Serangan Island



Serangan Island


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Island is the name given to an island that is situated off the coast of a continent. In the research realm, islands are places where most archaeological discoveries have been made. However, these islands are often named after the geographic region and not after the geographical location.

Here we are going to look at why islands are important in archaeology and how they were formed and why they look like they do today. See for yourself, as you uncover what also makes them special in this blog.

Serangan Island


The town was named after the island which lies off its eastern shores. Before the 10th century, it existed as a small fishing village whose people originated from various villages in Sekamat but stayed on this land upon request of their late ancestors.

During that time, other neighbouring Muslim groups also set foot here to settle down and make living for themselves in modern-day Bengkulu province since there were no Muslims settled along seacoast lines before . In 1520, the name of Bengkulu was first recorded as Sumatra in a dictionary.


The tropical town Bengkulu has four distinct seasons. The weather can be both rain/snow-fall and dry/summer in a year without fail as it falls between the two at all times of its rotation around the globe. But since there are extreme sporadic changes from one season to another, people adjust themselves according to local culture with respectively resourceful clothes that give best suitability innoxious clothing during rainy months for those residing on highland and beach preferring clothes during hot months.

The island of Bengkulu is divided into five districts (subdistricts), they are Bokor Kecil, Muara Belitiapura, Tengkat Tongdanang, penampang and Pondok Parung Ukubaningsih. As a result the central administration divides[13] all current administrative duties on nine head offices which represent each district.


Various cultures are part of the wider Sunda civilization and therefore Bengkulu province is formed as one among them. It consists of cultural elements that originated from every Muslim tribe:

A native vegetable known in English language botanical term as “Daun kacang”, which translates to butterfly pea or peepul bean, its main ingredient reference is a specific kind tree called ‘Bungkil’ (Siamese banyan) named after the cluster of pea-like fruits at branch end.

Bungkil is a Malayan tree that grows along river banks and takes root in water or wetland soil, a habitat where it also serves as basis food source for ‘Daun kacang’ consumption which becomes its main ingredient to produce various types of local dietary delicacies. In Bengkulu province .



Bengkulu province is endowed with many tourist attractions such as “Pondok Ranti Pondok means houseboat by its cultural usage. There are arbor and raft shaped wooden houses with roofing capacity to carry a weighted barrel of water, which usually used for rice wine production or in local ceremonies occurrence depending on ‘Daun kacang’ ingredients that comprises its content.

Among Bengkulu’s natural resources it has got to provide the best most wholesome edible water rice wine called “Pandan”, which is especially produced for royal ceremonial royal processions, festivities and celebratory purposes.

Bungkil tree produces enormous amount of ‘Pandan’ buds . This dried bud can be collected on field or plantation until mid-November before opening those fresh bud will keep producing more yield.


Bengkulu provincial train line is going through the city and connecting inland until south Kalimantan, which stretches to Palembang in southern Sumatra province with its central points of ‘Daun kacang’ plantations location along this railway track.

Bengkulu has two JCI (Jakarta International) airports, one at Bandar Lampung and another in Batavia Qebo Airport Limited 28 km north from Bengkulu city center. The domestic airport can provide flights to all major cities in Indonesia and international destinations like Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand among others.

Bengkulu has the best healthcare facilities at provincial level especially enlisted with the assistance of its biggest dollar donor which is none other than James Bali: One who donated more then 5 million dollars into a hospital being named after him “Jimat Hospital”.



Bengkulu people exclusively use rice and ‘dal’ as the primary staple of their food. Staplefood must be cooked before eaten, because it will get hard when left for too long in warm ambient temperature that affects its quality if already dry at hand .

On top of dal, traditional home cooking such meat stir-fried with tomato paste or eggs is also always preferred breakfast lunch dinner and vitals regularly used served together . Beefs chicken and the use of instant noodles are also commonly consumed by the local people .

Local cuisine is complemented with wild vegetables, herbs and spices which grows abundantly during monsoon season.Peranakan food has been stirred amongst various ethnic groups in Peninsular Malaysia such as Malay’s Indians and Chinese throughout its existence for more than a century (since southwest regional shift cession era at least).



Bengkulu has a rich bio-diversity due to its close vicinity with the Kerinci Seblat National Park. Wildlife must be protected and care for by Bengkulu authorities as it will give an economic boost for years to come. The lack of interest in conservation may have no other purpose but ruin our next generations future .

Bengkulu is not only synonymous with coal mining, logging industry and industrial installations along the Ok u peninsular coastline but also with the preservation of its unique bio-diversity .

This must be taken seriously by local authority who shall dedicate in contributing their financial and human resources to fighting against illegal logging that is not only jeopardizing our future generations but also giving mouldering a bad name for us internationally.


Bengkulu is a large island, with the most important centre of tourism in Batam Island. This area covers two countries; Indonesia and Malaysia both offering their own unique identity but still connected by strong ties marriages and country culture .

The variety of softs made here are consumed all over the world while hard wood timber resources can be used to build material products or exchange value internationally such as real estate investment etc.. Keeping this perspective must push us to be much more persistent on creating a well-prepared and healthy eco-system so as to boost the economy of both countries .

The extreme rareness of certain types (particularly fresh water fishes) and decline in birth rates must give us urgency to cooperate among authorities and industries. Furthermore, we could consider whether port or airport are required by Bengkulu Island due this uniqueness characteristic which also needs our cooperation with relevant stakeholders.


What Is Serangan Island?

Serangan Island is a small island located between peninsular coast of the two nations with 93.483364 km2 area, which borders Ok Peninsula side in Jian-Dong Peninsula, Malaysia and Tanjung Rambutan estuary on the seaward in Senggarang Strait. With less than 1100 persons living there , it also known as an outskirt .

Is Serangan Island Included To Maritime Territory?

Yes , Since seperating the islands into Malaysian and Indonesia jurisdiction, both countries is entitled to their own maritime territory.

Do You Have Any Tourism Industry?

No, Serangan Island has no tourist places so far as its land size and area also known for being remote place with very little traffic transportation or visitors like much beautiful natural place on Ok/Bintan Islands .

Are You Willing To Be A Venue For Malaysia And Indonesia Tourist Industry In The Future?

Yes, This potentiality can also be considered as an attraction of both countries from around the world .With expressed federal administration agreement on how to proceed by two sides should be able to accept this generous investment based on low cost living. The idea is beneficial towards each nation’s development so no benefiting neither side ‘s substantial economy alone but really benefits all related parties involved.

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