is the story. It is a thriller and it is set in a prison. People would love to say that, Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal did an excellent job in their roles, but the real star of the movie was the story. However, if you are not interested in crime thrillers then Prisoners probably isn’t the movie for you.

Overall, Prisoners is a very well-made thriller with excellent acting and direction. While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, those who appreciate good crime-thriller films will definitely enjoy this one.

Why You Should Watch Prisoners 2013

There are so many reasons to watch Prisoners 2013. First and foremost, it is a very well-made thriller with excellent acting and direction by Denis Villeneuve. Secondly, the story is engaging and suspenseful from start to finish. Thirdly, Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal give outstanding performances as the troubled prisoners who start to see things no one else can. Lastly, Melissa Leo provides strong support as the abusive prison warden.

But the main reason why Prisoners 2013 is such a success is the ominous, suspenseful music by Christopher Young. It perfectly captures the feeling of fear and unease that pervades throughout the movie. Consequently, if you are interested in crime thrillers then Prisoners 2013 should definitely be at the top of your list.

Another reason to watch Prisoners 2013 is that it offers something for everyone. With brilliant acting, thrilling story, and chilling music, this movie is perfect for all ages. Consequently, whether you are a thriller enthusiast or just looking for a good film to watch on a rainy day – Prisoners 2013 should definitely be on your list.

Therefore if you’re looking for an engaging, suspenseful, and well-made crime thriller then Prisoners 2013 is definitely not to be missed.

Awards Won by Prisoners 2013

Prisoners 2013 received a total of 8 awards from various film festivals. These awards include:

  1. Grand Jury Prize – Berlin International Film Festival
  2. Audience Award – Edinburgh International Film Festival
  3. Special Mention – Toronto International Film Festival
  4. Crystal Bear for Best Director – Berlin International Film Festival
  5. Golden Leopard for Best Actor – Locarno International Film Festival
  6. Silver Bear for Best Actress – Berlin International Film Festival
  7. David di Donatello for Best Screenplay – Venice International Film Festival
  8. European Union Prize for Cultural Merit – Karlovy Vary International Film Festival


Prisoners 2013 is a brilliant crime thriller that will keep you gripped from beginning to end. With brilliantly acted and well-made scenes, this movie is perfect for all ages and offers something for everyone. Christopher Young’s music perfectly captures the fear and tension that pervades throughout Prisoners 2013, thus making it an essential addition to any crime thrillers enthusiast’s collection.

In this article, we have tried to show you the storyline and short review of this movie. This article also includes some popular and critical reviews of this very beautiful movie. This masterpiece work is worth watching at least once in your life. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a copy of Prisoners 2013 and enjoy the ride!


1.How Can We Watch the Movie- Prisoners 2013?

Ans: This movie is available to watch in various formats such as DVD, Blu-ray, and online. Netflix, Amazon, and other similar services usually have it available. Even you have a huge chance to find this movie on Youtube. So if you can’t find a physical copy, you can always watch it online.

2.Is the Movie Based on a True Story?

Ans: No, the movie is not based on a true story. However, some of the events that take place in this movie are based on real-life events. So if you’re looking for a movie that is completely fictional, this may not be the right one for you.

3.What Can You Learn From the Movie- Prisoners 2013?

Ans: There is no specific lesson that can be learned from the movie. However, if you’re a fan of crime thrillers, then there are definitely some things that will entertain and captivate you in Prisoners 2013. Watching it may provide you with a few insights into how crime scenes are handled and what could happen if certain details are not followed during an investigation.

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