Prometheus (2012) FAQ



Prometheus (2012) FAQ


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Prometheus (2012) was an ambitious space odyssey that featured a team of scientists who managed to pull off the impossible. It is a Greek myth about a titan who steals fire from the gods and smuggles it to humanity. The film starred Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, and Idris Elba, and marked the directorial debut of Ridley Scott.

Prometheus (2012) was a highly anticipated film that delivered on its promise at the box office. And now that it has ended its run, let’s look into its origins as we head towards answering some common questions about it.

All About Of Prometheus (2012) FAQ

Is Prometheus Suitable for a 12 Year Old?

You may be one of those moms who are very excited about receiving your new smartphone. But, after a while it feels like developing a deep attachment to your smartphone will be a difficult decision to make. Most of us, as parents, have made up our minds on keeping up with the latest technology at a young age. We have already figured out that keeping on top of the latest technology is not only fun but, can offer substantial benefits as your child grows into an adult.

What Did the Alien Drink in Prometheus?

You might’ve heard tales about aliens stealing and drinking humans’ fluid but did you know that this may not be entirely true? In the movie Prometheus, David discusses the similarities between humans and aliens and claims that they “eat the same things”, which is where this myth originated. But is it entirely accurate? Let’s go back to the earlier days of our history, shall we? At that time, it was already well known that our ancestors consumed fermented drinks, so they drinkable fluids were already available.

What killed Engineers in Prometheus?

A team of engineers is better off if it can achieve high quality, fast, and lean engineering. You see, you can drag and push a car faster with a single axle, but what goes around comes around. In the mission to explore, the crew of Engineers was disappointed to know that they lost one of their engineer to a mysterious alien while they were exploring in another planet. The engineers that survived the expedition are now sharing a community, and they are still trying to work on solving the same problem that led to their death.

What Is a Prometheus?

it was in early 2014 when The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated that the usage of glyphosate (one of the most popular herbicides globally) is “probably carcinogenic to humans”. This was deeply saddening for those who have grown their livelihoods dependent on this herbicide which has its loyal following.

One firm that had grown a very successful image over the years, saw their market get dented with a magnitude. That firm was Monsanto. With hope in their hearts, they had to find a way to fight back; they did so with the launch of a new product line named “Prometheus”.

Why is the Alien named Prometheus?

You may have wondered whose job it was to name the alien, but little did you know that he or she were the ones who came up with the name. How is it possible? In order to explain it better, this post is specially designed to help you understand why and how science fiction is a perfect medium to educate people and how naming alien could be important.

What Was the Point of Prometheus?

With the arrival of the 21st century, humanity’s achievements have greatly improved. Joining a large network of knowledge become convenient, as well as simpler to do. Less humans have been put to work and more time has been allocated to leisure. So, why has Prometheus not been used in this time?

Because it was created by people who have no meaning in its creation. They did not understand the importance of it and thus, used it without thinking twice. They wanted to gain knowledge and start a path of enlightenment, but they misused the tool of Prometheus – truth itself.

How Scary Is Prometheus?

What began with the simple task of bringing fire to humanity, became the stuff of nightmares. Prometheus’ imagination gave birth to a technology that could jeopardise the existence of mankind; a self-proclaimed god who would seemingly carry out unfathomable acts for the sake of unknown intentions, and a worm-like alien who was infused with traits of stupidity. Prometheus would cleverly make humans its puppets, no matter how hard they tried to make their escape. Through a series of events we simply cannot piece together, Prometheus set itself on an irreversible path that had a devastating end.

Is Prometheus Rated R?

Speculation runs rampant when it comes to what the status of a movie really is. Most of the time, people are not bothered with the official classification assigned by the MPAA, or the Hollywood Production Code (HPC). And, it isn’t a matter of fear. For some it’s a matter of convenience and laziness; they wait for the day they don’t need to wait for their mails.

Is Prometheus Appropriate for a 10 Year Old?

For a certain age group, Prometheus is not so appropriate. Some parents consider it to be too much of an educational tool and they want to keep their kids away from it. There might be nothing wrong with abstaining from a product that might be hard to understand for your child; the aim of this article is to make people understand the intricacies that lie in your decision.

Is There Any Nudity in Prometheus?

The previous feature taught us that moviegoers demand a certain amount of nudity and sex scenes in their movies. However, there’s always the chance that these expectations would be misunderstood when it comes to the more recent films. In essence, it is important to note that not all nudity scenes in movies are the same.

In fact, those in the following screenshot are quite tame by Hollywood standards. Take note of it because it’ll be the key to understanding why Prometheus has gotten a very negative reception from audiences.

Why Is Prometheus a 15?

Prometheus is a 15 because as soon as you make the effort to go to a particular place, you might find that you have left your values behind, and you are becoming someone that others want for something. This is why people like Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Steve McQueen, and Steve Mann often fidget the rock that says “sport.”

It is no coincidence that you are seeing 15s in their names. The point is that you should be content with yourself. If you want it more than anyone else, then strive to be able to make the world around you more worthy of your existence.


Prometheus (2012) is primed for a tryst with billions of curious minds as it’s about to premiere in India. Having been built on an ambiguous yet, intriguing premise, director Ridley Scott’s follow up to the blockbuster Alien (1979) promises to be an awe-inspiring film. As an avid film buff, Prometheus will be a treat for the eyes and ears of the movie buffs of today.

Keeping this in mind, this article concentrates on six questions which will help you know the answers before you go to the theatres.

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