Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings Meaning and Ending explanation



Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings (2021)


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A lot of movies and series keep appearing in the entertainment industry. Mentioned below is one such movie which has recently been released in the theaters. The movie, “Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings (2021)” is a collaboration of superhero, martial arts and fantasy genres. It features a potential villain who awakens with amnesia and tries to destroy Earth. Who is this villain? What can he do? Just by reading below, you will understand all that.

All About Of Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings Meaning and Ending explanation

Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings (2021)

The Meaning of the Movie

The movie is based on the Marvel comic book of the same name. The story takes place in China during World War II and tells the tale of a man named Shang-Chi who is raised by his master to be an assassin.

After being captured, he escapes and finds himself being hunted by other assassins that have been trained since childhood to kill him. He ends up traveling through time, meeting famous historical figures like Genghis Khan and Napoleon Bonaparte along with other heroes from throughout history.

Eventually he becomes one of them but also falls prey to his own mistakes as well as those of others until he realizes that no matter how much you know about someone, there’s always more you don’t know than you do.

The Message of the Movie

The Message of the Movie

The movie is mainly about the power of knowledge and how it can be used for good or bad. Shang-Chi realizes this the most during his journey, as he comes up against people who want to use his skills for their own gain.

He ultimately defeats them all by using what he knows about them instead of just relying on physical strength alone. This message is important not only in relation to politics but also in every aspect of life, as there are always people out to use our skills for their own selfish gains.

Ending Explanation

Ending Explanation

A fight begins as Wenwu and the Ten Rings come to shatter the seal. Wenwu and Shang-Chi battle, and Wenwu throws Shang-Chi into a neighboring lake. Wenwu, guided by Li’s voice, starts breaking down the seal with the rings, causing many of the Dweller-in-Darkness’ minions to flee.

To halt the minions, the villagers and the Ten Rings reach an agreement. The Great Protector resurrects Shang-Chi before he rises from the ocean to face the minions. Wenwu and Shang-Chi battle again, with Shang-Chi triumphant. The Dweller-in-Darkness flees, aided by the souls snatched by the minions.

Recognizing that his wife is no longer alive, a humbled Wenwu sacrifices himself to rescue Shang-Chi and hands over the 10 rings to him. The combined efforts of Shang-Chi, the Great Protector, Xialing, and Katy ultimately slay the Dweller-in-Darkness.

Shang-Chi and Katy return to San Francisco, where they are called to Kamar-Taj by the sorcerer Wong.

In a mid-credits sequence, Shang-Chi inquires about the rings’ origins with Bruce Banner and Carol Danvers, and discovers that they are sending a mystery signal.

In a post-credits sequence, Xialing becomes the new head of the Ten Rings, despite having told her brother that she would dissolve the organization

The Main Idea of The Movie

The Main Idea of The Movie

The main idea of the movie is that without strength, one can easily be used by others. This is especially true in the world of politics, where petty people will always try to take advantage of someone else’s skills for their own gain. Shang-Chi uses his physical prowess to force governments through diplomacy, which is the main route for normal people to get power.

However, this often causes misunderstandings and unnecessary conflict with other influential individuals or nations who seek influence as well. This inability of leaders or ordinary citizens alike therefore serve political situations in a much more negative way than they could have otherwise done without resorting to violence (which obviously breeds even more problems).

For example, Shang -Chi was forced to use lethal force with the Ten Rings organization because they had penetrated into numerous places where diplomacy would not have been effective.

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

One interpretation of the movie could be that without physical strength or power, one’s ability to protect oneself is diminished. In other words, it can be interpreted as a metaphor for how lack of physical might can often mean long-term vulnerability. For example, Shang -Chi was eventually able to defeat the Dweller – in Darkness due to his amazing martial arts skills and mastery over assimilation.

However, this same ability would not have been enough to victory in a physical fight (assuming that The Dweller -in Darkness was not an absolute master of martial arts himself) because the latter would have had some advantage due to his incredible stamina and vast amount of time practicing martial arts as opposed to Shang-Chi’s short period.

Was the Ending Satisfying?

In general, the ending of the movie is satisfying. However, there are some people who would argue that Shang -Chi should have killed The Dweller – in Darkness because he had caused so much destruction and suffering. Others might feel that Shang-Chi’s victory was not complete because he did not eliminate all forms of evil in the world.


The story of Shang-Chi and the legend of the Ten Rings is one of the most intriguing tales in the history of comics. Created by Marvel Comics and told in the comic book form, it is a totally new take on the origins of Shang-Chi. Thanks to this fact, it has garnered interest among film enthusiasts as well. Already being pitched to Hollywood studios, a good number of them have shown interest in adapting the story for the big screen. However, there are still many unclear points regarding the first spin-off movie set in adaptation of this particular Marvel comic book.


1.Does Shang-chi and Katie End Up Together?

Ans: At the end of the movie, Shang-Chi seems to have feelings for Katie. However, it is far from certain whether or not they will get together in a future installment.

2.What Is the Story of Shang-chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings?

Ans: Shang-Chi is a martial artist who was born with extraordinary fighting skills. He has faced many opponents in his lifetime, but no one has ever been able to defeat him.

One day, Shang-Chi is challenged to a match by the emperor of a faraway kingdom. The emperor is so impressed by Shang-Chi’s skills that he offers him the hand of his daughter in marriage in exchange for victory.

Shang-Chi accepts the challenge and begins to train harder than ever before. With the help of his teacher and mentor, Tao-Ko, Shang-Chi becomes even more powerful and skilled.

One night, while Shang-Chi is asleep, Tao-Ko slips away to gather some herbs for Shang-Chi’s next training session. While he is away, the emperor’s men raid Shang-Chi’s home and take Tao-Ko prisoner.

3.What Was the Creature at the End of Shang-chi?

Ans: At the end of the movie, Shang-Chi faces off against a creature that seems to have ties to his past. It is not clear what this creature is, or where it came from.

4.What Does the Shang-chi Ending Mean?

Ans: The Shang-Chi ending is a bit of a mystery. It appears to suggest that Shang-Chi will be returning in future installments, but it is not clear what this means for the story overall.

5.Why Was So Much of the Shang-chi Movie in Chinese?

Ans: The majority of the movie was in Chinese because it is set in China.

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