Ted (2012) Movie Storyline and Short Reviews



Ted (2012) Movie FAQs


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In this article, we take an in-depth look into the plot of the movie based on Ted’s life, who was the main character in the film. Ted follows the story of a friendship between a boy who has yet to develop an adult identity, and an artificially intelligent talking teddy bear that feels the boy’s life is over.

The film is about the potential for bringing about long-lasting and meaningful change for humanity. First, let us go into its characters and storyline.

Ted (2012) Movie Storyline and Short Reviews


The story starts with Ted (voiced by Mark Wahlberg) being given to a young boy, John (Christian Bale), who is going through a tough time in his life. John’s parents have recently divorced and he seems to be struggling to find his place in the world. Ted provides comfort and friendship to John, helping him deal with his problems.

But as time goes on, it becomes clear that Ted may represent something much more important for John than just a friend. It soon becomes apparent that Ted is an artificially intelligent talking teddy bear that has been designed by scientists working on a secret project. Ted has the ability to help John confront some of his biggest personal challenges, and help him find his place in the world.

The film follows John as he wrestles with whether or not to give Ted away to another young boy who may be better able to use him or keep him safe and secrets for himself. The story culminates with a dramatic confrontation between John and his father (Ben Affleck), which reveals insights into both men’s lives that they never would have known otherwise.

Short Reviews

The storyline is interesting and well done. The characters are likable and the ending is satisfying. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone looking for a good story. It is the movie we can point to as an example of how animals are treated and ready for extinction.

We need to make sure that this won’t happen again; this film makes us think about our beautiful earth, because someday it could be gone. It’s a good story even if you don’t like animated movies much (I personally am not one).

Rating: 10/10

The Performance of the Cast and Crew

The film has a good story line with likable characters and an ending that is satisfying. The acting by the cast and crew is excellent, both in their performance of the scenes and in overall directing. The writing is strong, with well-developed plot lines and believable characters.

Cinematography captures the beauty of nature while storytelling helps to create a mood that draws viewers into the movie. Music helps to set emotional tones, adding depth to the movie experience.

Awards Won

Awards Won

The Geller Report Award for Best Animated Feature

Animated Features Magazine’s Student Choice Awards: Best Picture, runner-up – “The Tale of Despereaux”.


Ted is a 2012 American comedy road film. The movie is about a man who is determined to have a child with his husband and to have a child by any means possible, even if it involves using the internet to turn himself into something like a robot.

The movie won the 2012 MTV Movie Award for Best Comedy and the Award for Best Kiss at the 2012 Teen Choice Awards. On the value level, this movie is worth watching on the big screen, but if you are looking for an online movie to watch, you can try websites like Netflix or Hulu to view Ted in their respective web apps.


What Was the Best Part of the Movie?

The best part of the movie was when, in a single moment, everything was revealed. The protagonist discovered that his wife had been cheating on him with his friend and he realized that his life is not what it should be.

In this scene, all the characters showed their true colors as they were facing their past and showing how they changed from that moment. They finally reached to their destination where all the things were revealed. It was like when you know about your past but you do not want to know about it anymore because you are afraid of what would happen if you would go back to those memories. This is similar in the movie as well.

It showed how each character changed throughout the years and how they came out of darkness at last reaching to truth and light where everything was unveiled before them in a single instant after waiting for so long.

What Is the Story of Ted?

Ted is a humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics and designed to look like the child actor, Theodore. Ted is equipped with artificial intelligence that enables him to understand human language and interact with humans in a natural way. Ted was made for his own personal use as he loves music, books, painting, and playing games such as chess.

Ted was created in 2013 by David Hanson who wanted to show the public how far artificial intelligence has come since computers were first introduced in the 1940s. The goal of creating this robot was to inspire people to embrace technology rather than fear it.

He is just one example of how robotics will change our lives over time as robots will be able to find solutions for many problems we face every day such as cleaning up after ourselves and even performing surgery on patients when necessary.

How Many Times Did You Laugh During This Movie?

During the movie I laughed around 5 times, some of them were:

When Jim and Amy first meet each other.

When Amy is at work and she has to talk to customer about their bill.

While Amy and Jim are trying to figure out what’s going on in the store room.

When Jim talks about his mom.

As soon as I realized that they had actually stolen money from someone, it made me laugh really hard! Thanks for reading this post! Hope you enjoyed it!

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