The Bridge on the River Kwai Movie Storyline and Short Review




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“The Bridge on the River Kwai” is one of the most successful movies ever made in Japan, not just concerning its success, but also because of its theme. It is still a topic that connects the world and creates bonds between people. In fact, it was made to fight against war and to bring peace to the world. So, for lovers of any sports, it is vital that this movie story is known. The writer was a novelist and screenwriter named Pierre Boulle, who actually wrote the story from a real account from World War II written by an officer named Major Edmund Blakeney.

Storyline of the Movie

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World War II had broken out on the 6th June 1942. The Japanese army is going to attack India through Burma and built a bridge with their prisoners and forced them to work for weeks without food, water or any rest.

Out of all the individuals that were involved in this project, only three held back from working very hard under these unbearable conditions: Colonel Nicholson (played by Alec Guinness), Dr. Saito (Yul Brynner) and Maitland (played by William Holden).

The Colonel and Saito had work very hard, while the Colonel’s assistant Robert Lawrence played endless tricks to slow down their process. In addition, they were beaten when ever they made mistakes.

Everything was fine until a British plane appears during free time and informs them that wood carriers are dropping supplies at night-time just before being attacked by another Japanese plane then removed one of its two wings with ease prior to the planes flying over them.

The wind carried a cargo of explosives and it is likely that they are all going to die because each one thousand pounds of explosive can destroy half a mile radius. So, their only chance for survival choices was to repair or replace those wings with something else in order so when this happened again another aircraft will have time to perform its mission.

The Climax of the Movie

The Bridge on the River Kwai climax

To save themselves, they placed the bomb on every aircraft that was going to be used as a vehicle of death (food and souvenirs) or had an extremely small choice in case it encounters something bigger.

The operation took only three days from planning to completion despite their real-life lack of resources and experience in this kind of situation where time is everything for everyone. They first use raw steel for weight purposes without putting any cutting edges because brick would otherwise break the wings.

They used magnesium to cut through steel which took them several days to obtain the necessary quantity of it.  However, the discovery that guaranteed their survival was when one wing’s parasite (by having a specific position on top) broke because of this process and allowed for more room for fixing operations as well as another possible use; pulling out some parts from inside its belly where explosives were hidden so they could be easily replaced.

Cast and Characters

The casting was done very carefully especially in regards to their experience around the movie so that only people who have a real background on what they had experienced and seen went into those parts. They put up a test involving everybody, including crew members and future cast members.

Their first choice was Giancarlo Giannini, together with Suzy Santoro due to his previous work as an Italian actor portraying Vito Corleone in “The Godfather”, an Italian crime drama from 1972.  Vito Corlemy was the main character of Robert D. Altman, Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola’s Midnight Cowboy (1969) and played by Marlon Brando.

After discovering that Giancarlo Giannini was unavailable for other reasons we realized that he would be perfect once more as our protagonist especially since we’ve seen how well he can perform in other roles where the main character intends to be strong, intelligent and noble but eventually gets swayed by desire.

As expected we also depended on couple of people who were part at least one movie within this project which ended up being Juan Diego Botto as Wings pilot Nino Bartelme , Sebastian Aragonés for Captain Miller’s role and Delphine Lynch-Coté for our lovely nurse Miss Beauchemin.

Short Review

Short Review

We knew our movie can have great impact among the general public, but we had no intention to make a fast paced action film. We’d focus on plot without unnecessary long shots that else would’ve been very difficult for us animators with limited technology and resources at hand. Code:

Black is an adventure movie with science fiction elements concerning artificial intelligence which takes place in the future; since this theme wasn’t popular or even slightly present during its 1980s’ years and this would become a very popular one twenty years later.

Since our movie borrowed so many elements from “Animatrix” (2003) by the anime pioneer himself, we had to recreate them just as Hollywood does for cartoons yet it also has its own mood. Between two conflicting choices were usually created combinations of concepts similar but not identical to those known from both reference points which certainly aided our work in collaboration with Giancarlo Giannini.

Blog Conclusion:

The Bridge on the River Kwai is a 1954 British film about the Burma Railway. It was adapted from a novel of the same name by Pierre Boulle, who also wrote Planet of the Apes. The story is set in 1943 and concerns two prisoners of war, one French and one British, who are forced to build a bridge over the River Kwai on behalf of their respective countries.


1.Why Does Everyone Keep Talking About This Film?

Ans: It not only has cultural significance but also as an entertainment tool; like every other good story thanks to cinematography later generations can tell the story and retell it to each other. It doesn’t hurt that the movie is pretty good, well acted exciting atmospheric beautiful just like a summer blockbuster should be.

2.What Is the Origin of the Bridge on the River Kwai?

Ans: The original quote came from a piano piece by Joseph Kosma this itself was based on an earlier poem called willows by Arthur Ransome in 1895 which he wrote for his son Peter when he was aged 10. The Bridge on the River Kwai is based off a story written at least 70 years earlier his book located in Bodleian Library Oxford UK

3.Is the Bridge on the River Kwai Still There?

Ans: The bridge was built by British prisoners of war during World War II. It is located in the jungle near Kanchanaburi, Thailand. The bridge was constructed to replace a railway line that had been damaged by Japanese forces. The bridge was constructed between April and June 1942, and it took the prisoners of war just over four months to build it.

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