Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs Storyline and Short Reviews



Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs


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The golden age of Hollywood has often been cited as the most famous era in film history. It saw the birth of some of the most iconic movies ever, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This classic film follows a young girl who finds herself trapped in a house with seven dwarfs.

This classic Disney tale is one of the most famous animated films ever made. It’s based on a story by German author, Hans Christian Andersen. Snow White is a young girl who has an affair with the prince and bears his child. After the king finds out about her affair, he puts Snow White in prison and kills her child.

The prince manages to escape from prison looking for revenge. This movie is an excellent example of being wonderfully entertaining, but also very violent and mature. It told the story of a vampire who lived during the Crusades-era Middle East before settling down in New York City with his wife Lest at (the original Vampire). The film was directed by Tod Browning based on his play starring Bela Lugosi as Dracula with Boris Karloff.

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

Main Characters Of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

Young Snow White

Young Snow White

Snow White is a young girl of royalty who has an affair with the prince and becomes pregnant by another man. She disguises herself as someone else to hide her pregnancy from everyone, especially the jealous queen.

Possessive Dwarfs


In this classic Disney tale, seven quirky characters live in their stone palace surrounded by nature out in deepest countryside where they believe nothing can harm them except for its creator- God Himself (mentioned within the beginning credits).



This cheerful carefree man feels better than anyone else and he loves to sing, dance, sing a song. Princess Snow White is jealous of him because she believes the seven dwarfs are wealthier than her if not more attractive or talented in some cases.



Snow White’s dwarfs go to sleep after eating some roast forest mushrooms that they find in a cave. Soon, all the dwarfs have fallen asleep as well and Snow White has to get up during dark times alone because of their deep sleeps. A few days later, however. And with much difficulty she finds her way out of the cave where Sleeping Mother Nature reveals herself as his creator Marry Graysmith who tells Evil Queen giving birth to Princess.



He is the first of Snow White’s dwarfs to get up that morning. She has some bumps on her forehead she will bump into along her journey when walking with Evil Queen who looks identical to Princess.

Dopey 2


He is another one of Sleepy, Sneezers’ Dwarfs and they are a very musical bunch also but his voice can be heard all over the countryside as he sings his song(s). This leads him

He is the first of Dopey, Sneeze’s group to wake up that morning. In another world similar place, he sees Princess Snow White from his reflection in a mirror and tells her she will me

Magic Mirror

Magic Mirror


et her ideal man someday when this happens both are sent back to their own worlds unaware of what they have just seen which marks him scared as well remembers being talkative before falling asleep while standing at an empty doorstep but yet notices there.



A short foolish little man with an awkward physical appearance and a frail heart who loves to play soft music, is clumsy as well; he usually plays the flute.



The second tallest dwarf of all time height wise but is not strong nor physically active like other dwarfs; in fact, he can hardly move or act at all during their daily routine unless it involves him listening to his mother moving around her house on some chores.

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Story Summery

Sneezy is the first dwarfs to wake up and sees Princess Snow White in her nightdress on a hill. He tells his brothers that someone’s caught pricking flies with him sleeping at the doorsteps of another house near their cave when Marry Graysmith shows herself from behind everything she knows after being sent back to Original World by Princess Snow White and returns there one more time three years later where she gets slept.

This can be traced back to answer the question who sent Snow White from her world home?

The seven dwarfs were on a mission. Grumpy had grump fled about every day of his life, so Marry Graysmith decided to sleep till he quit complaining, and letting everybody else get their chores done… Dopey was keen for fun and games, but always forgot which way came out of his cave at Back or Forward.

What Happen Then?

The very first-time grump fling turned into anger… The next day, he made it to the seven dwarfs’ cottage before they could get there. Dopey was fast asleep on a stool, snoring so loud that every pony up and down the mountain heard him; along with lots of animals too!

“What is this disgusting thing?” thought Snow White wondering what kind of beast would creep out at night licking their paws clean searching her dusty path home.

