All About Of Rodney Island – Everything You Have to Know



Rodney Island


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Rodney Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Strait of Georgia, just east of Vancouver, British Columbia. The island is about 2 km long and has a maximum width of about 750 m. The island is surrounded by both the waters of the Strait of Georgia to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

Rodney Island History

Rodney Island

Rodney Island is an old volcanic island which was first explored by Europeans in the late 18th century. The potato famine of the 1840s led to a gold rush on Vancouver Island and Rodney Island, with miners working the rich auriferous veins.

During the gold rush several cottages were built along the south shore of Rodney Island and on adjoining Hursley Island. In 1904 a lighthouse was constructed on islet which would serve as first light for vessels entering Vancouver Harbour from seaward, until it was replaced by today’s Point Atkinson Light-tower in 1913.



Rodney Island has a temperate climate, with average temperatures ranging from 10 to 18 degrees Celsius all year round. The island experiences significant rainfall throughout the year, averaging 450 mm per year.

Monsoons frequently pass over the island bringing heavy rains. This is especially true during late spring and early summer, when rainfall exceeds 150mm in a 24-hour period.



There is no permanent population on Rodney Island, however the island does have a small number of year-round residents who reside in cottages along its south shore. There is also a small, but active community of recreationalists who visit the island annually for various activities such as hiking, nature photography, and spotting whales and sea lions.

The island is also the site of a long-standing fire lookout operated by BC Parks, who staff it during summer months. The last unverified contact to have been made with the Coast Guard Station on Rodney Island was in 1958.



The island is administered as part of the Horseshoe Bay Regional District. Access to Rodney Island is provided through a seasonal public access permit, issued by the BC Parks.

The Canada Line’s West Vancouver Express provides frequent service from downtown Vancouver on SeaBus Marine Cables and Water Taxi vessels to terminals at Seabus terminal in Horseshoe Bay, before terminating at Ogden Point where there are connections for ferries departing for Tsawwassen via Swartz Bay Terminal (via Seymour Narrows) or Horseshoe Bay.

The other end of the line at Bridgeport Station on Burrard Inlet is served by SeaBus Marine Cables, providing a vehicle-and-passenger ferry to Horseshoe Bay terminal and onward connections to Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal.

Government Services

Government Services

The nearest town or village on Rodney Island is Horseshoe Bay, which is served by a health clinic and a grocery store. There are no banks or other services available on the island. A community centre located next to the ferry terminal on Horseshoe Bay was closed in 2016.

On October 29, 2010 a nine-year-old boy who had been abducted by his noncustodial father drowned and when members of his family arrived at the Community Centre they found that the man—who has not yet been apprehended by authorities—had obviously also fled police intervention due to people claiming shootings have occurred.



There are no permanent resident hotels on Rodney Island, but there is a series of campsites operated by Forest Service contractors. There are occasional overnight rentals available as well.

The Cathedral Rocks Wilderness Trail is a moderate strenuous hike, rising up to the summit of Mount Erin through juniper scrub forest and eventually reaching a plateau that provides wonderful views across Tsunami Inlet toward Swartz Bay, Horseshoe Bay and the waters around it.



Rodney Island is only accessible by ferry or floatplane.

The Tsawwassen Ferry terminal for ferries to and from Horseshoe Bay in Delta, BC offers connections to other coastal communities as well as Interior destinations such as Prince Rupert (via Seymour Narrows), Terrace (via Kamloops) and Quesnel.

The Trans-Canada Highway ends at the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, providing access to the rest of the BC mainland and beyond. Once on land taxis or ride share rides usually serve most destinations, although there is no public transit service to Rodney Island, Fraser Lake Provincial Park or along Highway #99 from Horseshoe Bay.


especially wineries

Fresh seafood is the main dish of choice on Rodney Island, with salmon being a favorite. Local wines are also popular, especially wineries located in the Okanagan Valley.

Rodney Island is named after Captain John Clarke of the Royal Navy, who discovered it in October 1859. With his crew he shepherded a group of ill-fated colonists to Fort Victoria and then Sidney, BC where they would cross by ship to America and raise money for another colony venture.


black bears

Rodney Island is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including deer, elk, black bears, porcupines and beavers. Much of the island is covered in old-growth forest teeming with game animals such as deer and moose. The wooded areas of the island contain large populations of black bears, especially on Mount Davis.

The island is also home to a variety of birdlife, including several varieties of gulls and seagulls. Eagles can often be seen flying overhead as well. The Fourth Frame Gallery, located on the south side of Island Home Road (Hwy 1) has a gallery and gift shop within its building that offers some great photographic opportunities for nature & wildlife enthusiasts.

Rodney Island lies north of Deep Bay, BC at West Vancouver’s northern entrance from Horseshoe Bay to Victoria.


Rodney Island is an uninhabited island about 160 kilometres southeast of Vancouver, Canada. It is part of the Queen Charlotte Islands archipelago and is part of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve.


1.What Is The Population Of Rodney Island?

Ans: There is no permanent population on Rodney Island. The island was first inhabited by a fishing and hunting crew in 1883, but they did not stay long. In 1906, gold was discovered on the north shore of the island, and a small town sprang up.

2.When And How Did The English Name “Rodney” Replace Earlier Chinese “Shay-Kee”?

Ans: It is a common practice for English people to refer to Chinese people using the Chinese names given in their own language, especially if they are foreign.

“Shay-kee” is a Chinese name, but “Rodney”, an English word was also common at that time.

3.Can I Buy Oil And Gasoline From The Island?

Ans: For now, it’s impossible to get gas and oil anyway on this tiny island; when road connection between Tumtum Island Resort (for which we provide transportation) up in north Vancouver area wasn’t yet finished, there aren’t any facilities here. Around the summer peak season (July – August), you can get it by pony cart, but that is not available all year round.

4.Is There Any Public Transportation At Rodney Island?

Ans: There is no public transportation on Rodney Island.

5.Can I Keep Any Pets On Rodney Island?

Ans: No. It is strictly forbidden to bring your own animals. However, we will hopefully work something out if you wish to have Nanny Goat / Goats and possibly other Animals as seen in the pictures of this page with us (although not during 2015@ at least).

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