Selma 2014 Storyline and Short Review



Selma 2014 Storyline and Short Review


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Selma is a movie about the march for voting rights led by Martin Luther King Jr. It is based on the true story of his march to the capital of Alabama in 1965. The movie starts with King’s arrest, which is shown with him trying to reach the front of the line at a lunch counter. He was arrested and put in jail, where he was denied meals.

The movie shows that he continued his fight despite all of this adversity. The movie, Selma, directed by Ava DuVernay and based on the book of the same name by David Oyelowo, is an historical drama about the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. It also depicts various moments that led up to this historic moment in time, as well as parallel struggles within the black community during this period.

Selma 2014 Storyline and Short Review

Characters of Selma (2014)

The characters of Selma are King, Coretta Scott King, President Lyndon Johnson, Governor Richard Shelby (D-AL), James Bevel (D-AL), Amelia Boynton Robinson (NAACP Secretary-Treasurer), and others.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Selma is based on the true story of Martin Luther King Jr. who led a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965 in order to fight for voting rights. He was arrested and put in jail, but continued his fight despite all of this adversity.

Ava DuVernay

Selma is directed by Ava DuVernay who also wrote and produced the film alongside James Lasseter and Rebecca Ferguson. DuVernay has won several awards for her work, including an Academy Award for Best Director and a Golden Globe nomination.

Annie Lee Cooper

Annie Lee Cooper

Annie Lee Cooper is played by Julianne Moore and is a key figure in the civil rights movement. She co-founded the Coretta Scott King voter registration campaign with King and became an outspoken activist for equality. President Lyndon Johnson. Lyndon Baines Johnson was the 36th president of the United States who is known for his involvement in the civil rights movement. He signed into law the Voting Rights Act, which helped to ensure that minority groups could vote without fear of discrimination.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson

Governor Richard Shelby is played by Chadwick Boseman and is one of the key figures in fighting against the civil rights movement. He was originally hesitant to support King’s march, but changed his mind after meeting with him and seeing how passionate he was about the issue.

Coretta Scott King

Coretta Scott King

Selma is based on the true story of Coretta Scott King who was an influential civil rights activist. She co-founded the Coretta Scott King voter registration campaign with Martin Luther King Jr and became an outspoken advocate for equality.

Diane Nash

Diane Nash

Diane Nash is played by Melissa Leo and is another key figure in the civil rights movement. She was a member of SNCC and helped to lead demonstrations during the Selma campaign.

Edgar Hoover

Edgar Hoover

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover is played by Michael Mosley and was one of the key figures in the FBI’s campaign to discredit King and the civil rights movement. He was responsible for creating a dossier on King which described him as a dangerous radical.

Diane Nash

Diane Nash

Selma is an important film that tells the story of the civil rights movement from both a historical perspective and through the eyes of some of its most prominent figures. Diane Nash plays a central role in this struggle, and her character is portrayed with sensitivity and care by Melissa Leo. The rest of the cast deserves special mention for their excellent work in bringing Selma to life on screen.

George C. Wallace

George C. Wallace

George C. Wallace is played by David Oyelowo and is one of the key figures in the civil rights movement. He was governor of Alabama during the 1960s and used his position to resist integration efforts in his state.

Selma (2014) Storyline

The story of the Selma march is told through the eyes of several key characters, including Coretta Scott King, Diane Nash and George C. Wallace. The campaign to allow African Americans to vote in Alabama is a crucial part of America’s history and Selma tells this story with sensitivity and accuracy.

The cast of Selma is excellent, and the story is well-told. The only downside is that the film can be a little slow at times, but overall, it’s an interesting and worthwhile watch.


The film begins by establishing the historical context in which Selma took place. This is done through a combination of traditional storytelling and archival footage, providing a detailed overview of events before moving on to focus on the characters involved in the campaign.

Act I: The march

The first act focuses on the preparations for and execution of the Selma march. This includes interviews with Coretta Scott King (Michael Mosley) and Diane Nash (Mel Issa Leo), as well as clips from the march itself.

Act II: The campaign

The second act focuses on the fight to allow African Americans to vote in Alabama. This includes interviews with Wallace (David Oyelowo) and King (Michael Mosley), as well as footage of their speeches and debates.

Selma is a highly accurate portrayal of events, and it’s an interesting watch for anyone interested in American history. However, it can be a bit slow at times, and some of the characters are less dimensional than others. overall, though, Selma is an effective film that deserves to be seen by anyone interested in historical entertainment.

Rising Action

The film ebbs and flows, with some scenes feeling more important than others. However, towards the end of the film a plot develops that is both surprising and satisfying. Overall, Selma is an accurate portrayal of key events in American history, while also packing a powerful emotional punch. It’s highly enjoyable to watch, with well-developed characters and an exciting final sequence.



The climax is both surprising and thrilling, with the film finally coming to a head in a way that is both satisfying and unexpected. Selma succeeds in delivering an emotionally-charged experience that will leave viewers wanting more. In sum, Selma is an excellent historic drama that should not be missed by anyone interested in American cinema.