The next time Dopey woke up, it was midday and more animals were sleeping on his two steps… But this time they were not speaking Dwarfs’ tongue! This strange creature was talking sweetly words like welcome fellow Crystal Clansman and even mentioning that he had just come from a very enjoyable sleep at Her Highness’ castle in the North Clouds. The charmer suddenly goes all shy as the “dream” came to end as when the dwarfs stepped on him, he woke up! The baby-faced creature asked if they wanted some of his sweets.

Ending Of The Movie

Now that he was in their clutches, the dwarfs were forced to trade with this strange creature. The only thing Dopey could do was apologize for his mistakes and try to kill himself, but Snowy stopped him allowing for another installment of “classic” Dwarfish poetry. After waking up from imagined death as if a run-by-play actor, all animals cared about something other than pleasuring themselves as they waited elatedly on.

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Review

The opening scene of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs suggests that it is anything but ordinary, unlike the first comic book movie based on a Disney film following “Alice in Wonderland” and “The Rescuers”.

It was directed by Walt Disney which also made classic cartoons like Pinocchio, Dumbo and Fantasia (which from what I’ve heard earned millions more than these cheap low budget animations done in Chinese studios), as well as Pete Allen’s TV infomercials. But this opening reminds me so much of “Home Alone” when it says, Security Stations 24/7 and we’re protected by closed circuit cameras… security is in progress!

What People Like About The Movie?

I’m sure everybody who reads this review is a longtime lover of Disney, and I’ll try to make an intelligent opinion while listening the comments others made. All these problems just represent those that went into making Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs which came extremely late in the 20th century after all other successful Disney movies (except for Dumbo) were now available on DVD/VHS collection two or three years after their theatrical release… but at most, a few months old.

So, the movie was trying to stand out by adding something more uniquely original. It actually did it with some unique ideas and taking a different approach on making their cartoon series of movies but Snow White fails when you look at all its faults individually from story lines (not end-to-end) animation style (believe me we’ll get onto that later), characters development or lack of thereof or even what Disney wanted.

What People Do Not Like About The Movie

But what is the most disgusting fact I’ve ever caught about animation movies made in these Chinese studios? They still did a very good job on making all those awful ugly looking creatures Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs features because their cartoon drawings are extremely similar to Dumbo, Pinocchio and Peter Pan. If you look at anything animated from Disney or any other studio’s typical style which was pioneered by Walt himself then you can pretty much tell whether it.

Final Thought

The main problem is, many of them didn’t notice all these flaws at first and they ended up like me (overintellectualizing everything) by watching it again 10 or 15 years after the theatrical release in VHS/DVD. But this flawed movie has only one thing going for itself that I wanted to point out here:

The Characters Gasp! They flimsy so often you have a choice… Either love such cliches as ”

the ugly duckling” turns into a swan or be mad at the film crew completely failing to give these characters any meaningful development. Snow White doesn’t have that problem because… well, let’s just say she gets what she deserves in the end despite all her problems.


How Does The Story End?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual. However, some people believe that the story ends with either a happy or sad ending.

What Is The Moral Of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs?

  1. Do not be afraid of the dark.
  2. Trust your instincts and don’t listen to anyone who tells you different.
  3. Don’t be fooled by appearances, because sometimes what seems beautiful on the outside is not always what’s inside.
  4. Be brave and take risks, because that’s how you find your true self.

Who Were The Seven Dwarfs In Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs?

Belle – The bratty, spoiled daughter of the duke who takes over her father’s role

Pete – The son of a cruel and abusive mother. he is sickly

Doc (Dwarf)- He attempts to help Snow White but ends up imprisoned for his efforts

Grumpy- A dwarf that does not care about doing anything socially. If you get under his hair… Very bad.

What Is The Plot Of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs?

Snow White is a beautiful young girl who is kidnapped by the evil Queen and taken to her castle. There, she is forced to work as a servant in the palace and is eventually poisoned by the Queen. The seven dwarfs find Snow White and take her to their home, where they nurse her back to health.

The dwarfs help Snow White escape from the Queen’s castle and return her to her own kingdom. In the end, Snow White marries Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.

What Are The Requirements To Be A Dwarf?

Before you can become a dwarf, there are some characteristics that must be met. Dwarfs are of small stature, but in the movie, they only have to look like dwarfs.

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