All About Of Rabbit Islet, Pelican Lagoon – Everything You Have to Know



Rabbit Islet, Pelican Lagoon


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South Indian Backwaters are famed for their natural beauty and wildlife. One of the most beautiful places that you can visit in these backwaters is Rabbit Islet. This small islet is home to a variety of migratory and resident birds. The highlight of the island is its lagoon, which is home to a number of pelicans. The lagoon is also a favourite spot for the local fishermen, who come here to fish.

Rabbit Islet, Pelican Lagoon History

Rabbit Islet, Pelican Lagoon

Rabbit Islet is said to have been named after the rabbits that used to live on the island. The lagoon on Rabbit Islet was originally a salt water lake, but it gradually became freshwater because of the rains that fell in backwaters. People used to make a daily trip across the lagoon in small boats, which was called ‘Rabbit Ferry’ because it could be boarded only at one side. The old wooden bridge is still there today and you can see people fishing from these ferryboats sometimes during the time of high water level.

In 1701 AUGUSTALY made first reference about rabbit island into official journal records.



The climate of the South Indian Backwaters is hot and humid throughout the year. The temperature usually ranges from 21°C to 32°C during summer, and from 15°C to 25°C during winter. The average rainfall is around 8-10 in a year.

Flora and fauna

The island has an exotic lizard called (“Sauromalus saurus”). It belongs to the skinks family that thrives only on islands such as Komodo dragon, Rodrigues flying foxes and Galapagos tortoises. Most of this species are found in southeast India, except Sauromalus bucephalum which lives on Ratnagiri island. Similarly, the species found in this islet are Halospiza melanocephala and Podilymbus podiceps which belong to toucan family of birds.



The culture of the island is similar to that of other parts of Tamil Nadu. The people here are fond of music and dance, and they celebrate various festivals with great zeal. The main festivals celebrated here are, Pongal festival which is related to harvest and Navaratri.

Also, there are festive days such as Guru Purnima (Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak), Ratha Saptami which is the festival known for spotting bulls or cows in monsoon season. The mysterious creatures called Nilgiri langur or Great Indian horned gibbon (“Trachypithecus pileatus”) live in this island.



The political setup is much similar to that of the rest of Tamil Nadu. The island comes under the Tirunelveli district and it has a unicameral parliament with 60 seats. There are five electorates in this islet and each of them has a single seat. The first, second, third and fourth seats were won by the person called Rangarajan Nambiar in 1957 followed by Narayanasamy Venkataraghavan from 1969 to 1985.

After that no one contested for these seats till 1990s when “DMDK” (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), an original base of the DMK party contested in 1998 and won all three. Now a day’s one candidate who is Rangarajan Nambiar contesting on behalf of DMDK (All India MDMK).

Government services

Government services

The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge which was opened in 1984. There are also flight connectivity with Chennai and Tirunelveli. The main crops grown on the island are paddy, cotton, onion and capsicum. Tourism is another important sector of the economy here and there are many resorts available for tourists to visit. Places of interest

There are many tourist attraction available for tourists. The main temples which attract tourists here include, Thirukkovil Durga Temple also known as Khuliamma Nagar (“Black Mango Gate”) and Mandap Raja Perumal Temple (also named Ma Daanavar). There is a mandapam to Lord Shiva in the form of Swayambhu Appurathai Madatham Pong alai (“Dwarf Banyan Hill”).


Rabbit Islet, Pelican Lagoon Tourism

The main tourist attraction on the island is the temple dedicated to Durga. The other attractions include a deer park, an elephant camp, a golf course and many honeymoon resorts. A coastal road extending south from the two parts of the isle links to part of a separate resort on Gokulam beach, eastward to Pachaimalai Beach which in turn connects with Raja’s Canal.

This “last mile” construction during 2005 exhibits severe flaws that were unaddressed while others remained unprompted, as a result sand continues flowing into some areas and portions restricting access remain incomplete.


Raymond Transport boat

The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge which was opened in 1984. There are also flight connectivity with Chennai and Tirunelveli. The main crops grown on the island are paddy, cotton, onion and capsicum. Tourism is another important sector of the economy here and there are many resorts available for tourists to visit

places of interest

There are many tourist attraction available for tourists like- Thirukkovil Durga Temple also known as Khuliamma Nagar (“Black Mango Gate”), Mandap Raja Perumal Temple (also named Ma Daanavar).


The main attraction here is Prasadam. Cholians and visitors from other parts of the district especially come for eating this meals donated by Thirukovil Durga & Parasakthi Maths, Sri Valiyaveettu Var adharaja Perumal Temple as well.


Rabbit Islet, Pelican Lagoon Cuisine

The cuisine of the island is a mix of Tamil and Sri Lankan. There are many restaurants available in the island serving traditional dishes from both countries. Education

Ukkila Higher Secondary School is the only school in Ukkila. TourismFacilities- Ukkila beach is connected by air, water and land. Submarine cable presently spans all the three sides of this beautiful island connecting Ukkila with Gokulam in Velankanni on one end and Pachaimalai Hotel on the other end which connects them to Chennai metros through it.


Are you a nature lover? If so, this article is for you! In this blog, we will be discussing two of the most popular tourist destinations in the state – Rabbit Islet and Pelican Lagoon. With their vast array of flora and fauna, these two destinations are perfect for anyone looking for an exciting adventure.


1.What Is Rabbit Islet?

Ans: Rabbit Islet is a small, wooded island in the South Indian Backwaters. It is home to a variety of migratory and resident birds, as well as a lagoon filled with pelicans.

2.What Are The Highlights Of This Destination?

Ans: The highlight of Rabbit Islet is its lagoon – which is home to a number of pelicans. The lagoon also provides a secluded location for fishermen and other water-related activities.

3.When Did Rabbit Islet Come Into Existence?

Ans: Rabbit Islet is actually an artificial island constructed in the 1950s. Its construction was intended to improve navigation and other facets of life along the Backwaters. Today, Rabbit Islet is a favourite destination for tourists looking to spend quality time with friends or family by swimming, fishing and enjoying natural scenery around them!

4.Are There Lodging Facilities On This Place?

Ans: Historically, hotels were available here but they have unfortunately been replaced by private lodgings.

5.What Are You Supposed To See On This Place?

Ans: Other than the lagoon and pelicans, visitors will also have a chance to catch glimpses of native birds such as parakeets, pigeons and ducks!

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