Range Island – You Have To Know



Range Island


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Range Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. The island is made up of two parts: a high, glaciated peak and a low, rolling plateau. Geologically, Range Island is an example of an emergent landform, which is a type of landform that forms from the accumulation and collision of smaller bodies of water.

Range Island History

Range Island

Range Island was first reported in 1596 by the crew of an English ship. At that time, it was known as “Sant’Anna”. The island remained uninhabited until 1883, when a lighthouse was built on its peak. In 1923, Range Island became part of the Dominion of Canada. Since 1946, the island has been administered by Newfoundland and Labrador.

The highest point on Range Island is Mount Davis (611 m), while its lowest point is at Sea Level (0 m). Range Island is approximately 1.9 miles long and 0.4 mile wide at its widest point, making it the ninth largest island in Canada by area (compared to Cape Breton’s 545 square miles).

There are no permanent inhabitants on Range Island today, however historically fur traders of The Hudson Bay Company and various American interests regularly inhabited the island for short periods until about 1900 AD. Its highest peak was used as an outpost by both Newfoundland fishermen and fishery workers from Midland College during part of its existence as state territory until 1981 when the college closed down sending ranks from all around just to get a job.

Today, the government and hunters are allowed to shoot foxes, martens and birds of prey on Range Island which also serves as an experimental reintroduction site for many other rare species including wolves; it has been home to American black bears in recent years although they have long since disappeared from most places their original range once consisted.. The lighthouse itself was decommissioned by 1980 with all said light sources replaced in 1987 (Canada) or 2008 after destruction of its lens during a storm force 7 hurricane that visited Newfoundland August 29-Sept 1 1908.



The range island climate is a type of climate found in the eastern and central United States. It is a humid subtropical climate, with long warm summers and short mild winters. The inland areas of the climate are generally wetter than the coastal areas, due to greater precipitation. The main areas that commonly experience this climate are the Northeast, the Mid-Atlantic region, and the Southeast.


The history and culture of Alabak Island

Most cultures that reside in this climate are rural and agricultural, due to the mild winters. Because of this, there is a large variety of cultures present in these areas. One example would be the Amish people who live in Pennsylvania and Ohio, as well as other states along the East Coast that have a similar climate. They are not part of any modern society, and would often make crafts from wood in order to afford more food for the winter.

Both Amish people, as well as natives who live inland, do not commonly use electricity, instead relying on natural lights such as a campfire or candle (Campfires post is blocked until they reappear) which serves to maintain their own culture but also provides safety during storms by lighting up areas that occur at night.

These additional benefits only help prove just how important the role of locally based cultures serve when being used properly in places with safe climates present like this one did .

Another aspect that has caused great conflict when related to climatic differences derived from this region is gentrification, as the more developed areas in recent decades have aggressively moved into some communities and forced them out of their homes. Due to these conflicts, today there are many issues facing such towns where farmers witnessed gentrification be a problem up close with not only losing large parts of their estates but also increasing rents for small family owned businesses.



Due to the highly partisan nature of U.S. politics typically found in more populous areas, as well as this climate’s propensity for weather-related events (such as hurricanes), the political landscape can be quite different from one part of the country to another.

For example, while Florida is typically considered a Republican stronghold due to its conservative values and voting patterns, Georgia has become so competitive that both major U.S parties field candidates there regularly.

Even though it shares some similar characteristics with states along the Gulf Coast – such as warm weather and coastline – Alabama has tended to vote for Democratic presidential candidates since Bill Clinton’s election in 1992 and then once again in 1996 due to its staunch conservative values making it one of the most reliably Republican states.

Government services

Government services

Another major difference between the political landscape in this region and other parts of the United States is the availability of government services. For example, many municipalities in Texas do not have a police department, instead relying on county sheriffs to provide law enforcement services; likewise, fire departments are often run by private organizations rather than being municipal entities.

In contrast, most towns in New England have their own police force and fire department; additionally, these jurisdictions tend to be much smaller due to a high concentration of population and businesses near major cities.

This has led to serious issues with regard to providing emergency response when things go wrong; known as the “New England syndrome”, this is often cited as one of the causes behind why there are so many emergency services disasters in New England, such as earthquakes and hotel fires.

While crime statistics vary by state, a general trend among geographical areas is that violent crimes tend to be more likely than property offenses (though not uncommon); consistent with those findings of urban areas tending to have higher rates than rural ones.


Range Island is the perfect place to escape the city noise and chaos. With a coastline that stretches for miles, there’s plenty of activities you can do – such as swimming, sunbathing, kayaking, fishing, and picnicking. You can also explore the many shops and boutiques that are located on the island. No matter what you choose to do, make sure to take advantage of the great views that Range Island has to offer!


1.What Are The Average Temperatures Throughout The Year?

Ans: The temperatures range from a low of 61 degrees Fahrenheit in January to a high of 83 degrees Fahrenheit in July.

2.Are There Any Festivals Or Events That Are Specific To Range Island?

Ans: There is an annual Harvest Moon Festival, as well as ethnic festivals that occur annually such as Irish Fest and Italian Fest.

3.What Are The Tax Rates For Range Island?

Ans: There is no sales, income, or inheritance tax on Range Island.

4.What Are The Transportation Options Available To Get Around Range Island?

Ans: There is a shuttle bus service that operates between various points on the island, as well as complimentary taxi service.

5.Is There A Place To Stay On Range Island?

Ans: There are a variety of accommodations that can be found on the island, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, cabin rentals, and villas.

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