Roche Tortue Island Everything You Need to Know



Roche Tortue Island Everything You Need to Know


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Roche Tortue Island is the second-largest in the archipelago, and home to a lighthouse. It takes its name from the sonorous dove which cries unceasingly from its perch on the white rock which rises above the reef.

No building exists on Roche Tortue proper, but light is shown from a stone-built lighthouse on the top of it.

A few miles to the northwest an establishment of the same name, a ramble with two hotels and some cottages, gives shelter to the sea-faring population of Gourbeyre. This town, nestling in sheltered bays, is a favorite winter resort for tourists.

All About Of Roche Tortue Island 


The island was first settled in 1790 by a party of French colonists from the Marquisate of Monaco.

The settlers attempted to cultivate cotton, but soon succumbed to malaria and perished. Three years later an American captain named Isaiah Robinson, seeking refuge from a hurricane on the neighboring islet of Necker, came ashore on Roche Tortue and promptly claimed it for the United States.

In 1856 Pierre Francois Mouginer-Lacour bought the island for 400 Francs from Mr Robinson’s heirs and succeeded in successfully cultivating coffee there until 1865 when war broke out between France and Germany causing severe losses to the colony.

From 1865 to 1875 Mouginer-Lacour leased the island to a French citizen, Monsieur Goguey.

A hydroelectric plant was constructed on Roche Tortue in 1890 and this proved very beneficial to the development of tourism on the island.

From 1936 onwards Mr André Derouin undertook major restoration work on the lighthouse which was finally re-opened in 1941 by Monseigneur Bussière, Archbishop of Fribourg



Roche Tortue is an irregularly shaped island of about 3 square miles, measuring east-west by north-south. It is about one mile wide at its widest point and rises steeply from the reef to a height of 305 feet above sea level. The highest point on the island is situated near the lighthouse which stands 460 feet above sea level



There are about 100 residents on the island, most of whom are involved in tourism.



The economy of Roche Tortue is based mainly on tourism. The island has a few small businesses including a hotel and restaurant, as well as an ice cream shop.



The climate in Roche Tortue varies greatly according to altitude. At low elevations it is hot and humid with extreme temperatures reaching over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in summer time; while at high altitudes it becomes relatively cold with moderate rainfall seasons.

The prevailing winds on the island are from the south-east which bring warm wet air masses from the equator.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture of Roche Tortue is largely based on its French heritage. There are a few small American and British expatriate communities which have brought with them their respective influences, but the majority of residents are francophone. The predominant religion on the island is Roman Catholicism.



The predominant language on Roche Tortue is French, though there are a few English speakers.



There are no schools on Roche Tortue. The island is accessible only by boat, and the nearest mainland school is in Fribourg.



Roche Tortue is a self-governing commune within the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland. It has its own legislature, government and court system.

Government Services

Government services

The island is served by a small police force and a health care centre. There is also limited access to basic utilities such as water, electricity and telecommunications.



Tourism is the primary source of income on Roche Tortue. The main attraction is the dramatic scenery, which includes impressive peaks and valleys as well as lush forests. There are also a few restaurants and hotels, as well as a number of hiking trails.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are a few hotels and resorts on Roche Tortue. These include the Club Hotel de la Mer (, Hôtel Belvedere ( and Hôtel du Mont Blanc (www



The attractions on Roche Tortue include the dramatic scenery, numerous hiking trails and lakes. Some of the more popular destinations include Les Droits d’Aosta (, La Forêt Domanesque ( and Mont Blanc du Tacul.



There is limited access to transportation on Roche Tortue. The only way to get there is by boat.



The cuisine on Roche Tortue is typical Swiss. dishes include fondue, raclette and salads.



There is a wide variety of wildlife on Roche Tortue, including deer, lemurs and ibex.


When people think of the Seychelles, one sight that probably pops up in their minds is that of this gorgeous island. Well, if you were to know that Roche Tortue Island was named as such for a tortoise and was the home of a rich family, this would paint a completely different picture. But then again, it is the Seychelles and its other lesser-known islands boasts of some such tales that will open your eyes to a whole new way of thinking and living that you never thought existed before.


1.What Are The Weather Conditions Like On Roche Tortue Island?

Ans: The average temperature is around 27 degrees Celsius and there can be a lot of rain or sun depending on the season.

2.Are There Reliable Public Transportation Options Available On Roche Tortue Island?

Ans: There are a limited number of boats that access the island, so it’s best to book in advance if you want to visit. There are also some walking trails that people can take advantage of as well.

3.Is There Shopping Available On Roche Tortue Island?

Ans: There is limited shopping available, but you can find everything you need at the local market.

4.Can I Rent A Bike Or Go Hiking On Roche Tortue Island?

Ans: There are limited options for transportation, so it’s best to plan your visit in advance and see if there are any walking trails that you can partake in.

5.What Are The Local Cuisine Options On Roche Tortue Island?

Ans: Local dishes on Roche Tortue include fondue, raclette, and salads.

6.What Are The Accommodations Like On Roche Tortue Island?

Ans: There are mainly guest houses available, but you can also find a few villas if you’re looking for more privacy.

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