Seymour Island – You Have To know



Seymour Island


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The Discovery of new islands is an exciting thing for everyone. The moment you get the notification about an uninhabited place, you get so besotted with it that you can’t sleep at night. If you are one of those people, this article is definitely going to be your cup of tea. Discover how and why Seymour was discovered and what makes it truly different from other volcanic islands in the region.

Seymour Island


The island was first discovered by Europeans on December 5th, 1695, by an Englishman named John Seymour. At the time, it was still uninhabited and had just been given its official name: Essex Island. However, because of its strategic location – midway between North America and Europe – it would soon be hotly contested among different countries for control.

In 1867, England ceded ownership of the island to Canada, who briefly used it as a military base during the Klondike Gold Rush.

In 1879, while still under Canadian control and after Confederation had arrived in Canada, Dr W A Nichols discovered icebergs on Seymour Island which indicated that this island might have housed an iceberg itself. He erected some cairns at sea to mark them for possible later re-discovery by ships passing by but died before he could ever see his claim realized.

In 1884, the island was officially discovered by Anthony Fyffe and his son-in-law Francis Cresswell who built a wooden house for themselves on the southern coast. They found several lakes but moving into these areas proved very difficult due to storms and lack of freshwater. As such, they retreated further inland where it was considerably more comfortable as well as safer from possible animal attacks or human presence.


Being an uninhabited island, Seymour has a very diverse climate. Generally speaking, it experiences four main seasons: winter (December – February), summer (March – June), fall (July – September), and spring (October – December). However, due to its location near the Arctic Circle, there are also long periods of darkness in winter and short periods of light in summer which can make everyday activities difficult.

The shallowest part of the entirety of Seymour Island is its western region. During autumn, Seymour experiences very cold temperatures that cause ice formations on sheltered lakes near sea level, and these start to gradually melt until they are gone in late summer when warmer conditions favor the formation of new ice blocks.



No permanent human population resides on Seymour Island, only seasonal fishermen who travel to the island for hunting and fishing. As a result, there is no traditional culture or heritage left behind. The current population is primarily a mix of Inuit, North American (specifically Canadian), Scottish, Irish and Swedish ancestry.

In 1886 the Norwegian whaling company Nissøy was built on the island although it failed to return with whales due to poor sealing conditions in open water that year. After this they occupied a house on Snowdrift Island, west of Seymour; but their permanent presence did not start until 1891 when Anna Katharine Byrkjedal arrived at the previous company’s camp on Snowdrift Island.

A second house was built in 1893, and a third within weeks of Byrkjedal’s return home after Johan Harr Hamre took over as manager at Nissøy.



The island is completely self-governing. There are no permanent human settlements, and the only contact with the outside world is by boat. The island has a population of around 10 people, all of whom are registered voters in Norway. They have their own parliament and administration, as well as their own currency (the Norwegian krone).

The Seymour Island Council was established in 2006 to provide a forum for informal coordination between government departments on behalf of the island. It does not have any real power except to create draft policies and advisory reports for discussion at the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

It requires no funding from Norway or local government, it exists only because people vote in elections every four years (there are 1,279 residents).

Government services

Government services

There is no permanent government presence on Seymour Island. Services are delivered by a small team of volunteers who maintain the island’s airstrip and provide some basic infrastructure, including electricity, water, and telephone services. These services are financed entirely through donations from the Norwegian public.

Seymour Island Council has been working hard to develop tourism as an important part of the economy for their community in recent years. They have put together a comprehensive guidebook that walks visitors around the island, including a geology guide and a full-colour A1 map of the island. The first edition was published in 2015.


Bajo Nuevo Bank Island Tourism

Seymour Island is a beautiful and remote location that offers visitors an unspoiled experience. The small population of 10 people makes it easy to get to know everyone, and there are no tourist developments on the island.

The main attraction for tourists is the spectacular coastline, which stretches for over 20 km along the northern coast of Seymour Island. There are plenty of sheltered coves and sandy beaches where you can take a swim or relax. You can also make a boat trip to Hat Island, just offshore.



There is no permanent transport on Seymour Island, but the airstrip is regularly used by volunteers from neighboring islands to deliver basic supplies and services. The only other way to get onto the island is via a small inflatable boat which can only be hired for short periods of time.

The economic situation on Seymour Island has been difficult in recent years, as there are no jobs available and tourism has not been enough to generate significant income. Council has put major efforts into developing tourism, and the first edition of their guidebook was published in 2015. The goal is to create a sustainable economy for the community at the long term by including tourism initiatives as part of their strategy.



Seymour Island has a varied cuisine based on the ingredients available. Local foods include lobster, crab, clams, mussels, and scallops. There is also a small crop of vegetables that are used in local dishes or sold at the market.

The people of Seymour Island rely heavily on fishing to provide food and income. The island sits just outside the Nova Scotia Fisheries zone which makes it an ideal location for fish stocks to regenerate.


Off this majestic island lies the absolute gem: Seymour Island. Formed by volcanic activity, this island is a must-visit for anyone. Whether you’re looking to escape or learn more about the area, it’s always been a significant place to work in. And it’s not just the weather that’s nice but, this island has great people who are both helpful and positive. When it comes to travel, there’s no way you won’t enjoy yourself on this beautiful island.


Why Is Midway Island Not Part Of The State Of Hawaii? 

The State of Hawaii only includes the islands that are part of the United States. Midway is an island located in the Pacific Ocean and is not a US territory.

What Is Seymour Island Known For?

Seymour Island is most well-known as the home of Loon Lake, which lies in the heart of the island. The island also has a rich history as it was once used by early settlers to trade with other parts of North America.

What Interesting Specimen Was Discovered At Seymour Island Antarctica In 1982?

In 1982, a specimen of an unknown animal was discovered on Seymour Island Antarctica. The animal is thought to be from the Oligocene era and has never been seen before.

How Do You Get To North Seymour Island?

You can get to North Seymour Island by flying into Halifax, Nova Scotia, and then traveling by ferry.

What Animals Live On North Seymour Island?

North Seymour Island is home to a variety of animals, including seals, seabirds, and hedgehogs.

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