The film Selma is set in the early 1960s and follows the fight for voting rights for African Americans in Alabama. The story progresses through different characters and events, culminating in a dramatic climax. There are a number of strong points to Selma. First and foremost, it is an incredibly accurate portrayal of key events from that time period – down to the small details. Indeed, it feels like watching history unfold onscreen. Secondly,

Failing Action

The pacing of the film can be a bit slow at times, and some of the characters are less dimensional than others. However, this is generally outweighed by the powerful emotional impact that Selma manages to produce. In short, if you’re interested in American history or want an emotionally-moving movie experience then Selma is definitely worth checking out.


Selma is an excellent historical drama that should not be missed by anyone interested in American cinema. It’s an accurate portrayal of key events from the 1960s, while also packing a powerful emotional punch. The pacing can be a bit slow at times, but this is generally outweighed by the powerful emotional impact Selma manages to produce.

Selma (2014) Review

Selma (2014) Review

Selma is an excellent historic drama that should not be missed by anyone interested in American cinema. It’s an accurate portrayal of key events from the 1960s, while also packing a powerful emotional punch. The pacing can be a bit slow at times, but this is generally outweighed by the powerful emotional impact Selma manages to produce.

Rating: 4.5/5

However, this is generally outweighed by the powerful emotional impact Selma manages to produce. In short, if you’re interested in American history or want an emotionally-moving movie experience then Selma is definitely worth checking out.

In a sense, Selma is a very typical historical drama. However, it also has one major difference – it’s based on real events that actually happened. The film was directed by Ava DuVernay and stars David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson and Tim Roth. Oyelowo plays Martin Luther King Jr.; Wilkinson is James Bevel and Roth plays Al Sharpton.

Selma tells the story of the iconic civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965, during which Dr. King led thousands of peaceful protesters on a journey that tested both their determination and their faith in democracy. The film not only chronicles this important moment in American history; it also presents a complex and compassionate portrait of one of the most influential civil rights leaders in history.

Selma is not your typical historical drama. It’s based on real events that actually happened, which makes it an extremely accurate portrayal of key events from the 1960s. David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson and Tim Roth all give excellent performances as Martin Luther King Jr., James Bevel and Al Sharpton, respectively. The film moves at a slow pace at times, but this is generally balanced out by its powerful emotional impact. Selma is available on DVD and Blu-ray now.

More to know

Selma is generally well-received by movie fans. Many people praise its historical accuracy and emotional impact, while others note that it can be a little slow at times. Overall, Selma is an enjoyable and important film that deserves your attention. What People Don’t Like about Selma

Some people do not appreciate the slow pacing of the film. Others say that it’s too emotionally intense at times, making it difficult to follow.

However, this is generally balanced out by the fact that Selma is based on real events.

Selma was filmed in a variety of locations, including Atlanta, New York City and Memphis. It took a total of nine months to shoot, with an estimated budget of $20 million. The film also had a fairly large crew, with over 100 people working on it at any given time.

However, Selma is not a big-budget film, so it does not cost a lot to make.

Selma has received positive reviews from critics. It currently holds an 86% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with many critics praising its historical accuracy and emotional impact. The film also has a Metacritic score of 77 out of 100, indicating that it’s generally well-received by movie goers.

Final Thought

Selma is a movie directed by Ava DuVernay. The film portrays the struggle of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his fight for the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Ava DuVernay, director: “I think we need to be careful that what we’re seeing isn’t just an opportunity to sell other things.”

“This movie is not about being entertained or being distracted,” she says. Selma is a 2015 American historical drama film directed by Ava DuVernay and written by Paul Webb, who based the screenplay on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery voting rights marches led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The film stars David Oyelowo as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Tim Roth as Governor George Wallace, Carmen Jogo as Coretta Scott King, Tom Wilkinson as President Lyndon B.


How Did You Feel When Watching The Movie And What Were Your Thoughts On It?

I felt really emotional while watching the movie. I loved that it was so accurate in terms of portraying the events of Selma and the struggles faced by Dr. King and others during that time period. I thought all of the actors did an amazing job in portraying their respective characters. David Oyelowo was my favorite performer, as he portrayed Dr. King flawlessly.

How Does The Story Of Selma 2014 Compare To That Of Other Movies About The Civil Rights Movement?

I think Selma 2014 compares very favorably to other movies about the civil rights movement. It is epic in scale and tells an incredibly detailed and accurate story of the events that took place. I believe it will make a significant impact on those who watch it, especially given its emotional nature.

Which Character Was Your Favorite, Which One Was Your Least Favorite, And Why?

I’m definitely a fan of David Oyelowo’s portrayal of Dr. King, so my favorite character was him. However, I did not enjoy Tim Roth’s performance as Governor George Wallace as much. He came across as quite over the top and histrionic in some scenes.

Do You Think This Is A Good Movie For Kids To Watch Or Not? Why Or Why Not?

I think Selma 2014 is a great movie for kids to watch. It is packed with action and adventure, as well as some touching moments that will resonate with them. I believe it will help to educate them about the important civil rights movement and the significant impact it had on American history.

What Do You Think Will Happen In The Next Part Of The Movie, Based On How Things Ended In Selma 2014?

I am very excited to see what happens next in Selma 2014! I think it is likely that the remaining civil rights activists will continue their quest for equality, and eventually reach victory.

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