Sainte Anne Island Everything You Need to Know



Sainte Anne Island Everything You Need to Know


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One of the most popular destinations for couples visiting Mauritius, Sainte Anne Island is home to some of the island’s most prominent sites. Located just a short distance from the capital city, the island is a verifiable favorite because of its rich history, coveted scenery, and renowned attractions.

Sainte Anne Island is located in the southeast corner of Mauritius, about an hour’s drive from the capital city. Visitors can arrive on foot or by car via the Sainte Anne Bridge. There are numerous hotels, restaurants, and water sports facilities on-site. Shuttle buses serve various points of interest around the island daily from 7 am to 8 pm (excluding Sundays). With so many things to recommend, here are some facts you might find useful when exploring this place of beauty.

All Discussion Of Sainte Anne Island

Sainte Anne Island Everything You Need to Know



The island’s history is one of the most interesting aspects to explore. The first humans arrived in Mauritius around 50,000 years ago and it is thought that they were either persecuted or attracted by the landscape’s crystal-clear waters. It was only from 1498 onwards that Portugal began to establish itself on Mauritius, with missionaries arriving shortly afterwards to preach Christianity.

The Portuguese also decided to use Sainte Anne Island as a penal colony, housing criminals and political dissidents. The island was renamed Sainte Anne in the 17th century in honor of St Anne, mother of Jesus.

In 1810, Napoleon’s army invaded Mauritius and set fire to much of Port Louis on the mainland. Supposedly worried about an uprising among their prisoners on Sainte Anne Island, the French authorities ordered all male inmates onto the island to build boats with which they could escape into the Indian Ocean. Only a handful of men succeeded in escaping, although the island’s sugar cane and coffee plantations were destroyed in the process.


The island is 120 km long by 35 km wide and has an estimated population of around 100,000. It lies about 170 kilometers south-east of the African mainland and hosts a range of different habitats including rainforest, sand dunes, coral reefs, mangroves and wetlands.



In 2009, the population of Sainte Anne Island was estimated to be around 2,000.



The island’s economy is based largely on tourism, with visitors able to experience a range of different ecosystems and cultural experiences. There are also several businesses involved in the production of food and beverages, as well as handicrafts.



The island has a tropical climate, with average temperatures ranging from 24 degrees Celsius in winter to 30 degrees Celsius in summer.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The majority of the population is Protestant, although there are also a number of Catholic and Hindu temples on the island. There is also a small community of Muslims.



The official language of Sainte Anne Island is French, although English is also widely spoken.



The island has a number of primary and secondary schools, as well as a university.



The island is a part of the Comoros Islands, which are a member of the African Union. The main political party is the Comoran National Union Party.

Crime and Terrorism

Crime and Terrorism

Terrorist attacks have been known to occur in other parts of the African continent, although there are currently no known links to any specific organization that may have perpetrated these crimes.

Government Services

Government Services

The island is served by a number of different government services, including a hospital, police department and postal service. There is no fixed network of public healthcare on Sainte Anne Island, with citizens relying instead on their families or private homes for health services.



The main industry on the island is tourism, although there are also a number of small businesses that cater specifically to visitors. The island has two banks, a branch of the African Development Bank and l’Etat Comoran. Although there are no restrictions regarding where one may obtain or maintain bank accounts, it is extremely difficult to access funds if they reside outside the country in which they have been issued.

There is currently no money supply on Sainte Anne Island other than simple currency notes (franc wavers). These can be used to purchase virtually anything, but they cannot be exchanged for other forms of currency.

Hotels and Resorts

Hotels and Resorts List

There is a limited number of hotels and resorts on the island, although this is slowly changing as new properties are developed.

The cost of living on Sainte Anne Island is relatively high, with prices for goods and services exceeding those found in other parts of the continent.


There are a number of attractions on the island, including beaches, caves and viewpoints.

The most popular tourist destination is undoubtedly the beachfront town of Sainte Anne, which boasts beautiful views and plenty of amenities for visitors.



As the only means of accessing Sainte Anne Island is by sea, transportation is an important factor in attracting visitors. There are a number of ferry services that make regular crossings to and from the island, as well as a number of boat tours that can be taken to explore its various attractions.



Cuisine on Sainte Anne Island is heavily influenced by the French culture, with many dishes featuring ingredients such as cheese and wine.



There is a great abundance of wildlife on Sainte Anne Island, including elephants, lemurs and lions.


In a search for new and unexplored destinations, an Iranian couple decided to visit Sainte-Anne island, located in the Southern Indian Ocean, which is now an extremely popular tourist destination. This gorgeous island has a bigger and more revealing story to offer than just the typical rock-and-sandy beauty of the island.

It has much to offer that you would have never heard of if you had not happened to meet this couple while they were on the island. Here are some enlightening facts about Sainte-Anne Island that reveal its brilliance.


1.Is St Anne English Or French?

Ans: This can be a difficult question to answer, as the two languages share many similarities. However, there are also a few key differences that make English the preferred language of many people in France.

French is oftentimes spoken with a strong Quebec accent, while English is more commonly spoken with a British accent. Additionally, French is more formal and requires more use of verb tenses than English. Ultimately, it becomes important to do your research before making any investment decisions.

2.Which Islands Are Enclosed In The Marine Park?

Ans: Some of the most popular islands that are enclosed in the marine park are Phuket, Khao Lak, Ko Chang, and Ko Pha Ngan. These are all incredibly beautiful and restful islands that are perfect for a vacation. If you are interested in visiting any of these islands, be sure to check the list of protected islands before you go – this will help to ensure that you are visiting an island that is safe to visit.

3.Is It True That Sainte Anne Island Has The Best Weather In Canada?

Ans: Absolutely! In fact, the weather on Sainte Anne Island is so good that it has been dubbed the “Island of Eternal Sunshine.”

The mild climate and clear skies make it a popular destination for vacationers and outdoor enthusiasts. While the island does experience occasional storms, they are usually short-lived and only affect the east coast. In fact, the island has never recorded a hurricane or major storm.

The average temperature on Sainte Anne Island is around 18 degrees Celsius all year round. This makes it a great place to enjoy all types of activities – from hiking and biking to swimming and sunbathing.

In addition, the island has a rich history that makes it an interesting place to visit. The island was first settled by French immigrants in the 17th century, and later became known as a haven for rebellious refugees. Today, it is a popular tourist destination for people looking for a relaxing getaway.

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