All About Of Providence Island



Providence Island


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Providence Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Pacific Ocean, about 500 km east of the coast of California. It is a U.S. National Wildlife Refuge and is home to the largest population of seabirds in North America: over 260,000 puffins, 1.5 million murres, and over 200,000 petrels. These birds feed on a wide variety of marine life that includes krill, fish and squid.

All Discussion Of Providence Island

Providence Island



The island was first sighted by Spanish explorers in 1542. They named it Isla de Santa Cruz because of the resemblance to the isles of Saint Croix in the Virgin Islands. The first permanent European settlement on Providence Island was established by a Norwegian whaling expedition in 1853, but they left within two years due to hostilities with the local Native Americans.

In 1870, American businessmen purchased Providence Island and built a thriving trade colony that was economical and profitable. Businessmen from Germany, Holland, Belgium and England soon followed. In the beginning of the 20th century an offshore oil drill was stationed on Providence Island for drilling into Pacific Ocean’s “black gold”.

On March 5 1916 a fire started in one of the closed buildings at San Francisco Shell Oil Company refinery that covered 40 acres (16 ha) with flames during which 2 workers were killed by asphyxiation while trying to escape.



Providence Island has a warm, humid subtropical climate. Annual precipitation ranges from about 45 inches (1165 mm) on the east coast to almost 80 inches (2035 mm) in the interior of the island. There are two seasons: a long wet season from May to October and a short dry season from November to April. The warm, humid subtropical climate supports beautiful tropical flowers and lush green vegetation.



Providence Island’s culture is diverse and rich. The island has been home to Americans, Norwegians, British, Germans, Dutch, Japanese and now Islanders. Many of the businesses on Providence Island are family-owned and operated. There are also many restaurants and bars that have been in operation for over 50 years! Recreation

Providence Island is a well known destination for mountain bikers and runners. The entire village of Stewartsville can be found on the island’s 7 miles (11 km) of paved trails that lead to many scenic views and spectacular vistas.




The United States Virgin Islands is a self-governing commonwealth of the United States. As such, its domestic and foreign policy are decided by its own elected officials. The U.S. Virgin Islands also has a unicameral legislature consisting of 12 members, with two senators from each island district and six representatives per district who are elected at-large to four year terms.

The U.S. Money Reserve Program provides unemployment insurance for all of the United States Virgin Islands’ workers who voluntarily report to work, but are not paid. The American Samoa Treaty on Pacific Island Countries came into force in 1983 and granted USVI autonomy from United States directly administrated territories.

Government services

Government services

The government of the U.S. Virgin Islands is divided into three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. The executive branch is headed by the Governor who is elected to a four-year term and as of 2017, John P. de Jonge was serving his second term in that role.

The legislature consists of the Legislative Assembly which has 12 members allelected to four year terms; while the judiciary comprises justices appointed by the President with Senate confirmation, who serve as the justices of the peace, judge moderators and jurists. There are also elected officials including sheriffs from each island district who services various court functions.


Providence Island Tourism

The U.S. Virgin Islands is well-known for its beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters, as well as its relaxed island lifestyle which makes it the perfect destination for a relaxing vacation. The main tourist destinations are St Thomas, St John and Charlotte Amalie which are all located on the east coast of Virgin Gorda; while Cruz Bay is located on Tortola and is considered the gateway to UVI.

There are also many other small islands along the coast which are accessible to those who visit without a boat or motorized vehicle, attractions include Bacon Bay and Caneel Bay. UVI is home to several world-renowned destinations including Anse Chastanet, Azure Window at Virgin Gorda; Wakka Barriere by St Thomas as well as Buck Island Wildlife Reserve on south shore.




The islands are served by both Virgin Gorda International Airport and Charlotte Amalie International Airport which is the main gateway to the island. There are also a number of rental car companies who provide services to all areas of the U.S. Virgin Islands as well as taxi services which can be called using local phone numbers or via an app.

House boats can also be requested and rented out through hotels in many different areas of Virgin Gorda to give travelers the option to stay outside their rooms while the boat helps them get around.


Providence Island Cuisine

The islands are known for their fresh seafood and local ingredients which are used to create some of the most delicious dishes in the Caribbean. Dishes include virgin island jerk chicken, saltfish fritters and black-eyed peas & rice. There is also a growing number of restaurants which focus on international cuisine; this includes sushi, Indian food as well as Italian favorites.


Providence Island Wildlife

Despite being small, the islands are home to a variety of wildlife including booby birds, iguanas and raccoons which can be seen around many areas. Marine life includes dolphins, reef fish and coral reefs which can be explored using kayaks or snorkels. Some areas of the islands have been set aside as national parks, including a section which protects area around Salt Cay Harbor.


Providence Island is a small, uninhabited island in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is located about 35 kilometres off the coast of Namibia on the Africa–South America Gap Point. The island was discovered and charted by the Portuguese in 1502, and was named by Bouvet de Lozier after the French island of Providence.


1.What Is The Population Of Providence Island?

Ans: Over 260,000 puffins, 1.5 million murres, and over 200,000 petrels make up the island’s wild land bird population.

2.What Kind Of Oceanic Climate Does The Island Have?

Ans: Providence Island has a tropical marine climate. During the winter months, conditions are similar to any December in many parts of South Africa and Namibia as these islands northward along south Atlantic coastlines experience some degree of freezing cold fronts that bring milder coastal breezes from inland areas on storms systems cyclonic circulation events occur.

3.How Many People Live On The Island?

Ans: The island is populated by fifty-five permanent docile inhabitants who have established a small community over anchorages and bays. The population has grown from only five in 1502 to more than six hundred today.

According to records, there had been no new arrivals since 1960, which begs questions on the length of time it takes for an inflow of fresh water sources after heavy rains that cycle through New Providence Island every three years.

4.What Is The Total Area Of Providence Island?

Ans: Providence Island measures roughly 80 square kilometers in size, between two and six meters above sea level at water levels up to twenty meters.

5.What Does The Name “Providence” Mean?

Ans: The Portuguese explorer Bouvet de Lozier, in 1502, named the island after his homeland of France’s namesake island of Providence.

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