Souris Island -Everything You Need to Know!



Souris Island -Everything You Need to Know!


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Souris Island is located off the coast of Nova Scotia in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The island was originally named after a French naval officer, who was killed in the Siege of Louisbourg in 1758.

The island had an important role in the battles of 1812 and 1814, and during World War II it served as a military base for the Royal Canadian Navy. Today, Souris Island is a popular tourist destination with its sheltered harbour and numerous hiking trails.

Souris Island -Everything You Need to Know!


Souris Island was first inhabited by the Mi’kmaq people. In 1758, a French naval officer named Olivier Levasseur was killed in the Siege of Louisbourg while defending the town against British forces. The island was later renamed after him and became known as Souris Island.

During World War II, Souris Island served as a military base for the Royal Canadian Navy. It played an important role in several battles, including the Battle of 1812 and the Battle of 1814. Today, Souris Island is a popular tourist destination with its sheltered harbour and numerous hiking trails.



The island’s ecosystem is diverse and contains many different types of plants and animals. The forest on the island contains maple, birch, cedar, and spruce trees, as well as wildflowers such as blue violet. There are also numerous bird colonies on the island, including puffins and seagulls.



The climate on Souris Island is cold and wet, with frequent variations in temperatures. The island experiences a lot of snowfall during wintertime.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion of the island’s inhabitants is predominantly Mi’kmaq. They continue to practice their traditional customs, such as theatre and dancing.


Language and Customs

The languages spoken on Souris Island are primarily English and Mi’kmaq.



The politics of the island are dominated by the Mi’kmaq people. They have a representative body, the Assembly of First Nations, which carries out policies on their behalf.

Government services

Government Services

Government services on Souris Island are provided by the Canadian government. These services include police and fire protection, health care, and education.



Tourism is an important industry on Souris Island. The island is popular for its scenery, wildlife, and recreational opportunities.

Hotel and Resort List

Hotel and Resort List

The following are some hotels and resorts located on Souris Island.

-Beaver Cove Inn

-Birchwood Manor Resort

-Captain’s Quarters Bed & Breakfast

-Crystal Beach Club Cabins

-Lighthouse View Guest House

-Miller’s Landing Resort

-Olde Mill Inn

-Pine Cove Lodge



The following are some activities available on Souris Island.




-Take a Sunset Cruise



The following are some transport options available to reach Souris Island.





The cuisine of the island’s inhabitants is typically based on seafood. Typical dishes include lobster, crab, and scallops.


The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘Souris Island’ is probably a place where there’s a lot of mosquitoes. The second thing is probably that it’s a rather unpleasant place to be. But, if you’re looking for a place to relax, Souris Island may be just what you need.

With its white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, and lush vegetation, it’s no wonder this island has been attracting tourists for years. So if you’re planning to visit Souris Island this summer, make sure to read our blog for the best tips on how to enjoy your time there!


What Do I Need To Bring With Me On The Island?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as what you will need to bring will depend on the specific island you are visiting. However, some essentials that may be helpful include sunscreen, insect repellent, hats, water bottles, and snacks. It is also recommended to bring a mobile phone so that you can stay connected with friends and family back home. Lastly, make sure to pack any medications that you may need in case of an emergency.

How Long Will It Take For Me To Visit Souris Island And Come Back Home Again?

If you have decided to visit Souris Island, it will take you about 6 hours to get there and back.

The distance between the airport in Souris and the main town is 9 km. It takes around 30 minutes to reach the central business district of Souris from the airport. The highway is very good and connects with other major cities like Winnipeg, Brandon, Steinbach and Thompson. There are many bus services that run between these places so getting around is not a problem at all.

How Can I Get To Souris Island?

Souris Island is located in the Bay of Fundy, which is a very popular tourist destination. The ferry from Saint John, New Brunswick to Souris Island takes about an hour and a half. You can also take the bus from Saint John to Moncton and then catch a ride on the ferry from there.

How Long Will It Take For Me To Visit Souris Island And Come Back Home Again?

If you want to visit Souris Island, here are some of the ways you can go about it.

First, you can book a flight from Toronto to Winnipeg and then fly to Souris Island. The journey will take approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes from Canada’s largest city. Alternatively, you can drive down from your hometown in Manitoba province which takes around 4 hours and 45 minutes.

Once on the island, there are many things that tourists do like scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing or simply exploring its shores by foot. You can also choose a tour package if you want guided tours or activities. There is an airport on the island where visitors can land so they can take flights back home again but since there aren’t any direct flights to Winnipeg from Souris Island, travellers have to book their tickets before they arrive in Manitoba’s capital city and this adds more time to their trip

Is There Anything That I Should Not Bring With Me On The Island?

Well, there are some items that you should not bring with you on the island.

Bring all your toiletries and personal needs as well as anything else that is essential for a comfortable stay. Also, if possible avoid bringing any type of food or drinks because they will spoil quickly in the warm weather. Some foods that should be avoided include meat, dairy products, eggs and oily food like chips and snacks.

If you have pets or plants at home then make sure to put them in an air-tight container so they do not perish during your vacation. You can also hire a pet sitter to take care of them while you are away from home which will be helpful for those who cannot leave their pets behind during the holidays.

If you have children then it is best to check with the travel agency about child services offered by them before booking your flight tickets as well as accommodations on the island (if necessary).

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