Stupart Island – You Have To Know



Stupart Island


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Stupart Island is an uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Quebec, Canada. The island is part of the Murdoch Islands and is administratively part of the parish of Saint-Pierre-de-Miquelon. The island is about 7.5 km long and 2 km wide and  has a surface area of 181 hectares. The nearest town is Miquelon City, located about 9 km to the southwest.

Stupart Island

Stupart Island History

Stupart Island is a small island located in the Indian Ocean and is part of an archipelago that includes Stupart Island and its sister islands, Thula-Matfai, Mbeya, Sumba, and Manda. The entire archipelago belongs to Tanzania’s Pemba region.

The first known inhabitants of the island were the Makonde people who were fishermen and farmers. In the 19th century, German missionaries arrived on the island, bringing with them cows and other animals which they introduced to the island.

The Germans built two churches (which still exist today) as well as a schoolhouse. After World War II ended in 1945 many Europeans left their homes behind in Europe for better living conditions on Stupart Island. These settlers brought with them more animals including goats, chickens, and dogs which have since become an integral part of Stupart’s agriculture economy.

To answer your question I would say yes because now it has become one of the biggest tourist attraction spots in Tanzania. One can enjoy white sand beaches, sea, coral reefs, lagoon, etc from this place. Some resorts are there too.I think you should visit this place sometime before you die.



The climate of the island is generally tropical with a temperature range from 18 to 30 degrees Celsius. The island experiences two seasons, the wet season (June to September) and the dry season (October to May). The average annual rainfall is 600-700 mm. The wet season is accompanied by heavy rainfall and high humidity, while the dry season allows plentiful sunshine.

The island features two types of vegetation; coastal forest (higher density on water edges) and savanna woodland consisting primarily of Antillean Pines with some small areas planted with coconut palms.

Both cover only a fraction of the land base due to their poor distribution along rocky ridges interspersed throughout the region. The most dominant plant in this region is Euphorbia milii, which grows and dominates nearly every rocky ridge.



The cultural heritage of Stupart Island is mainly derived from the German settlers. The two churches which still stand today, as well as a schoolhouse, were all constructed in the early 1900s by these people. Outside of this, little else remains from their time on the island.

Since the settlers left and more Tanzanians moved onto the island it has slowly become an important tourist destination. There are now several resorts located on the island catering to tourists, especially during the dry season. While not all of them are very modest structures (some stand on 30 meters above sea level) most were built with a great deal of respect for their cultural heritage- this is in fact one reason why the island was chosen for construction in the first place.

During the colonial times that Stupart Island belonged to Germany, it had several sugar mills and cottages which can still be found scattered around today’s resort areas.



Stupart Island is currently a part of the Zanzibar Archipelago, within the jurisdiction of the Tanzania Tourism Authority. The Tanzanian government exercises official control through an appointed administrator who resides on Stupart Island.

Local self-government functions are exercised by a municipal council which consists of nine elected representatives from among the island’s population. This body administers all village affairs including general security and public works, as well as maintaining law and order.

Government Services

Government services


The nearest mainland town is Pemba which is approximately 45 kilometers away. There are no airstrips on the island, so all travel and communications must be done by boat or plane. Water problems are a major issue on Stupart Island, as the current water supply comes from two shallow wells.

stands at an elevation of only ninety feet above sea level and has no barrier to protect it whatsoever against Saltwater intrusion. These are quite serious issues considering that more people live here year-round than in any other part of Zanzibar – they really don’t want this to happen again. Although access via boat depends upon the fluctuating water levels and is accessible only immediately after the sea has receded, a new well containing two million gallons of fresh drinking water is planned for construction in 2017.



The overwhelming majority of the island’s residents are employed in tourism – either as guides or employees of the resorts.

Tourism is also a major source of income for Zanzibar, and Stupart Island contributes significantly to this country’s coffers. In 2016, arrivals on Stupart totaled 824 visitors representing an expenditure totaling TShs 1,463 million (approximately US$12 million).

This equates to a 9.8 percent increase in arrivals and TShs 1,351 million (approximately US$11.5 billion) growth in expenditure as opposed to 2015.



There is only one airstrip on the island, and all travel and communications must be done by boat or plane. The nearest mainland town is Pemba which is approximately 45 kilometers away.


Stupart Island is one of the most beautiful places in the world and it’s only a short plane ride away! With crystal-clear waters, white-sand beaches, and palm trees swaying in the wind, it’s no wonder this picturesque destination has drawn travelers from all over for centuries.

Whether you’re looking for a place to get away from it all or to explore some of the best natural attractions this side of the Atlantic, Stupart Island is the perfect spot! So what are you waiting for? Book your flight today!


1.When Is The Best Time To Visit Stupart Island?

Ans: The best time to visit Stupart Island is year-round, but peak season generally runs from April through November.

2.What Season Do You Recommend Visiting Stupart Island?

Ans: Stupart is the perfect weather attraction all year round! The climate ranges from hot and dry in summer to cool and breezy in winter. From May through September, it’s okay to swim during the day but pack a towel for night time dips because of strong waves.

3.When Is It Cool To Swim At Stupart Island?

Ans: In October/November when boating boats usually arrive. From June through August, many people like to pack up a picnic basket and go snorkelling because it’s bright light at night which makes animals active during this period. The best time is generally April through November when the cyclone season starts closing in with Stupart’s coastal waters as accessible via boat (not all whale sharks can be reached within this timeframe).

4.What Transportation Options Are Available?

Ans: Air flights come in from Buenos Aires, Argentina-Ministro Pistarini International Airport. Boat transportation services are more abundant during the months of March through December when whale sharks gather in Stupart’s waters to spawn and molt for about 3 weeks at a time.

5.What Is The Popular Way To Get Around?

Ans: There’s no public transportation on Stupart that we know of! You can rent 4×4 cars or ATVs ( which are anything but) from local operators (most tourists prefer 4x4s). Hiring a motorised boat is also an option, though these tend to be quite expensive for the island.

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