Rineia Island



Rineia Island


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Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean, is a country of many diverse landscapes. Rounded by a coral reef, the landmass is hilly and mountainous. The capital and largest city, Port-Louis, is situated on the east coast. The other main cities are Grand Port and Curepipe. The country’s total area is about 1,040 square kilometres, with a population of about two hundred thousand people. The economy is based on tourism and service activities.

Rineia Island


The island of Mauritius was first settled by the Arabs in the 8th century. The Portuguese arrived in 1505 and established a trading post onshore. In 1638, France took possession of Mauritius, as part of its overseas possessions. In 1810, Britain acquired Mauritius from France during the Napoleonic Wars. British rule lasted until 1968 when independence was achieved under French auspices.

Mauritius became an independent republic on 12 March 1968, with Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam as president and Mme Françoise Guinea as prime minister. A constitution was adopted in 1987, and a new democratic constitution came into force on 26 March 1992. Mauritius became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations, but withdrew from it on 1 July 1997.

The economic history of Mauritius can be divided almost equally between sugarcane and tourism . Sugar produced ample revenues for the British during its peak years 1905–1938 as anyone coming to visit old buildings will testify when they see photographs taken at that time showing overflowing coffins being carried down staircases etc.. Modern agriculture expanded with sheep farming driven by numerous projects such as eradication campaigns against poisonous snakes ( 1995–2002) using an anti-snake vaccine and hydroponics baiting of cattle. Also much landownership has changed many formerly mauritian citizenship being now confined to a small number via the Citizenship Act 2008 in which five Mauritians have received UK passports (see below).

Sugar remained important until 1986 when it became uneconomical for cane production, even though Cuba still buys about 60% of the sugar off Saadil Beghin’s old farms . Until 1963 there was some tobacco farming providing useable crops from Manihiki Island, under CMI joint venture with British American Tobacco.


Most of Mauritius is a subtropical to tropical climate , but the southeast experiences a more temperate climate . The northeast sees a rare cool-winter Mediterranean climate . Summers are hot and humid, while winters are mild with periodic frosts.


The main islands of Mauritius form an archipelago off the southeast coast of Africa. They are all hilly (with elevations ranging from below sea level on La Rue des Pins mountain peak on Rodrigues to over 1,200 meters on Mont Faron), forested, and have several coastal plains. The southwest quarter of Mauritius is made up of the Peninsula de la Reunion, a french overseas territory .

The 4 main islands are joined together by numerous natural atolls (low coral sand formations) which offer opportunities for dive and fishing. There has been some controversy about whether to commemorate this aspect of historical structures in UNESCO’s list since it provides another income source for local owners without harming the integrity of their heritage sites or even providing any sort-of compensation when previous “fishing leases” have been used illegally.


The Mauritian culture is similar to that of the Southeast Asian region. Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are the major religions practiced in Mauritius. The official language of Mauritius is English, although French continues to be widely spoken.

Mauritius gained independence from France in 1968 and became a republic within the Commonwealth on February 2, 1978. It joined the United Nations on November 20, 1965 and participated in its activities until the dissolution of the UN (withdrawal by France one year later). Mauritius became a member of CARICOM on July 1, 1982 The first president elected was Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, who also served as prime minister from 1996-2000. His successor, Joaquim Mahood Vallée took office in 2000.

A general election is held every 5 years or sooner if circumstances demand it and this will result with a fresh set to power selection! On March 3 2015 , Muthoo Nailah Fakir won an election unopposed as the new president of Mauritius.


The president is the head of state and represents Mauritius in international relations. The prime minister is the most senior minister and leads the cabinet. Elections are held every 5 years, with a new president being elected immediately following each poll.

Administrative divisions: There are thirteen administrative districts, which were created on 1 October 2007 as a result of changes to decentralisation policy that took into account local population distribution and needs. The number of districts has been reduced to twelve as a result of further decentralisation reforms effected in December 2012 which came into effect from January 2013 .


Mauritius has a mixed economy with both public and private sectors playing an important role. The country recorded a growth rate of 5% in 2013, largely thanks to the diversification of the economy away from tourism-driven growth.

Government services

A number of government services are provided free or at a reduced cost to citizens, including education, health care and water supplies.

Currency: The Mauritian rupee (MUR) is the formal currency of Mauritius. It is divided into 100 cents. GDP: In 2013, the gross domestic product (GDP) was estimated at 851.90 billion Chain units equivalent to U.S.$12.7618bn or US$13 per person per annum according to World Bank estimates – though actual living standards will depend on one’s wallet size and what exactly money buys in a given place.


Rineia Island is a small coral atoll in the Tuamotu Archipelago. It measures about 50 by 25 kilometres and is around 4,000 years old. The island is uninhabited and is the only landmass in the Tuamotu Archipelago that is not part of a atoll. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990.


1 . What is the Population of Rineia Island?

There are no permanent inhabitants on Rineia Island. It is uninhabited and belongs to France.

2. Who Declared Rineia Island a Unesco World Heritage Site?

France did in 1990. The island was part of the Tuamotu Archipelago, which had been inscribed on the list of UNESCO’s world heritage sites because it was home to a variety of cultures and landscapes that were unique to this region. 

3. What Kind of Climate Does Rineia Have?

Rineia Island has a tropical climate. That means that it experiences warm temperatures all year round and very little variation in temperature.

4. What is the Terrain Like on Rineia Island?

The island is covered in dense forest, with lots of rivers and streams running through it. It also has several hills and mountains, which give it some relief from the hot temperatures.

5. What Kind of Wildlife is Found on Rineia Island?

The island is home to a variety of different types of birds, as well as several varieties of mammals, including bats and giant pandas.

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