St François Island – Everything You Have to Know




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St François Island, located in the St. Lawrence River, is a picturesque destination for outdoor enthusiasts. This 660-hectare island is an important part of the Quebec heritage and offers visitors a chance to explore its forests, lakes, and rivers.

Recreational activities on the island include fishing, canoeing, hiking, birdwatching, and horseback riding. In addition to its natural attractions, St François Island is home to a number of historical sites, such as Fort Frontenac and the Charles de Gaulle Airport.

St François Island History

St François island

St François Island was first settled by the French in 1615. The island later became part of New France, and played an important role in the region’s history. During the French and Indian War, St François Island served as a base for British forces opposed to the colonists.

In 1759, during the Seven Years’ War, St François Island was briefly occupied by German troops who sought to use it as a launch point for attacks on Quebec City . In July 1946, St François Island became part of Canada. Today, the island’s only inhabitants are restricted to those working in government and industry.



Located in the middle of the St. Lawrence River, St François Island experiences a temperate climate. The winters are mild and the summers moderately hot. In spite of its geographic location, the island is relatively free from heavy snowfall. In addition to its many natural attractions,

St François Island is known for the quality of its ecosystems. Green spaces make up about a third of the island’s total surface area and include large areas dedicated to wildlife habitat , recreational trails, flower gardens interspersed with various species’ habitats.



The culture of St François Island is rooted in its history and natural environment. The island’s French heritage is evident in the architecture, cuisine, and traditions that continue to be practiced today. As one of Canada’s most isolated communities,

St François Island maintains a distinctive cultural identity that has contributed to the island’s well-known reputation as a haven for arts and crafts . Among the many festivals celebrated on the island each year are Fête du Car ême , a celebration of the time in which Marie-Julie Mance founded her mission on St. François Island for French settlers, and Pêche de la Saint-Jean, an annual fishing competition that dates back to 1609.

The gentle subtlety of a simple Canadian winter sunset from St Francis Island near Quebec City.



St François Island is located in Quebec City and belongs to the judicial district of Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. As a result, it is part of the federal electoral district of Pointe-aux-Trembles—Les Pins. The island’s only representatives in Parliament are its mayor, Gilles Gauthier (Liberal Party) and member of parliament for La Peltrie—Mirabel, Michelle Rempel (Conservative Party). , its population was 4,941.

Government Services

Government services

The local government of St François Island is the municipality. The mayor and council are elected every four years. Municipality services include roads, public works, policing and fire protection , waste management, education, social programs and health care

The economy of St Francois Island is based on forestry (49%), fishing (30%) and tourism (27%). Forestry employs about half the workforce while fishing employs most of the remainder. Tourism accounts for 27% of employment . There are three schools and a college. The Saint-François airport is in use by charter planes, which bring tourists to the island for hunting or fishing trips.



The island’s principal tourist attraction is the 11th century Château Royal, located on a hilltop overlooking the village. The château, which has been open to the public since 1969, contains exhibits on Marie-Julie Mance and her missionary work as well as examples of eighteenth century French art .

Other attractions include museums and galleries in neighbouring villages of Saint-François and La Peltrie. In recent years , “Les Balades en Islette” has been operating a shuttle service that takes visitors on sight-seeing trips.


Pullen Island Transport

The island is connected to the mainland by a bridge. There is also a ferry service operated by Transports Canada between Saint-François and nearby Îles-de-la Madeleine, an island in the Gulf of St Lawrence that is part of Quebec’s Regional County Municipality (RCM). Vessels carry passengers and cargo.

Hurricane Jeanne, one of the most powerful hurricanes in 1906 to strike Quebec, caused great damage on St. François island.


Ellesmere Cuisine

Local dishes include boudin blanc (a type of sausage), tourtière (a meat pie), and galette des rois (a type of cake). The Royal family of Kentucky, who descend from the King Louis XIV by way of François de Bourbon and Marie-Louise de la Tour d’Auvergne (Louis XV’s niece) are registered on St. Frustine Island as residents , in addition to two ‘Kingdom’, “des Bois Montains” which the Kings enjoyed visiting often when they were not busy ruling France.



The island is home to a number of birds, including the snowy owl and the red-tailed hawk. The harpy eagle, an endangered species, can also be found in the area. St. François island is also home to moose and steller’s jays which can be seen along roads, paths and over the cliffs.

There are more than a dozen species of reptiles common in the area such as rattlesnakes, brown skinks , rubber boas , eastern indigo snakes (Leitus imbricatus) several lizards including nine-lined ground glass lizards

The bird population consists mainly of seabirds and smaller birds. These include seagulls, ducks, white-winged scoter and cormorants . Pigeons are found in large numbers along the coastline where they can be fed by humans or brought to them for disovery if a farmer has strayed from his field into unsettled land that is usually reserved only for native grasses , often called peat bogs.


St François Island is a world heritage site located in the Gulf of St Lawrence. It is part of the Gaspé region of Quebec, Canada. The island is about 130 km long and 50 km wide, with an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 people living on it. The first European to sight the island was Jacques Cartier in 1535. He called it “Pierre de Saint-Félicien” after the French saint who had preached in Paris the year before.


1.What Are The Main Attractions On St François Island?

Ans: The main attractions on St François Island include its forests, lakes, and rivers. There is also a historical site, Fort Frontenac, as well as horseback riding and other recreational activities.

2.How Big Is The Island?

Ans: The island is 660 hectares in size.

3.What Are Some Of The Climate Conditions On The Island?

Ans: The winters on Saint François Island are cold and the summers hot. The average temperature for January is about -14 C, with an average of 7 days below zero in winter temperatures get as low as February 4 to 8, which allows visitors from colder climates to visit but their winter wear may become quite bulky if they do not choose proper clothing.

4.What Is The History Of St François Island?

Ans: The island was first sighted in 1535 by Jacques Cartier. The explorer named it “Pierre de Saint-Félicien,” after a Franciscan friar who preached near Paris at the time. When Samuel De Champlain explored parts of New France under the orders of Louis XIV in 1604 he settled on this island with his crew and built a fort.

5.Who Can Visit St Francois Island?

Ans: The island is open to visitors from May 15th, 2016 until March 31st of the following year. During this period entry into Canada does not require a visa; you do need a passport for travel to France and St-Pierre itself.

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