All About Of St Francis Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



St Francis Island


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St Francis Island is a small uninhabited island located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River. Originally inhabited by the Iroquois, Jacques Cartier sailed by the island on July 8, 1535 and named it after his patron saint, Francis of Assisi.

It was not until 1663 that Samuel de Champlain discovered the island and named it Île Saint-François after a member of his expedition. Over the years, St Francis Island has been a popular tourist destination for people interested in nature, history, and fishing.

All About Of St Francis Island

St Francis Island



St Francis Island was first inhabited by the Iroquois. Jacques Cartier, who sailed by the island on July 8, 1535 named it after his patron saint, Francis of Assisi. It wasn’t until 1663 that Samuel de Champlain discovered the island and named it Île Saint-François after a member of his expedition.

Over the years, St Francis Island has been a popular tourist destination for people interested in nature , history, and fishing.



The climate on St Francis Island is temperate. The island experiences four seasons – spring, summer, fall, and winter. In the summer months, temperatures usually reach around 25 degrees Celsius while in the winters they can drop below zero degrees Celsius .

History, climate and wildlife Many of the islands that would make up New England were originally inhabited by Native Americans. St Francis Island is no exception.

The Iroquois people had made the island their home for centuries before Champlain discovered it in 1604. After this discovery, European settlers began to claim land on both sides of the island; one side belonging to France (Saint Lawrence) and the other belonging to England (Newfoundland).



Today, the island is home to a small French community and a handful of English-speaking anglers. While there isn’t much in terms of cultural attractions on the island, its natural beauty makes it one of New England’s most popular tourist destinations. St Francis Island is a great place to go and see the wildlife.

In fact, it is listed as an Important Bird Area by both National Geographic and World Wildlife Fund (as well as government websites like New England natural heritage program). They are Canada geese, sandhill cranes, common loons, bald eagles , cranberry bluebirds and several different kinds of gulls.



St Francis Island is part of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The island has a population of around 100 people who are primarily French-speaking. The island has one mayor and no permanent police force.

Why do we use St Francis Island as a name when most of it is English-speaking? When the United States purchased the island in 1818, they named it “Buxton Island” after Benjamin Buxton, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs under President James Monroe.

They also renamed Pigeon Lake to Fort Louisy due to Napoleon’s oppression against Catholicism during his reign over Europe.

Government Services

Government Services

The island is not officially part of any province, but does have a limited government services. Most residents access health care through the provincial government in St John’s and rely on ferry service for other basic needs.

The only post office on the island is open from June-to-October each year and delivers mail to people living on the island six days per week during that time frame. Telephones are limited to cellular phones and were fairly common during the mid-1990s.

The island is located outside of regular television reception boundary lines, so there is no true access through cable or satellite programming as most islands in Newfoundland do have.


St Francis island Tourism

The island is currently used as a research facility and therefore does not offer much in the way of tourist attractions. Visitors to the island can expect to see scientists conducting research on animal behaviour, bird population counts, and other natural sciences experiments.

Visitors are not allowed to camp overnight on the island and must instead stay in their cars. The research station is also only open during September–October half of the year, so this adds further difficulty when trying to extend a visit.

Residents on the island depend primarily upon ferry service from St. Mary’s to get most items such as groceries and other municipal needs, so travel has been known to be a difficult feat in certain times of the year due to inclement weather or icy roads.


St Francis Transport

The only ferry service on the island operates between St. Mary’s and Flin Flon, Manitoba. The trip takes about six hours and is quite expensive at $115 per person one-way.

There is also a small private airfield on the island that offers limited flights to tourists during certain times of the year but those services are often unavailable due to weather conditions or other unforeseen events.


St Francis Island Cuisine

The cuisine on the island is quite limited and consists primarily of traditional Newfoundland foods such as bannocks, tea, and fish chowder. Visitors are not allowed to bring any food or drinks into the research station. Notable residents

As of 2006 the primary scientific research stations on Baffin Island have been operated by the University of Alberta.

The facility is home to a number of Canadian wildlife researchers and has contributed significantly towards helping to preserve endangered animal species such as polar bears, walrus, seals and sea birds.


St Francis Island Wildlife.jpeg

The main wildlife attraction on the island is the almost 20,000 walrus that call it home. The population had been declining rapidly due to hunting and climate change but has since stabilized thanks to tighter regulations and better management.

Baffin Island also boasts a large caribou herd numbering in the tens of thousands and diverse bird populations such as seabirds, raptors, waterfowls, songbirds and grouse.

The weather can change drastically quickly in the Baffin Island region hence visitors are advised to dress for cold weather and pack warm clothing.

There is no reliable electricity on the island so recharging personal electronic devices such as cell phones or laptops is usually not possible unless arranged before arriving on site through a local host employer.


St Francis Island is a small island located in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River. It is located in Canada and has a population of around 1,500 people. Saint Francis Island is known for its agricultural production and its forests. The forest on Saint Francis Island is a valuable resource because it provides jobs and income to the people living there.


1.What Is The Population Of Saint Francis Island?

Ans: The population of Saint Francis Island is around 1,500 people.

2.What Is The Name Of Saint Francis Island?

Ans: The name of Saint Francis Island was changed to Île de Pâques in 1999.

3.What Are The Main Industries On St Francis Island?

Ans: The primary industry that is based at St Francis Island is agriculture. There are many farms and some come from traditional families of York County who have been farming this land for generations until today.

4.Where Else Are People Commonly Associated With St Francis Island?

Ans: People across the world associate their connection to Saint Francis Island by different ideas such as a place where pioneers settled or it was used for military access at Halifax during World War II.

5.When Was St Francis Island First Settled?

Ans: The first permanent settlement at Saint Francis Island was established in 1724 during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). The local population didn’t stay much longer than that because they failed to deliver their provisions even once.

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